path: root/qmail-remote.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qmail-remote.c')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qmail-remote.c b/qmail-remote.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d65473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qmail-remote.c
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include "sig.h"
+#include "stralloc.h"
+#include "substdio.h"
+#include "subfd.h"
+#include "scan.h"
+#include "case.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "auto_qmail.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "dns.h"
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "quote.h"
+#include "ip.h"
+#include "ipalloc.h"
+#include "ipme.h"
+#include "gen_alloc.h"
+#include "gen_allocdefs.h"
+#include "str.h"
+#include "now.h"
+#include "exit.h"
+#include "constmap.h"
+#include "tcpto.h"
+#include "readwrite.h"
+#include "timeoutconn.h"
+#include "timeoutread.h"
+#include "timeoutwrite.h"
+#define HUGESMTPTEXT 5000
+#define PORT_SMTP 25 /* silly rabbit, /etc/services is for users */
+unsigned long port = PORT_SMTP;
+static stralloc sauninit = {0};
+stralloc helohost = {0};
+stralloc routes = {0};
+struct constmap maproutes;
+stralloc host = {0};
+stralloc sender = {0};
+saa reciplist = {0};
+struct ip_address partner;
+void out(s) char *s; { if (substdio_puts(subfdoutsmall,s) == -1) _exit(0); }
+void zero() { if (substdio_put(subfdoutsmall,"\0",1) == -1) _exit(0); }
+void zerodie() { zero(); substdio_flush(subfdoutsmall); _exit(0); }
+void outsafe(sa) stralloc *sa; { int i; char ch;
+for (i = 0;i < sa->len;++i) {
+ch = sa->s[i]; if (ch < 33) ch = '?'; if (ch > 126) ch = '?';
+if (substdio_put(subfdoutsmall,&ch,1) == -1) _exit(0); } }
+void temp_nomem() { out("ZOut of memory. (#4.3.0)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void temp_oserr() { out("Z\
+System resources temporarily unavailable. (#4.3.0)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void temp_noconn() { out("Z\
+Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void temp_read() { out("ZUnable to read message. (#4.3.0)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void temp_dnscanon() { out("Z\
+CNAME lookup failed temporarily. (#4.4.3)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void temp_dns() { out("Z\
+Sorry, I couldn't find any host by that name. (#4.1.2)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void temp_chdir() { out("Z\
+Unable to switch to home directory. (#4.3.0)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void temp_control() { out("Z\
+Unable to read control files. (#4.3.0)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void perm_partialline() { out("D\
+SMTP cannot transfer messages with partial final lines. (#5.6.2)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void perm_usage() { out("D\
+I (qmail-remote) was invoked improperly. (#5.3.5)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void perm_dns() { out("D\
+Sorry, I couldn't find any host named ");
+out(". (#5.1.2)\n"); zerodie(); }
+void perm_nomx() { out("D\
+Sorry, I couldn't find a mail exchanger or IP address. (#5.4.4)\n");
+zerodie(); }
+void perm_ambigmx() { out("D\
+Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host,\n\
+it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6)\n");
+zerodie(); }
+void outhost()
+ char x[IPFMT];
+ if (substdio_put(subfdoutsmall,x,ip_fmt(x,&partner)) == -1) _exit(0);
+int flagcritical = 0;
+void dropped() {
+ out("ZConnected to ");
+ outhost();
+ out(" but connection died. ");
+ if (flagcritical) out("Possible duplicate! ");
+ out("(#4.4.2)\n");
+ zerodie();
+int timeoutconnect = 60;
+int smtpfd;
+int timeout = 1200;
+int saferead(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;
+ int r;
+ r = timeoutread(timeout,smtpfd,buf,len);
+ if (r <= 0) dropped();
+ return r;
+int safewrite(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;
+ int r;
+ r = timeoutwrite(timeout,smtpfd,buf,len);
+ if (r <= 0) dropped();
+ return r;
+char inbuf[1024];
+substdio ssin = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(read,0,inbuf,sizeof inbuf);
+char smtptobuf[1024];
+substdio smtpto = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(safewrite,-1,smtptobuf,sizeof smtptobuf);
+char smtpfrombuf[128];
+substdio smtpfrom = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(saferead,-1,smtpfrombuf,sizeof smtpfrombuf);
+stralloc smtptext = {0};
+void get(ch)
+char *ch;
+ substdio_get(&smtpfrom,ch,1);
+ if (*ch != '\r')
+ if (smtptext.len < HUGESMTPTEXT)
+ if (!stralloc_append(&smtptext,ch)) temp_nomem();
+unsigned long smtpcode()
+ unsigned char ch;
+ unsigned long code;
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&smtptext,"")) temp_nomem();
+ get(&ch); code = ch - '0';
+ get(&ch); code = code * 10 + (ch - '0');
+ get(&ch); code = code * 10 + (ch - '0');
+ for (;;) {
+ get(&ch);
+ if (ch != '-') break;
+ while (ch != '\n') get(&ch);
+ get(&ch);
+ get(&ch);
+ get(&ch);
+ }
+ while (ch != '\n') get(&ch);
+ return code;
+void outsmtptext()
+ int i;
+ if (smtptext.s) if (smtptext.len) {
+ out("Remote host said: ");
+ for (i = 0;i < smtptext.len;++i)
+ if (!smtptext.s[i]) smtptext.s[i] = '?';
+ if (substdio_put(subfdoutsmall,smtptext.s,smtptext.len) == -1) _exit(0);
+ smtptext.len = 0;
+ }
+void quit(prepend,append)
+char *prepend;
+char *append;
+ substdio_putsflush(&smtpto,"QUIT\r\n");
+ /* waiting for remote side is just too ridiculous */
+ out(prepend);
+ outhost();
+ out(append);
+ out(".\n");
+ outsmtptext();
+ zerodie();
+void blast()
+ int r;
+ char ch;
+ for (;;) {
+ r = substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1);
+ if (r == 0) break;
+ if (r == -1) temp_read();
+ if (ch == '.')
+ substdio_put(&smtpto,".",1);
+ while (ch != '\n') {
+ substdio_put(&smtpto,&ch,1);
+ r = substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1);
+ if (r == 0) perm_partialline();
+ if (r == -1) temp_read();
+ }
+ substdio_put(&smtpto,"\r\n",2);
+ }
+ flagcritical = 1;
+ substdio_put(&smtpto,".\r\n",3);
+ substdio_flush(&smtpto);
+stralloc recip = {0};
+void smtp()
+ unsigned long code;
+ int flagbother;
+ int i;
+ if (smtpcode() != 220) quit("ZConnected to "," but greeting failed");
+ substdio_puts(&smtpto,"HELO ");
+ substdio_put(&smtpto,helohost.s,helohost.len);
+ substdio_puts(&smtpto,"\r\n");
+ substdio_flush(&smtpto);
+ if (smtpcode() != 250) quit("ZConnected to "," but my name was rejected");
+ substdio_puts(&smtpto,"MAIL FROM:<");
+ substdio_put(&smtpto,sender.s,sender.len);
+ substdio_puts(&smtpto,">\r\n");
+ substdio_flush(&smtpto);
+ code = smtpcode();
+ if (code >= 500) quit("DConnected to "," but sender was rejected");
+ if (code >= 400) quit("ZConnected to "," but sender was rejected");
+ flagbother = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < reciplist.len;++i) {
+ substdio_puts(&smtpto,"RCPT TO:<");
+ substdio_put(&smtpto,[i].s,[i].len);
+ substdio_puts(&smtpto,">\r\n");
+ substdio_flush(&smtpto);
+ code = smtpcode();
+ if (code >= 500) {
+ out("h"); outhost(); out(" does not like recipient.\n");
+ outsmtptext(); zero();
+ }
+ else if (code >= 400) {
+ out("s"); outhost(); out(" does not like recipient.\n");
+ outsmtptext(); zero();
+ }
+ else {
+ out("r"); zero();
+ flagbother = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!flagbother) quit("DGiving up on ","");
+ substdio_putsflush(&smtpto,"DATA\r\n");
+ code = smtpcode();
+ if (code >= 500) quit("D"," failed on DATA command");
+ if (code >= 400) quit("Z"," failed on DATA command");
+ blast();
+ code = smtpcode();
+ flagcritical = 0;
+ if (code >= 500) quit("D"," failed after I sent the message");
+ if (code >= 400) quit("Z"," failed after I sent the message");
+ quit("K"," accepted message");
+stralloc canonhost = {0};
+stralloc canonbox = {0};
+void addrmangle(saout,s,flagalias,flagcname)
+stralloc *saout; /* host has to be canonical, box has to be quoted */
+char *s;
+int *flagalias;
+int flagcname;
+ int j;
+ *flagalias = flagcname;
+ j = str_rchr(s,'@');
+ if (!s[j]) {
+ if (!stralloc_copys(saout,s)) temp_nomem();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&canonbox,s)) temp_nomem();
+ canonbox.len = j;
+ if (!quote(saout,&canonbox)) temp_nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_cats(saout,"@")) temp_nomem();
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&canonhost,s + j + 1)) temp_nomem();
+ if (flagcname)
+ switch(dns_cname(&canonhost)) {
+ case 0: *flagalias = 0; break;
+ case DNS_MEM: temp_nomem();
+ case DNS_SOFT: temp_dnscanon();
+ case DNS_HARD: ; /* alias loop, not our problem */
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_cat(saout,&canonhost)) temp_nomem();
+void getcontrols()
+ if (control_init() == -1) temp_control();
+ if (control_readint(&timeout,"control/timeoutremote") == -1) temp_control();
+ if (control_readint(&timeoutconnect,"control/timeoutconnect") == -1)
+ temp_control();
+ if (control_rldef(&helohost,"control/helohost",1,(char *) 0) != 1)
+ temp_control();
+ switch(control_readfile(&routes,"control/smtproutes",0)) {
+ case -1:
+ temp_control();
+ case 0:
+ if (!constmap_init(&maproutes,"",0,1)) temp_nomem(); break;
+ case 1:
+ if (!constmap_init(&maproutes,routes.s,routes.len,1)) temp_nomem(); break;
+ }
+void main(argc,argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ static ipalloc ip = {0};
+ int i;
+ unsigned long random;
+ char **recips;
+ unsigned long prefme;
+ int flagallaliases;
+ int flagalias;
+ char *relayhost;
+ sig_pipeignore();
+ if (argc < 4) perm_usage();
+ if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1) temp_chdir();
+ getcontrols();
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&host,argv[1])) temp_nomem();
+ relayhost = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i <= host.len;++i)
+ if ((i == 0) || (i == host.len) || (host.s[i] == '.'))
+ if (relayhost = constmap(&maproutes,host.s + i,host.len - i))
+ break;
+ if (relayhost && !*relayhost) relayhost = 0;
+ if (relayhost) {
+ i = str_chr(relayhost,':');
+ if (relayhost[i]) {
+ scan_ulong(relayhost + i + 1,&port);
+ relayhost[i] = 0;
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&host,relayhost)) temp_nomem();
+ }
+ addrmangle(&sender,argv[2],&flagalias,0);
+ if (!saa_readyplus(&reciplist,0)) temp_nomem();
+ if (ipme_init() != 1) temp_oserr();
+ flagallaliases = 1;
+ recips = argv + 3;
+ while (*recips) {
+ if (!saa_readyplus(&reciplist,1)) temp_nomem();
+[reciplist.len] = sauninit;
+ addrmangle( + reciplist.len,*recips,&flagalias,!relayhost);
+ if (!flagalias) flagallaliases = 0;
+ ++reciplist.len;
+ ++recips;
+ }
+ random = now() + (getpid() << 16);
+ switch (relayhost ? dns_ip(&ip,&host) : dns_mxip(&ip,&host,random)) {
+ case DNS_MEM: temp_nomem();
+ case DNS_SOFT: temp_dns();
+ case DNS_HARD: perm_dns();
+ case 1:
+ if (ip.len <= 0) temp_dns();
+ }
+ if (ip.len <= 0) perm_nomx();
+ prefme = 100000;
+ for (i = 0;i < ip.len;++i)
+ if (ipme_is(&ip.ix[i].ip))
+ if (ip.ix[i].pref < prefme)
+ prefme = ip.ix[i].pref;
+ if (relayhost) prefme = 300000;
+ if (flagallaliases) prefme = 500000;
+ for (i = 0;i < ip.len;++i)
+ if (ip.ix[i].pref < prefme)
+ break;
+ if (i >= ip.len)
+ perm_ambigmx();
+ for (i = 0;i < ip.len;++i) if (ip.ix[i].pref < prefme) {
+ if (tcpto(&ip.ix[i].ip)) continue;
+ smtpfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
+ if (smtpfd == -1) temp_oserr();
+ if (timeoutconn(smtpfd,&ip.ix[i].ip,(unsigned int) port,timeoutconnect) == 0) {
+ tcpto_err(&ip.ix[i].ip,0);
+ partner = ip.ix[i].ip;
+ smtp(); /* does not return */
+ }
+ tcpto_err(&ip.ix[i].ip,errno == error_timeout);
+ close(smtpfd);
+ }
+ temp_noconn();