diff options
authorJean-Michel Vedrine <vedrine@vedrine.org>2012-09-30 10:24:58 +0200
committerJean-Michel Vedrine <vedrine@vedrine.org>2012-09-30 10:24:58 +0200
commit093e68586fcf4c6ff17edfdd00aa1c639d264dc9 (patch)
parent96bee2b33467a1ce54f88c77b8a867ef1f7a9a97 (diff)
Setting for default comparison method
6 files changed, 139 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/db/install.xml b/db/install.xml
index 51b8d85..07985fd 100644
--- a/db/install.xml
+++ b/db/install.xml
@@ -1,42 +1,29 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<XMLDB PATH="question/type/symbollic/db" VERSION="20080516" COMMENT="XMLDB file for Moodle question/type/algebra">
- <TABLE NAME="question_algebra" COMMENT="Options for algebra questions" NEXT="question_algebra_variables">
+ <TABLE NAME="question_algebra" COMMENT="Options for algebra questions" NEXT="question_algebra_variables">
- <FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" SEQUENCE="true"
- NEXT="questionid"/>
- <FIELD NAME="questionid" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" DEFAULT="0"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="id" NEXT="compareby"/>
- <FIELD NAME="compareby" TYPE="char" LENGTH="20" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" DEFAULT="evaluated"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="questionid" NEXT="nchecks"/>
- <FIELD NAME="nchecks" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" DEFAULT="10"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="compareby" NEXT="tolerance"/>
- <FIELD NAME="tolerance" TYPE="float" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="nchecks" NEXT="disallow"/>
- <FIELD NAME="disallow" TYPE="text" LENGTH="small" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="tolerance" NEXT="allowedfuncs"/>
- <FIELD NAME="allowedfuncs" TYPE="text" LENGTH="small" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="disallow" NEXT="answerprefix"/>
- <FIELD NAME="answerprefix" TYPE="text" LENGTH="small" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="allowedfuncs"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="true" NEXT="questionid"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="questionid" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" DEFAULT="0" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="id" NEXT="compareby"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="compareby" TYPE="char" LENGTH="20" NOTNULL="true" DEFAULT="evaluated" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="questionid" NEXT="nchecks"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="nchecks" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" DEFAULT="10" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="compareby" NEXT="tolerance"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="tolerance" TYPE="float" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="nchecks" NEXT="disallow"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="disallow" TYPE="text" LENGTH="small" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="tolerance" NEXT="allowedfuncs"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="allowedfuncs" TYPE="text" LENGTH="small" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="disallow" NEXT="answerprefix"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="answerprefix" TYPE="text" LENGTH="small" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="allowedfuncs"/>
<KEY NAME="primary" TYPE="primary" FIELDS="id" NEXT="questionid"/>
<KEY NAME="questionid" TYPE="foreign" FIELDS="questionid" REFTABLE="question" REFFIELDS="id" PREVIOUS="primary"/>
- <TABLE NAME="question_algebra_variables" COMMENT="Variables for algebra questions" PREVIOUS="question_algebra">
+ <TABLE NAME="question_algebra_variables" COMMENT="Variables for algebra questions" PREVIOUS="question_algebra">
- <FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" SEQUENCE="true"
- NEXT="question"/>
- <FIELD NAME="question" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" DEFAULT="0"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="id" NEXT="name"/>
- <FIELD NAME="name" TYPE="char" LENGTH="30" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="question" NEXT="min"/>
- <FIELD NAME="min" TYPE="char" LENGTH="30" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" DEFAULT="-"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="name" NEXT="max"/>
- <FIELD NAME="max" TYPE="char" LENGTH="30" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" DEFAULT="-"
- SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="min"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="true" NEXT="question"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="question" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" DEFAULT="0" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="id" NEXT="name"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="name" TYPE="char" LENGTH="30" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="false" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="question" NEXT="min"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="min" TYPE="char" LENGTH="30" NOTNULL="true" DEFAULT="-" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="name" NEXT="max"/>
+ <FIELD NAME="max" TYPE="char" LENGTH="30" NOTNULL="true" DEFAULT="-" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="min"/>
<KEY NAME="primary" TYPE="primary" FIELDS="id" NEXT="question"/>
diff --git a/edit_algebra_form.php b/edit_algebra_form.php
index eae12bf..033cb84 100644
--- a/edit_algebra_form.php
+++ b/edit_algebra_form.php
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/edit_question_form.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/algebra/questiontype.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/algebra/parser.php');
// Override the default number of answers and the number to add to avoid clutter.
// Algebra questions will likely not have huge number of different answers...
@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform the form being built.
protected function definition_inner($mform) {
- // Add the select control which will select the comparison type to use
- $mform->addElement('select', 'compareby', get_string('compareby','qtype_algebra'),
- array( "sage" => get_string('comparesage', 'qtype_algebra'),
- "eval" => get_string('compareeval', 'qtype_algebra'),
- "equiv" => get_string('compareequiv','qtype_algebra')
- ));
+ global $CFG;
+ // Add the select control which will select the comparison type to use
+ $mform->addElement('select', 'compareby', get_string('compareby','qtype_algebra'),
+ array( "sage" => get_string('comparesage', 'qtype_algebra'),
+ "eval" => get_string('compareeval', 'qtype_algebra'),
+ "equiv" => get_string('compareequiv','qtype_algebra')
+ ));
$mform->addHelpButton('compareby', 'compareby', 'qtype_algebra');
- $mform->setDefault('compareby','eval');
+ $mform->setDefault('compareby',$CFG->qtype_algebra_method);
- // Add the control to select the number of checks to perform
+ // Add the control to select the number of checks to perform
// First create an array with all the allowed values. We will then use this array
// with the array_combine function to create a single array where the keys are the
// same as the array values
@@ -51,29 +51,29 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
'10', '20', '30', '50', '70',
'100', '200', '300', '500', '700', '1000');
// Add the select element using the array_combine method discussed above
- $mform->addElement('select', 'nchecks', get_string('nchecks','qtype_algebra'),
+ $mform->addElement('select', 'nchecks', get_string('nchecks','qtype_algebra'),
$mform->addHelpButton('nchecks', 'nchecks', 'qtype_algebra');
- // Set the default number of checks to perform
+ // Set the default number of checks to perform
// Add the box to set the tolerance to use when performing evaluation checks
$mform->addElement('text', 'tolerance', get_string('tolerance','qtype_algebra'));
- $mform->addHelpButton('tolerance', 'tolerance', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $mform->addHelpButton('tolerance', 'tolerance', 'qtype_algebra');
$mform->setType('tolerance', PARAM_NUMBER);
// Add an entry for the answer box prefix
$mform->addElement('text', 'answerprefix', get_string('answerprefix','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>55));
- $mform->addHelpButton('answerprefix', 'answerprefix', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $mform->addHelpButton('answerprefix', 'answerprefix', 'qtype_algebra');
$mform->setType('answerprefix', PARAM_RAW);
// Add an entry for a disallowed expression
$mform->addElement('text', 'disallow', get_string('disallow','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>55));
- $mform->addHelpButton('disallow', 'disallow', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $mform->addHelpButton('disallow', 'disallow', 'qtype_algebra');
$mform->setType('disallow', PARAM_RAW);
// Create an array which will store the function checkboxes
// Create an array to add spacers between the boxes
@@ -90,50 +90,50 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
- // Create and add the group of function controls to the form
+ // Create and add the group of function controls to the form
- $mform->addHelpButton('allowedfuncs', 'allowedfuncs', 'qtype_algebra');
+ $mform->addHelpButton('allowedfuncs', 'allowedfuncs', 'qtype_algebra');
- $mform->addElement('static', 'variablesinstruct',
+ $mform->addElement('static', 'variablesinstruct',
get_string('variables', 'qtype_algebra'),
get_string('filloutonevariable', 'qtype_algebra'));
- $mform->closeHeaderBefore('variablesinstruct');
- // Create the array for the list of variables used in the question
- $repeated=array();
- // Create the array for the list of repeated options used by the variable subforms
+ $mform->closeHeaderBefore('variablesinstruct');
+ // Create the array for the list of variables used in the question
+ $repeated=array();
+ // Create the array for the list of repeated options used by the variable subforms
$repeatedoptions = array();
- // Add the form elements to enter the variables
+ // Add the form elements to enter the variables
$repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('header','variablehdr',get_string('variableno','qtype_algebra','{no}'));
//$repeatedoptions['variablehdr']['helpbutton'] = array('variable',get_string('variable','qtype_algebra'),
// 'qtype_algebra');
- $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text','variable',get_string('variablename','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>20));
+ $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text','variable',get_string('variablename','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>20));
$mform->setType('variable', PARAM_RAW);
- $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text','varmin',get_string('varmin','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>20));
- $mform->setType('varmin', PARAM_RAW);
+ $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text','varmin',get_string('varmin','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>20));
+ $mform->setType('varmin', PARAM_RAW);
$repeatedoptions['varmin']['default'] = '';
- $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text','varmax',get_string('varmax','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>20));
- $mform->setType('varmax', PARAM_RAW);
+ $repeated[] =& $mform->createElement('text','varmax',get_string('varmax','qtype_algebra'),array('size'=>20));
+ $mform->setType('varmax', PARAM_RAW);
$repeatedoptions['varmax']['default'] = '';
- // Get the current number of variables defined, if any
- if (isset($this->question->options)) {
+ // Get the current number of variables defined, if any
+ if (isset($this->question->options)) {
$countvars = count($this->question->options->variables);
} else {
$countvars = 0;
- // Come up with the number of variable entries to add to the form at the start
+ // Come up with the number of variable entries to add to the form at the start
if ($this->question->formoptions->repeatelements){
$repeatsatstart = (SYMB_QUESTION_NUMVAR_START > ($countvars + SYMB_QUESTION_NUMVAR_ADD))?
} else {
$repeatsatstart = $countvars;
$this->repeat_elements($repeated, $repeatsatstart, $repeatedoptions, 'novariables', 'addvariables',
- SYMB_QUESTION_NUMVAR_ADD, get_string('addmorevariableblanks', 'qtype_algebra'));
+ SYMB_QUESTION_NUMVAR_ADD, get_string('addmorevariableblanks', 'qtype_algebra'));
$mform->addElement('static', 'answersinstruct',
get_string('correctanswers', 'qtype_algebra'),
get_string('filloutoneanswer', 'qtype_algebra'));
@@ -146,55 +146,55 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
- protected function data_preprocessing($question) {
+ protected function data_preprocessing($question) {
$question = parent::data_preprocessing($question);
$question = $this->data_preprocessing_answers($question);
$question = $this->data_preprocessing_hints($question);
if (!empty($question->options)) {
$question->compareby = $question->options->compareby;
- $question->nchecks = $question->options->nchecks;
- $question->tolerance = $question->options->tolerance;
- $question->allowedfuncs = $question->options->allowedfuncs;
- $question->disallow = $question->options->disallow;
- $question->answerprefix = $question->options->answerprefix;
+ $question->nchecks = $question->options->nchecks;
+ $question->tolerance = $question->options->tolerance;
+ $question->allowedfuncs = $question->options->allowedfuncs;
+ $question->disallow = $question->options->disallow;
+ $question->answerprefix = $question->options->answerprefix;
return $question;
* Sets the existing values into the form for the question specific data.
- *
- * This method copies the data from the existing database record into the form fields as default
- * values for the various elements.
+ *
+ * This method copies the data from the existing database record into the form fields as default
+ * values for the various elements.
* @param $question the question object from the database being used to fill the form
function set_data($question) {
- // Check to see if there are any existing question options, if not then just call
- // the base class set data method and exit
+ // Check to see if there are any existing question options, if not then just call
+ // the base class set data method and exit
if (!isset($question->options)) {
- return parent::set_data($question);
- }
- // Now we do exactly the same for the variables...
- $vars = $question->options->variables;
- // If we found any variables then loop over them using a numerical key to provide an index
- // to the arrays we need to access in the form
- if (count($vars)) {
- $key = 0;
- foreach ($vars as $var) {
- // For every variable set the default values
- $default_values['variable['.$key.']'] = $var->name;
- // Only set the min and max defaults if this variable has a range
- if($var->min!='') {
- $default_values['varmin['.$key.']'] = $var->min;
- $default_values['varmax['.$key.']'] = $var->max;
- }
- $key++;
- }
- }
+ return parent::set_data($question);
+ }
+ // Now we do exactly the same for the variables...
+ $vars = $question->options->variables;
+ // If we found any variables then loop over them using a numerical key to provide an index
+ // to the arrays we need to access in the form
+ if (count($vars)) {
+ $key = 0;
+ foreach ($vars as $var) {
+ // For every variable set the default values
+ $default_values['variable['.$key.']'] = $var->name;
+ // Only set the min and max defaults if this variable has a range
+ if($var->min!='') {
+ $default_values['varmin['.$key.']'] = $var->min;
+ $default_values['varmax['.$key.']'] = $var->max;
+ }
+ $key++;
+ }
+ }
// Add the default values for the allowed functions controls
// First check to see if there are any allowed functions defined
if(count($question->options->allowedfuncs)>0) {
@@ -215,40 +215,40 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
else {
- // Add the default values to the question object in a form which the parent
- // set data method will be able to use to find the default values
- $question = (object)((array)$question + $default_values);
- // Finally call the parent set data method to handle everything else
+ // Add the default values to the question object in a form which the parent
+ // set data method will be able to use to find the default values
+ $question = (object)((array)$question + $default_values);
+ // Finally call the parent set data method to handle everything else
* Validates the form data ensuring there are no obvious errors in the submitted data.
- *
- * This method performs some basic sanity checks on the form data before it gets converted
- * into a database record.
+ *
+ * This method performs some basic sanity checks on the form data before it gets converted
+ * into a database record.
* @param $data the data from the form which needs to be checked
- * @param $files some files - I don't know what this is for! - files defined in the form??
+ * @param $files some files - I don't know what this is for! - files defined in the form??
public function validation($data, $files) {
- // Call the base class validation method and keep any errors it generates
+ // Call the base class validation method and keep any errors it generates
$errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
// Regular expression string to match a number
- // Perform sanity checks on the variables.
+ // Perform sanity checks on the variables.
$vars = $data['variable'];
// Create an array of defined variables
foreach ($vars as $key => $var) {
$trimvar = trim($var);
- $trimmin = trim($data['varmin'][$key]);
- $trimmax = trim($data['varmax'][$key]);
+ $trimmin = trim($data['varmin'][$key]);
+ $trimmax = trim($data['varmax'][$key]);
// Check that there is a valid variable name otherwise skip
if ($trimvar == '') {
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
$errors['variable[0]'] = get_string('notenoughvars', 'qtype_algebra');
- // Now perform the sanity checks on the answers
+ // Now perform the sanity checks on the answers
// Create a parser which we will use to check that the answers are understandable
$p = new qtype_algebra_parser;
$answers = $data['answer'];
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
// Do this by looking for a non-empty array to be returned from the array_diff
// between the list of all declared variables and the variables in this answer
if($d=array_diff($tmpvars,$varlist)) {
- $errors['answer['.$key.']'] = get_string('undefinedvar','qtype_algebra',"'".implode("', '",$d)."'");
+ $errors['answer['.$key.']'] = get_string('undefinedvar','qtype_algebra',"'".implode("', '",$d)."'");
// Do the same for functions which we did for variables
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
if ($maxgrade == false) {
$errors['fraction[0]'] = get_string('fractionsnomax', 'question');
// Check for variables which are defined but never used.
// Do this by looking for a non-empty array to be returned from array_diff.
if($d=array_diff($varlist,$ansvars)) {
@@ -362,17 +362,16 @@ class qtype_algebra_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
// Check that the tolerance is greater than or equal to zero
if($data['tolerance']<0) {
return $errors;
public function qtype() {
return 'algebra';
diff --git a/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
index 814aea8..dd09a97 100644
--- a/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
+++ b/lang/en/qtype_algebra.php
@@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ $string['compareby_help'] = 'This selects the method by which the students\' res
to all the questions answers. The different possibilities are:
SAGE: uses the Open Source <a href="http://www.sagemath.org/">SAGE</a>
-mathematics software to perform a full symbolic algebraic comparison.
+mathematics software to perform a full symbolic algebraic comparison.
Evaluation: This method generates random numbers for
the question variables and then evaluates both the student response and the
question\'s answer for that set of values.
This is the simplest of all the methods. It will only perform the most basic of
comparisons between expressions.';
+$string['defaultmethod'] = 'Default comparison method';
$string['compareby'] = 'Comparison Algorithm';
$string['comparesage'] = 'SAGE';
$string['compareeval'] = 'Evaluation';
diff --git a/question.php b/question.php
index 12d27dd..a3c7dfa 100644
--- a/question.php
+++ b/question.php
@@ -217,11 +217,10 @@ class qtype_algebra_question extends question_graded_by_strategy
* @return boolean true if the response matches the answer, false otherwise
function test_response_by_sage($response, $answer) {
- // TODO: Store server information in the Moodle configuration
- 'host' => 'localhost',
- 'port' => 7777,
- 'uri' => ''
+ 'host' => $CFG->qtype_algebra_host,
+ 'port' => $CFG->qtype_algebra_port,
+ 'uri' => $CFG->qtype_algebra_uri,
// Sets the name of the method to call to full_symbolic_compare
diff --git a/settings.php b/settings.php
index a0f5423..43b4ffa 100644
--- a/settings.php
+++ b/settings.php
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
-defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
-if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
- //host
- $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('qtype_algebra_host', get_string('host', 'qtype_algebra'), '', 'localhost', PARAM_TEXT));
- //port
- $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('qtype_algebra_port', get_string('port', 'qtype_algebra'), '', 7777, PARAM_INT));
- //host
- $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('qtype_algebra_uri', get_string('uri', 'qtype_algebra'), '', '', PARAM_TEXT));
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
+if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
+ // Default evaluation method.
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configselect('qtype_algebra_method', new lang_string('defaultmethod', 'qtype_algebra'), new lang_string('compareby', 'qtype_algebra'), 'eval',
+ array('sage' => new lang_string('comparesage', 'qtype_algebra'),
+ 'eval' => new lang_string('compareeval', 'qtype_algebra'),
+ 'equiv' => new lang_string('compareequiv', 'qtype_algebra'))));
+ // SAGE server connection host.
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('qtype_algebra_host', get_string('host', 'qtype_algebra'), '', 'localhost', PARAM_TEXT));
+ // SAGE server connection port.
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('qtype_algebra_port', get_string('port', 'qtype_algebra'), '', 7777, PARAM_INT));
+ // SAGE server connection uri.
+ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configtext('qtype_algebra_uri', get_string('uri', 'qtype_algebra'), '', '', PARAM_TEXT));
diff --git a/version.php b/version.php
index 81af712..61844b5 100644
--- a/version.php
+++ b/version.php
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-$plugin->version = 2011072800;
-$plugin->requires = 2011060313;
+$plugin->component = 'qtype_algebra';
+$plugin->version = 2012061700;
+$plugin->requires = 2012061700;
+$plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE;