path: root/lang/en
diff options
authorJean-Michel Vedrine <vedrine@vedrine.org>2012-09-09 16:54:35 +0200
committerJean-Michel Vedrine <vedrine@vedrine.org>2012-09-09 16:54:35 +0200
commit96bee2b33467a1ce54f88c77b8a867ef1f7a9a97 (patch)
tree27fe7dd14fd3742ad3a9b0eed2b1adbcddd4c3a8 /lang/en
First version of algebra question type initially written by Roger Moore for Moodle 2.3
Diffstat (limited to 'lang/en')
2 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..814aea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+$string['answermustbegiven'] = 'You must enter an answer if there is a grade or feedback.';
+$string['answerno'] = 'Answer {$a}';
+$string['addmoreanswerblanks'] = 'Blanks for {no} More Answers';
+$string['addmorevariableblanks'] = 'Blanks for {no} More Variables';
+$string['allfunctions'] = 'All Functions';
+$string['allowedfuncs'] = 'Allowed Functions';
+$string['allowedfuncs_help'] = '**NOT YET IMPLEMENTED**
+These controls can be used to restrict the functions which the students
+can use in their responses. If the "All" button is checked then
+there are no restrictions on functions which the students may use in
+their answers. This is the default case. To restrict the allowed functions
+uncheck the "All" box and select the functions you wish to allow.';
+$string['allowedfunctions'] = 'Allowed Functions';
+$string['answer'] = 'Answer: {$a}';
+$string['answerboxprefix'] = 'String with which to prefix the answer box when displaying the question';
+$string['answerprefix_help'] = 'The text entered here will be placed in front of the input box where
+students enter their answers. For example if a question is asking the form
+of a function, f(x), then the string "f(x) = " could be entered in this
+$string['answerno'] = 'Answer {$a}';
+$string['answerprefix'] = 'Answer box prefix';
+$string['checktolerance'] = 'Check Tolerance';
+$string['compalgorithm'] = 'Comparison Algorithm';
+$string['compareby_help'] = 'This selects the method by which the students\' responses are compared
+to all the questions answers. The different possibilities are:
+SAGE: uses the Open Source <a href="http://www.sagemath.org/">SAGE</a>
+mathematics software to perform a full symbolic algebraic comparison.
+Evaluation: This method generates random numbers for
+the question variables and then evaluates both the student response and the
+question\'s answer for that set of values.
+This is the simplest of all the methods. It will only perform the most basic of
+comparisons between expressions.';
+$string['compareby'] = 'Comparison Algorithm';
+$string['comparesage'] = 'SAGE';
+$string['compareeval'] = 'Evaluation';
+$string['compareequiv'] = 'Equivalence';
+$string['correctanswers'] = 'Correct answers';
+$string['correctansweris'] = 'The correct answer is: {$a} giving ';
+$string['disallow'] = 'Disallowed Answer';
+$string['disallow_help'] = 'contains an expression which will be disallowed as an answer.
+Students entering an answers which matches this will be prevented from
+receiving any grade for the question even if the response would match
+a given answer for the question.';
+$string['disallowans'] = 'Disallowed Answer';
+$string['disallowanswer'] = 'Disallowed Answer';
+$string['editingalgebra'] = 'Editing an Algebra question';
+$string['evalchecks'] = 'Evaluation Checks';
+$string['filloutoneanswer'] = 'You must provide at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used. \'*\' can be used as a wildcard to match any characters. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback. Only variables defined above are allowed';
+$string['filloutonevariable'] = 'You must provide at least one variable. All variables used by answers must be entered here. Minimum and a maximum values are only needed if the Evaluation comparison algorithm is used.';
+$string['illegalvarname'] = 'Illegal variable name \'{$a}\': same name as a parser function or special constant';
+$string['nchecks'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks';
+$string['nchecks_help'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks used in Evaluation Comparison Algorithm';
+$string['notanumber'] = 'Invalid value: a number is required';
+$string['notenoughvars'] = 'At least one variable is required for all algebra questions';
+$string['novarmax'] = 'No maximum bound specified for variable';
+$string['novarmin'] = 'No minimum bound specified for variable';
+$string['parseerror'] = 'Error parsing function: \'{$a}\'';
+$string['restoreqdbfailed'] = 'Restoring algebra question failed: database write error';
+$string['restorevardbfailed'] = 'Restoring algebra question variable failed: database write error';
+$string['tolerance'] = 'Tolerance for Evaluation Checks';
+$string['tolerance_help'] = 'Determines the maximum difference between numerical
+evaluations of the student response and question answers which will be
+allowed to count as matching.';
+$string['toleranceltzero'] = 'Tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero';
+$string['undefinedvar'] = 'Undefined variable(s) {$a} used in one or more answers';
+$string['unusedvar'] = 'This variable is not used by any answer';
+$string['variable'] = 'Variable Name';
+$string['variablename'] = 'Variable Name';
+$string['variableno'] = 'Variable {$a}';
+$string['variables'] = 'Variables';
+$string['varmin'] = 'Minimum Value';
+$string['varmingtmax'] = 'The minimum value must be less than the maximum value';
+$string['varmax'] = 'Maximum Value';
+$string['pluginnameadding'] = 'Adding an algebra question';
+$string['pluginnameediting'] = 'Editing an algebra question';
+$string['pluginname_link'] = 'question/type/algebra';
+$string['pluginname_help'] = 'Student enter a formula as response that include one or more variables. Correctness is evaluted using one of 3 differents methods';
+$string['pluginname'] = 'algebra';
+$string['pluginnamesummary'] = 'Student enter a formula that can include one or more variables. Correctness is evaluted using one of 3 differents methods.';
+$string['host'] = 'Host url of SAGE server';
+$string['port'] = 'Port of SAGE server';
+$string['uri'] = 'uri of SAGE server';
diff --git a/lang/en/qtype_algebra_parser.php b/lang/en/qtype_algebra_parser.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f7241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/en/qtype_algebra_parser.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+$string['badclosebracket'] = 'Invalid close bracket found';
+$string['badequivtype'] = 'Invalid type: can only compare parser terms with other parser terms';
+$string['badfuncargs'] = 'Invalid arguments for the function \'{$a}\'';
+$string['decimal'] = '.';
+$string['illegalplusminus'] = 'Found a + or - in an invalid location';
+$string['mismatchedbracket'] = 'Mismatched brackets: Open and close bracket pair not of same type \'$a\'';
+$string['mismatchedcloseb'] = 'Mismatched brackets: Close bracket without an open bracket found';
+$string['mismatchedopenb'] = 'Mismatched brackets: Open bracket without a close bracket found';
+$string['missingonearg'] = 'Syntax Error: Operator \'{$a}\' missing its argument';
+$string['missingtwoargs'] = 'Syntax Error: Operator \'{$a}\' requires two arguments';
+$string['morethantwoargs'] = 'Trying to compare a term with more than 2 arguments - no code to handle this case!';
+$string['multiply'] = '\\\\times';
+$string['nargswrong'] = 'Incorrect number of arguments for the term \'{$a}\'';
+$string['noevaluate'] = 'The evaluate method for term \'{$a}\' has not been implemented';
+$string['notopterm'] = 'Syntax Error: Unable to condense to a single, top level operator';
+$string['undeclaredvar'] = 'Undeclared variable \'{$a}\' found';
+$string['undefinedfunction'] = 'Undefined function \'{$a}\'';
+$string['undefinedvariable'] = 'Undefined variable \'{$a}\' found when numerically evaluating an expression';
+$string['unknownterm'] = 'Syntax Error: Unknown term found at \'{$a}\' in the expression';