INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Before installation: Please note that this is ALPHA quality software at the moment. DO NOT install this on your production server - or at least don't blame me if you do and it all goes horribly wrong! REQUIREMENTS To install the algebra based question type you will need the following: 1) Already installed copy of Moodle 2.1 or higher. It may work with other Moodle versions but this is the only one I have tested it with. 2) PHP5: The code uses exceptions and so requires PHP version 5 at a minimum. I used this since Moodle 2.1 will require it so it should not be an unusual requirement for long. I used PHP 5.3.5. 3) If you want to use the SAGE XML-RPC server you will also need XML-RPC support in PHP5. Most installations include this but the MAMP 1.7.1 package does not. If you use MAMP you will need to download the MAMP source code from the MAMP website and recompile PHP making sure you call the initial configure script with the flag "--with-xmlrpc". 4) If you want to use the SAGE XML-RPC server you will also need a copy of SAGE which you can get from here: This should be installed according to the instructions on their website. INSTALLING 1) Copy the contents of the "moodle" directory into your top level moodle directory. Note that all the files are 'new' so there should be no files overwritten. ('cp -iR' are good options to use). 2) Go to Site Administration > Notifications and your database should be configured. You are now ready to write algebra based questions which use the 'Evaluate' and 'Equivalent' comarison methods. 3) To run the SAGE XML-RPC server you will need an installed copy of SAGE ( Edit the first line of the '' file to point to your installed copy of the sage executable. Then simply execute the script. It will run a very simple XML-RPC server. If the machine you run your moodle server on is different from the machine running your SAGE webserver you will need to edit line 191- 193 of the file question/type/algebra/question.php to point to the XML-RPC server. The same applies if you edit the network port. (This mechanism obviously needs to be improved!)