////////////////// // skrewt.c // // scrutinize email // #include #include /* for exit() */ #include /* for strcmp() */ #include /* toupper */ #include /* perror */ #include #include #include using namespace std; void usage(const int sts){ (sts ? cerr : cout) << "Usage: skrewt [options]\n" "\n" " Scrutinizes email. Reads stdin, copies it to stdout.\n" " Exit result 0 means good, 21 means rejection (spam).\n" " Writes reason for rejection to stderr.\n" "\n" " Typically used as a filter in a pipeline, along with spamc -E\n" " Options\n" " -help print this msg (and exit immediately).\n" " -maxsize ii msg size in bytes; anything bigger will be rejected.\n" " -error-exit exit early if errors have been detected.\n" "\n" " Messages containing the string '-please-bounce-this-' will be rejected.\n" " Messages with no date will be rejected.\n" ; exit(sts); } #include "libskrewt.h" #include "utils.h" string progname, progid; int mypid; /* Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" */ /* Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="1170861315-1262462055-1341954763=:92165" */ // #if 0 /* typical "Received: from" lines */ Received: from lists.sourceforge.net ( by cloud.av8n.com with SMTP; 31 Jul 2012 22:13:48 -0000 Received: from 24-145-119-127-dhcp.gsv.md.atlanticbb.net (HELO mail.phys-l.org) ( by cloud.av8n.com with SMTP; 14 Jul 2012 23:56:54 -0000 Received: from ip68-231-191-153.tc.ph.cox.net (HELO asclepias.av8n.net) (smtp@ by cloud.av8n.com with SMTP; 15 Jul 2012 14:39:58 -0000 #endif #if 0 /* good for testing */ // random mail from FAA /home/jsd/Maildir/cur/1343769926.24228.cloud\:2\, // has a good SPF result buried inside, at an earlier hop: /home/jsd/Maildir/cur/1342372942.24810.cloud:2, // has a good SPF as delivered to us: /home/jsd/Maildir/cur/1343671179.10420.cloud:2, // The following msg has no message-id, but does have an // authorized submitter: /home/jsd/Maildir/cur/1342363199.24320.cloud:2, #endif int skrewt::headers(){ //xxxx cerr << progid << " begins" << endl; for (;;){ // outer loop over all records in the header if (cin.eof()) break; if (cin.bad()) return 1; string line; // on fail, go back to top of outer loop and check for eof versus bad if (getline(cin, line).fail()) continue; msgsize += line.length()+1; if (msgsize > maxsize) { cerr << progid << " rejection: bigger than " << maxsize << endl; exeunt(ex_spam); } cout << line << endl; bigbuf.push_back(line); string headrec = noCR(line); // for a folded record, this is the first line for (;;) { // inner loop to build a multi-line record e.g. folded record: if (cin.eof()) break; if (cin.bad()) return 1; char ch; if (cin.get(ch).fail()) continue; cin.putback(ch); if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') break; string line; // on fail, go back to top of inner loop and check for eof versus bad if (getline(cin, line).fail()) continue; msgsize += line.length()+1; if (msgsize > maxsize) { cerr << progid << " rejection: bigger than " << maxsize << endl; exeunt(ex_spam); } cout << line << endl; bigbuf.push_back(line); headrec += "\n" + noCR(line); } // here with a fully assembled header record // headrec (unlike line) contains no DOS CR characters int len = headrec.length(); if (len == 0) { saw_blank_line = 1; break; // no more headers in this message } // here if it's a header line string headword; string rest; size_t where = headrec.find(":"); if (where != string::npos) { headword = headrec.substr(0, where); rest = ltrim(headrec.substr(1+where)); } headword = toLower(headword); if (0){ } else if (headword == "from") { from = rest; } else if (headword == "to") { to = rest; } else if (headword == "return-path") { return_path = rest; } else if (headword == "message-id") { message_id = rest; } else if (headword == "received") { if (!received_from.length() && prefix("from ", rest)){ received_from = rest; } } else if (headword == "date") { date = rest; } else if (headword == "subject") { subject = rest; } else if (headword == "content-type") { content_type = rest; } else if (headword == "delivered-to") { delivered_to = rest; } //xxxx cout << headrec.length() << " ... "; recno++; if (0) if (recno <= 6) cerr << progid << "#" << recno << " " << headrec << endl; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int _argc, const char** _argv){ int argc(_argc); const char **argv(_argv); { progname = *argv++; argc--; mypid = getpid(); stringstream binder; binder << basename(progname) << "[" << mypid << "]"; progid = binder.str(); } skrewt mysk; while (argc) { string arg(*argv); argv++; argc--; if (arg.substr(0,2) == "--") arg = arg.substr(1); if (prefix(arg, "-help")) { usage(0); } if (0) { } else if (prefix(arg, "-mid-required")) { mysk.mid_required++; } else if (prefix(arg, "-error-exit")) { mysk.error_exit++; } else if (prefix(arg, "-maxsize")) { if (!argc) { cerr << "Option -maxsize requires an argument" << endl; exit(ex_usage); } mysk.maxsize = atoi(*argv); argv++; argc--; } else if (arg.substr(0,1) == "-") { cerr << "Unrecognized option '" << arg << "'" << endl; cerr << "For help, try: " << progname << " -help" << endl; exit(ex_usage); } else { cerr << "Extraneous verbiage '" << arg << "'" << endl; cerr << "For help, try: " << progname << " -help" << endl; exit(ex_usage); } } int rslt = mysk.headers(); if (rslt) return rslt; // Headers are done. // Do some early-stage thinking. rslt = mysk.interstage(); if (rslt) return rslt; rslt = mysk.body(); return rslt; }