. /** * The language strings for the algebra question type. * * @package qtype_algebra * @author Roger Moore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // Parser lang strings. $string['badclosebracket'] = 'Invalid close bracket found'; $string['badequivtype'] = 'Invalid type: can only compare parser terms with other parser terms'; $string['badfuncargs'] = 'Invalid arguments for the function \'{$a}\''; $string['decimal'] = '.'; $string['exceptionmessage'] = '{$a}'; $string['illegalplusminus'] = 'Found a + or - in an invalid location'; $string['mismatchedbracket'] = 'Mismatched brackets: Open and close bracket pair not of same type \'{$a}\''; $string['mismatchedcloseb'] = 'Mismatched brackets: Close bracket without an open bracket found'; $string['mismatchedopenb'] = 'Mismatched brackets: Open bracket without a close bracket found'; $string['missingonearg'] = 'Syntax Error: Operator \'{$a}\' missing its argument'; $string['missingtwoargs'] = 'Syntax Error: Operator \'{$a}\' requires two arguments'; $string['morethantwoargs'] = 'Trying to compare a term with more than 2 arguments - no code to handle this case!'; $string['nargswrong'] = 'Incorrect number of arguments for the term \'{$a}\''; $string['noevaluate'] = 'The evaluate method for term \'{$a}\' has not been implemented'; $string['notopterm'] = 'Syntax Error: Unable to condense to a single, top level operator'; $string['undeclaredvar'] = 'Undeclared variable \'{$a}\' found'; $string['undefinedfunction'] = 'Undefined function \'{$a}\''; $string['undefinedvariable'] = 'Undefined variable \'{$a}\' found when numerically evaluating an expression'; $string['unknownterm'] = 'Syntax Error: Unknown term found at \'{$a}\' in the expression'; $string['algebraoptions'] = 'Options'; $string['answermustbegiven'] = 'You must enter an answer if there is a grade or feedback.'; $string['answerno'] = 'Answer {$a}'; $string['answerx'] = 'Answer {no}'; $string['addmoreanswerblanks'] = 'Blanks for {no} More Answers'; $string['addmorevariableblanks'] = 'Blanks for {no} More Variables'; $string['allfunctions'] = 'All Functions'; $string['allowedfuncs'] = 'Allowed Functions'; $string['allowedfuncs_help'] = '**NOT YET IMPLEMENTED** These controls can be used to restrict the functions which the students can use in their responses. If the "All" button is checked then there are no restrictions on functions which the students may use in their answers. This is the default case. To restrict the allowed functions uncheck the "All" box and select the functions you wish to allow.'; $string['allowedfunctions'] = 'Allowed Functions'; $string['answer'] = 'Answer: {$a}'; $string['answerboxprefix'] = 'String with which to prefix the answer box when displaying the question'; $string['answerprefix_help'] = 'The text entered here will be placed in front of the input box where students enter their answers. For example if a question is asking the form of a function, f(x), then the string "f(x) = " could be entered in this field.'; $string['answerno'] = 'Answer {$a}'; $string['answerprefix'] = 'Answer box prefix'; $string['checktolerance'] = 'Check Tolerance'; $string['compalgorithm'] = 'Comparison Algorithm'; $string['compareby_help'] = 'This selects the method by which the students\' responses are compared to all the questions answers. The different possibilities are: SAGE: uses the Open Source SAGE mathematics software to perform a full symbolic algebraic comparison. Evaluation: This method generates random numbers for the question variables and then evaluates both the student response and the question\'s answer for that set of values. Equivalence: This is the simplest of all the methods. It will only perform the most basic of comparisons between expressions.'; $string['defaultmethod'] = 'Default comparison method'; $string['compareby'] = 'Comparison Algorithm'; $string['comparesage'] = 'SAGE'; $string['compareeval'] = 'Evaluation'; $string['compareequiv'] = 'Equivalence'; $string['correctanswers'] = 'Correct answers'; $string['correctansweris'] = 'The correct answer is: {$a} giving '; $string['disallow'] = 'Disallowed Answer'; $string['disallow_help'] = 'contains an expression which will be disallowed as an answer. Students entering an answers which matches this will be prevented from receiving any grade for the question even if the response would match a given answer for the question.'; $string['disallowans'] = 'Disallowed Answer'; $string['disallowanswer'] = 'Disallowed Answer'; $string['displayresponse'] = 'Display response'; $string['duplicatevar'] = 'Duplicated variable name: \'{$a}\' is already defined.'; $string['editingalgebra'] = 'Editing an Algebra question'; $string['evalchecks'] = 'Evaluation Checks'; $string['filloutoneanswer'] = 'You must provide at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback. Only variables defined above are allowed'; $string['filloutonevariable'] = 'You must provide at least one variable.'; $string['illegalvarname'] = 'Illegal variable name \'{$a}\': same name as a parser function or special constant.'; $string['nchecks'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks'; $string['nchecks_help'] = 'Number of Evaluation Checks used in Evaluation Comparison Algorithm'; $string['notanumber'] = 'Invalid value: a number is required.'; $string['notenoughanswers'] = 'You must enter at least one answer.'; $string['notenoughvars'] = 'You must enter at least one variable.'; $string['novarmax'] = 'No maximum bound specified for variable.'; $string['novarmin'] = 'No minimum bound specified for variable.'; $string['options'] = 'Options'; $string['parseerror'] = 'Error parsing function: \'{$a}\''; $string['restoreqdbfailed'] = 'Restoring algebra question failed: database write error'; $string['restorevardbfailed'] = 'Restoring algebra question variable failed: database write error'; $string['tolerance'] = 'Tolerance for Evaluation Checks'; $string['tolerance_help'] = 'Determines the maximum difference between numerical evaluations of the student response and question answers which will be allowed to count as matching.'; $string['toleranceltzero'] = 'Tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero'; $string['undefinedvar'] = 'Undefined variable(s) {$a} used in one or more answers.'; $string['unusedvar'] = 'This variable is not used by any answer.'; $string['variable'] = 'Variable'; $string['variable_help'] = 'All variables names used in answers must be entered here. Minimum and maximum values are only needed if the Evaluation comparison algorithm is used.'; $string['variablename'] = 'Name'; $string['variableno'] = 'Variable {$a}'; $string['variablex'] = 'Variable {no} '; $string['variables'] = 'Variables'; $string['varmin'] = 'Minimum Value'; $string['varmingtmax'] = 'The minimum value must be less than the maximum value.'; $string['varmax'] = 'Maximum Value'; $string['pluginnameadding'] = 'Adding an algebra question'; $string['pluginnameediting'] = 'Editing an algebra question'; $string['pluginname_link'] = 'question/type/algebra'; $string['pluginname_help'] = 'Student enter a formula as response that include one or more variables. Correctness is evaluted using one of 3 differents methods'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Algebra'; $string['pluginnamesummary'] = 'Student enter a formula that can include one or more variables. Correctness is evaluted using one of 3 differents methods.'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Algebra question type plugin does not store any personal data.'; $string['host'] = 'Host url of SAGE server'; $string['port'] = 'Port of SAGE server'; $string['uri'] = 'uri of SAGE server'; $string['texdelimiters'] = 'Delimiters for TeX expressions'; $string['dollars'] = '$$...$$'; $string['brackets'] = '\[...\]'; $string['braces'] = '\\(...\\)'; $string['dollar'] = '$...$'; $string['invalidanswer'] = 'Invalid or unrecongnized answer'; $string['multiplyoperator'] = 'TeX operator for multiplication'; $string['times'] = '\\times'; $string['cdot'] = '\\cdot'; $string['iframe'] = 'Using an iframe element'; $string['dynamic'] = 'Using dynamic AJAX request'; $string['formuladisplay'] = 'Method to display answer formula';