MOODLE ALGEBRA QUESTION TYPE Created by Roger Moore ORIGINAL README BY ROGER MOORE: These files implement a algebra based question type for Moodle. Installation instructions are found in the file INSTALL. The code has been tested and used for a large, introductory physics course (~120 students) at the University of Alberta for several terms now and is stable and suitable for use in a production environment. The code is all released under the GPL V3. Please send any bugs, comments, suggestions for new features etc. to me. Enjoy, Roger Moore ADDITIONAL README Updated to Moodle 2.0 by Stefan Raffeiner Updated to Moodle 2.1 by Jean-Michel Védrine This plugin is now maintained by Jean-Michel Védrine. This version is upgraded to work with Moodle 2.8 and ulteriors versions. For support use the Moodle quiz forum at Enjoy. Jean-Michel Védrine WARNING : I am now retired and I stopped all Moodle related activities. This repository is here just for history and this work is not maintained any more. Feel free to fork it and modify it to suit your needs or improve compatibility with recent Moodle versions. Additionaly you can consider contacting the Moodle team and become the new maintainer of this lugin. Thanks