diff options
4 files changed, 129 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/edit_algebra_form.php b/edit_algebra_form.php
index 2f861bb..9b0be1a 100644
--- a/edit_algebra_form.php
+++ b/edit_algebra_form.php
@@ -29,15 +29,13 @@ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/algebra/parser.php');
-// Override the default number of variables and the number to add to avoid clutter.
-// Algebra questions will likely not have huge number of different variables.
* symoblic editing form definition.
class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
+ /** @var int we always show at least this many sets of unit fields. */
+ const VARIABLES_TO_ADD = 2;
* Add question-type specific form fields.
@@ -112,38 +110,8 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
$mform->addElement('static', 'variablesinstruct',
get_string('variables', 'qtype_algebra'),
get_string('filloutonevariable', 'qtype_algebra'));
- $mform->closeHeaderBefore('variablesinstruct');
- // Create the array for the list of variables used in the question.
- $repeated=array();
- // Create the array for the list of repeated options used by the variable subforms.
- $repeatedoptions = array();
- // Add the form elements to enter the variables.
- $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('header', 'variablehdr', get_string('variableno', 'qtype_algebra', '{no}'));
- $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text', 'variable', get_string('variablename', 'qtype_algebra'), array('size'=>20));
- $mform->setType('variable', PARAM_RAW);
- $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text', 'varmin', get_string('varmin', 'qtype_algebra'), array('size'=>20));
- $mform->setType('varmin', PARAM_RAW);
- $repeatedoptions['varmin']['default'] = '';
- $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text', 'varmax', get_string('varmax', 'qtype_algebra'), array('size'=>20));
- $mform->setType('varmax', PARAM_RAW);
- $repeatedoptions['varmax']['default'] = '';
- // Get the current number of variables defined, if any.
- if (isset($this->question->options)) {
- $countvars = count($this->question->options->variables);
- } else {
- $countvars = 0;
- }
- // Come up with the number of variable entries to add to the form at the start.
- if ($this->question->formoptions->repeatelements) {
- $repeatsatstart = (SYMB_QUESTION_NUMVAR_START > ($countvars + SYMB_QUESTION_NUMVAR_ADD))?
- } else {
- $repeatsatstart = $countvars;
- }
- $this->repeat_elements($repeated, $repeatsatstart, $repeatedoptions, 'novariables', 'addvariables',
- SYMB_QUESTION_NUMVAR_ADD, get_string('addmorevariableblanks', 'qtype_algebra'));
+ $this->add_variable_fields($mform);
$mform->addElement('static', 'answersinstruct',
get_string('correctanswers', 'qtype_algebra'),
@@ -157,6 +125,48 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
+ /**
+ * Add the input areas for each variable.
+ * @param object $mform the form being built.
+ */
+ protected function add_variable_fields($mform) {
+ $mform->addElement('header', 'variablehdr',
+ get_string('variables', 'qtype_algebra'), '');
+ $mform->setExpanded('variablehdr', 1);
+ $variablefields = array($mform->createElement('group', 'variables',
+ get_string('variablex', 'qtype_algebra'), $this->variable_group($mform), null, false));
+ $repeatedoptions['variable']['type'] = PARAM_RAW;
+ $repeatedoptions['varmin']['type'] = PARAM_RAW;
+ $repeatedoptions['varmin']['default'] = '';
+ $repeatedoptions['varmax']['type'] = PARAM_RAW;
+ $repeatedoptions['varmax']['default'] = '';
+ if (isset($this->question->options->variables)) {
+ $repeatsatstart = max(count($this->question->options->variables), self::VARIABLES_MIN_REPEATS);
+ } else {
+ $repeatsatstart = self::VARIABLES_MIN_REPEATS;
+ }
+ $this->repeat_elements($variablefields, $repeatsatstart, $repeatedoptions, 'novariables', 'addvariables',
+ self::VARIABLES_TO_ADD, get_string('addmorevariableblanks', 'qtype_algebra'), true);
+ $mform->addHelpButton('variables[0]', 'variable', 'qtype_algebra');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the form fields needed to edit one variable.
+ * @param MoodleQuickForm $mform the form being built.
+ * @return array of form fields.
+ */
+ protected function variable_group($mform) {
+ $grouparray = array();
+ $grouparray[] = $mform->createElement('text', 'variable', get_string('variablename', 'qtype_algebra'), array('size'=>10));
+ $grouparray[] = $mform->createElement('text', 'varmin', get_string('varmin', 'qtype_algebra'), array('size'=>10));
+ $grouparray[] = $mform->createElement('text', 'varmax', get_string('varmax', 'qtype_algebra'), array('size'=>20));
+ return $grouparray;
+ }
protected function get_more_choices_string() {
return get_string('addmoreanswerblanks', 'qtype_algebra');
@@ -263,17 +273,17 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
$trimvar = trim($var);
$trimmin = trim($data['varmin'][$key]);
$trimmax = trim($data['varmax'][$key]);
- // Check that there is a valid variable name otherwise skip.
+ // Check that there is a nom empty variable name otherwise skip.
if ($trimvar == '') {
// Check that this variable does not have the same name as a function.
if (in_array($trimvar, qtype_algebra_parser::$functions) or in_array($trimvar, qtype_algebra_parser::$specials)) {
- $errors['variable['.$key.']'] = get_string('illegalvarname', 'qtype_algebra', $trimvar);
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('illegalvarname', 'qtype_algebra', $trimvar);
// Check that this variable has not been defined before.
if (in_array($trimvar, $varlist)) {
- $errors['variable['.$key.']'] = get_string('duplicatevar', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('duplicatevar', 'qtype_algebra', $trimvar);
} else {
// Add the variable to the list of defined variables.
@@ -284,26 +294,26 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
if ($data['compareby']=='eval') {
// Check that a minimum has been defined.
if ($trimmin == '') {
- $errors['varmin['.$key.']'] = get_string('novarmin', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('novarmin', 'qtype_algebra');
} else if (!preg_match($renumber, $trimmin)) {
// If there is one check that it's a number.
- $errors['varmin['.$key.']'] = get_string('notanumber', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('notanumber', 'qtype_algebra');
if ($trimmax == '') {
- $errors['varmax['.$key.']'] = get_string('novarmax', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('novarmax', 'qtype_algebra');
} else if (!preg_match($renumber, $trimmax)) {
// If there is one check that it is a number.
- $errors['varmax['.$key.']'] = get_string('notanumber', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('notanumber', 'qtype_algebra');
// Check that the minimum is less that the maximum!
if ((float)$trimmin > (float)$trimmax) {
- $errors['varmin['.$key.']'] = get_string('varmingtmax', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('varmingtmax', 'qtype_algebra');
} // End check for eval type.
} // End loop over variables.
// Check that at least one variable is defined.
if (count($varlist)==0) {
- $errors['variable[0]'] = get_string('notenoughvars', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables[0]'] = get_string('notenoughvars', 'qtype_algebra');
// Now perform the sanity checks on the answers.
@@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
// Do this by looking for a non-empty array to be returned from the array_diff
// between the list of all declared variables and the variables in this answer.
if ($d=array_diff($tmpvars, $varlist)) {
- $errors['answer['.$key.']'] = get_string('undefinedvar', 'qtype_algebra', "'".implode("', '", $d)."'");
+ $errors['answeroptions['.$key.']'] = get_string('undefinedvar', 'qtype_algebra', "'".implode("', '", $d)."'");
// Do the same for functions which we did for variables.
$ansfuncs=array_merge($ansfuncs, array_diff($expr->get_functions(), $ansfuncs));
@@ -347,7 +357,7 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
} catch (Exception $e) {
- $errors['answer['.$key.']']=$e->getMessage();
+ $errors['answeroptions['.$key.']']=$e->getMessage();
// Return here because subsequent errors may be wrong due to not counting the answer
// which just failed to parse.
return $errors;
@@ -355,11 +365,11 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
// Check that we have at least one answer.
if ($answercount==0) {
- $errors['answer[0]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'quiz', 1);
+ $errors['answeroptions[0]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'qtype_algebra');
// Check that at least one question has the maximum possible grade.
if ($maxgrade == false) {
- $errors['fraction[0]'] = get_string('fractionsnomax', 'question');
+ $errors['answeroptions[0]'] = get_string('fractionsnomax', 'question');
// Check for variables which are defined but never used.
@@ -370,7 +380,7 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
$trimvar = trim($var);
// If the variable is in the unused array then add the error message to that variable.
if (in_array($trimvar, $d)) {
- $errors['variable['.$key.']'] = get_string('unusedvar', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $errors['variables['.$key.']'] = get_string('unusedvar', 'qtype_algebra');
diff --git a/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
index 5b62228..1303dc1 100644
--- a/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
+++ b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
@@ -95,17 +95,19 @@ receiving any grade for the question even if the response would match
a given answer for the question.';
$string['disallowans'] = 'Disallowed Answer';
$string['disallowanswer'] = 'Disallowed Answer';
+$string['duplicatevar'] = 'Duplicated variable name: \'{$a}\' is already defined.';
$string['editingalgebra'] = 'Editing an Algebra question';
$string['evalchecks'] = 'Evaluation Checks';
$string['filloutoneanswer'] = 'You must provide at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used. \'*\' can be used as a wildcard to match any characters. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback. Only variables defined above are allowed';
-$string['filloutonevariable'] = 'You must provide at least one variable. All variables used by answers must be entered here. Minimum and a maximum values are only needed if the Evaluation comparison algorithm is used.';
-$string['illegalvarname'] = 'Illegal variable name \'{$a}\': same name as a parser function or special constant';
+$string['filloutonevariable'] = 'You must provide at least one variable.';
+$string['illegalvarname'] = 'Illegal variable name \'{$a}\': same name as a parser function or special constant.';
$string['nchecks'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks';
$string['nchecks_help'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks used in Evaluation Comparison Algorithm';
-$string['notanumber'] = 'Invalid value: a number is required';
-$string['notenoughvars'] = 'At least one variable is required for all algebra questions';
-$string['novarmax'] = 'No maximum bound specified for variable';
-$string['novarmin'] = 'No minimum bound specified for variable';
+$string['notanumber'] = 'Invalid value: a number is required.';
+$string['notenoughanswers'] = 'You must enter at least one answer.';
+$string['notenoughvars'] = 'You must enter at least one variable.';
+$string['novarmax'] = 'No maximum bound specified for variable.';
+$string['novarmin'] = 'No minimum bound specified for variable.';
$string['options'] = 'Options';
$string['parseerror'] = 'Error parsing function: \'{$a}\'';
$string['restoreqdbfailed'] = 'Restoring algebra question failed: database write error';
@@ -115,14 +117,16 @@ $string['tolerance_help'] = 'Determines the maximum difference between numerical
evaluations of the student response and question answers which will be
allowed to count as matching.';
$string['toleranceltzero'] = 'Tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero';
-$string['undefinedvar'] = 'Undefined variable(s) {$a} used in one or more answers';
-$string['unusedvar'] = 'This variable is not used by any answer';
-$string['variable'] = 'Variable Name';
-$string['variablename'] = 'Variable Name';
+$string['undefinedvar'] = 'Undefined variable(s) {$a} used in one or more answers.';
+$string['unusedvar'] = 'This variable is not used by any answer.';
+$string['variable'] = 'Variable';
+$string['variable_help'] = 'All variables names used in answers must be entered here. Minimum and maximum values are only needed if the Evaluation comparison algorithm is used.';
+$string['variablename'] = 'Name';
$string['variableno'] = 'Variable {$a}';
+$string['variablex'] = 'Variable {no} ';
$string['variables'] = 'Variables';
$string['varmin'] = 'Minimum Value';
-$string['varmingtmax'] = 'The minimum value must be less than the maximum value';
+$string['varmingtmax'] = 'The minimum value must be less than the maximum value.';
$string['varmax'] = 'Maximum Value';
$string['pluginnameadding'] = 'Adding an algebra question';
diff --git a/styles.css b/styles.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb630d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/styles.css
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+.que.algebra .answer {
+ padding: 0.3em;
+ width: auto;
+ display: inline;
+.que.algebra .answer input {
+ width: 80%;
+/* Editing form. */
+body#page-question-type-algebra div[id^=fgroup_id_][id*=answeroptions_] {
+ background: #EEE;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ border: 1px solid #BBB;
+ border-bottom: 0;
+body#page-question-type-algebra div[id^=fgroup_id_][id*=answeroptions_] .fgrouplabel label{
+ font-weight: bold;
+body#page-question-type-algebra div[id^=fgroup_id_][id*=answeroptions_] label[for^='id_answer_']{
+ position: absolute;
+ left: -10000px;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: 1em;
+body#page-question-type-algebra div[id^=fitem_id_][id*=fraction_] {
+ background: #EEE;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ border: 1px solid #BBB;
+ border-top: 0;
+ border-bottom: 0;
+body#page-question-type-algebra div[id^=fitem_id_][id*=feedback_] {
+ background: #EEE;
+ margin-bottom: 2em;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ border: 1px solid #BBB;
+ border-top: 0;
diff --git a/version.php b/version.php
index f7bd3fd..8d20fdc 100644
--- a/version.php
+++ b/version.php
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$plugin->component = 'qtype_algebra';
-$plugin->version = 2012062501;
+$plugin->version = 2013062500;
-$plugin->requires = 2012062500;
-$plugin->release = '1.11 for Moodle 2.3';
+$plugin->requires = 2013050100;
+$plugin->release = '1.3 for Moodle 2.5';
$plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE;