path: root/lang
diff options
authorJean-Michel Vedrine <vedrine@vedrine.org>2013-06-26 11:36:03 +0200
committerJean-Michel Vedrine <vedrine@vedrine.org>2013-06-26 11:36:03 +0200
commit76b2d58820fe59057049ce837272df1b93914897 (patch)
tree15175c91cac86b2f2394afe85e9682247571f544 /lang
parent7d8812ac27cace039096c49eb253933f44c10a23 (diff)
Upgrade algebra qtype for Moodle 2.5 short forms
Diffstat (limited to 'lang')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
index 5b62228..1303dc1 100644
--- a/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
+++ b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
@@ -95,17 +95,19 @@ receiving any grade for the question even if the response would match
a given answer for the question.';
$string['disallowans'] = 'Disallowed Answer';
$string['disallowanswer'] = 'Disallowed Answer';
+$string['duplicatevar'] = 'Duplicated variable name: \'{$a}\' is already defined.';
$string['editingalgebra'] = 'Editing an Algebra question';
$string['evalchecks'] = 'Evaluation Checks';
$string['filloutoneanswer'] = 'You must provide at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used. \'*\' can be used as a wildcard to match any characters. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback. Only variables defined above are allowed';
-$string['filloutonevariable'] = 'You must provide at least one variable. All variables used by answers must be entered here. Minimum and a maximum values are only needed if the Evaluation comparison algorithm is used.';
-$string['illegalvarname'] = 'Illegal variable name \'{$a}\': same name as a parser function or special constant';
+$string['filloutonevariable'] = 'You must provide at least one variable.';
+$string['illegalvarname'] = 'Illegal variable name \'{$a}\': same name as a parser function or special constant.';
$string['nchecks'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks';
$string['nchecks_help'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks used in Evaluation Comparison Algorithm';
-$string['notanumber'] = 'Invalid value: a number is required';
-$string['notenoughvars'] = 'At least one variable is required for all algebra questions';
-$string['novarmax'] = 'No maximum bound specified for variable';
-$string['novarmin'] = 'No minimum bound specified for variable';
+$string['notanumber'] = 'Invalid value: a number is required.';
+$string['notenoughanswers'] = 'You must enter at least one answer.';
+$string['notenoughvars'] = 'You must enter at least one variable.';
+$string['novarmax'] = 'No maximum bound specified for variable.';
+$string['novarmin'] = 'No minimum bound specified for variable.';
$string['options'] = 'Options';
$string['parseerror'] = 'Error parsing function: \'{$a}\'';
$string['restoreqdbfailed'] = 'Restoring algebra question failed: database write error';
@@ -115,14 +117,16 @@ $string['tolerance_help'] = 'Determines the maximum difference between numerical
evaluations of the student response and question answers which will be
allowed to count as matching.';
$string['toleranceltzero'] = 'Tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero';
-$string['undefinedvar'] = 'Undefined variable(s) {$a} used in one or more answers';
-$string['unusedvar'] = 'This variable is not used by any answer';
-$string['variable'] = 'Variable Name';
-$string['variablename'] = 'Variable Name';
+$string['undefinedvar'] = 'Undefined variable(s) {$a} used in one or more answers.';
+$string['unusedvar'] = 'This variable is not used by any answer.';
+$string['variable'] = 'Variable';
+$string['variable_help'] = 'All variables names used in answers must be entered here. Minimum and maximum values are only needed if the Evaluation comparison algorithm is used.';
+$string['variablename'] = 'Name';
$string['variableno'] = 'Variable {$a}';
+$string['variablex'] = 'Variable {no} ';
$string['variables'] = 'Variables';
$string['varmin'] = 'Minimum Value';
-$string['varmingtmax'] = 'The minimum value must be less than the maximum value';
+$string['varmingtmax'] = 'The minimum value must be less than the maximum value.';
$string['varmax'] = 'Maximum Value';
$string['pluginnameadding'] = 'Adding an algebra question';