PROGRAM HTDP ************************************************************** * NAME: HTDP (Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning) * * WRITTEN BY: Michael Dennis, Jarir Saleh, Richard Snay, * and Chris Pearson * * PURPOSE: Transform coordinates across time * and between reference frames * ************************************************************** IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) character HTDP_version*8 character Version_date*20 CHARACTER OPTION*1 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /VERSION/ HTDP_version C You must change HTDP version and date here, if necessary HTDP_version = '3.5.0' Version_date = 'November 29, 2022' call linkbd ! require linker to include block data call linkeq ! require linker to include block data call linkps ! require linker to include block data call linkvl ! require linker to include block data *** Introduce variables for file IDs LUIN = 5 * interactive input LUOUT = 6 * interactive output I1 = 11 * input of velocity grid in GETVEL * input of earthquake parameters in GETEQ * input of Bluebook BFILE in DLACE, VELOC, UPDATE and TRFPOS * input of Bluebook GFILE in UPDATE I2 = 12 * output of predicted displacements in DLACE * output of predicted velocities in VELOC * output of updated Bluebook BFILE in UPDATE * output of updated Bluebook GFILE in UPDATE * output of updated coordinates in UPDATE I3 = 13 * output of point-velocity records in VELOC I4 = 14 * storage of reference latitude & longitude & region I5 = 15 * storage of earthquake parameters C OPEN(I5, FILE='TEMPQK' , ACCESS = 'DIRECT', RECL = 72, C 1 FORM='UNFORMATTED') I6 = 16 * output of transformed Bluebook BFILE in TRFPOS *** Obtain parameters defining crustal motion model CALL MODEL *** Initialize transformation parameters between reference frames CALL SETTP *** Initialize conversion table between reference frame identifiers CALL SETRF WRITE(LUOUT,5) HTDP_version, Version_date 5 FORMAT( 1 '********************************************************'/ 1 ' HTDP (Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning) '/ 1 ' SOFTWARE VERSION: ', a8 / 1 ' VERSION DATE: ', a20 /) WRITE(LUOUT,501) 501 FORMAT( 1 ' AUTHORS: Michael Dennis, Jarir Saleh, Richard Snay, '/ 1 ' and Chris Pearson '// 1 ' Web: '/ 1 ' Email: '/ 1 '********************************************************') WRITE(LUOUT,10) 10 FORMAT( 1 ' This software incorporates numerical models that',/ 3 ' characterize continuous crustal motion as well as ',/ 3 ' the episodic motion associated with earthquakes.'/) WRITE(LUOUT,11) 11 FORMAT( 5 ' The User Guide contains additional information and a set'/ 5 ' of exercises to familiarize users with the software.') 25 WRITE(LUOUT,26) 26 FORMAT('********************************************************'/ 1 ' MAIN MENU:',/ 6 ' 0... Exit software.',/ 7 ' 1... Estimate horizontal displacements between two dates.'/ 8 ' 2... Estimate horizontal velocities.'/ 9 ' 3... Transform observations to a specified reference ' & ,'frame and/or date.'/ & ' 4... Transform positions between reference frames ' & ,'and/or dates.'/ & ' 5... Transform velocities between reference frames. ') 30 READ(LUIN,35,err=52,iostat=ios) OPTION if (ios /= 0) goto 52 35 FORMAT(A1) IF(OPTION .EQ. '0') THEN GO TO 50 ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '1') THEN CALL DPLACE ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '2') THEN CALL VELOC ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '3') THEN CALL UPDATE(HTDP_version) elseif(option .eq. '4') then call TRFPOS elseif(option .eq. '5') then call TRFVEL ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,40) 40 FORMAT(' Improper entry--select again ') GO TO 30 ENDIF GO TO 25 50 CONTINUE stop 52 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Problem with reading OPTION: ios = ',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" STOP END ***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE MODEL *** Obtain parameters defining crustal motion model IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /TIMREF/ ITREF A = 6378137.D0 F = 1.D0 / 298.257222101D0 E2 = F*(2.D0 - F) !Calculate E2 from F rather than hard-coded as done previously AF = A / (1.D0 - F) EPS = F*(2.D0 - F) / ((1.D0 -F)**2) PI = 4.D0 * DATAN(1.D0) RHOSEC = (180.D0 * 3600.D0) / PI TWOPI = PI + PI C*** Set default reference epoch to Jan. 1, 2010 IYRREF = 2010 IMOREF = 1 IDYREF = 1 CALL IYMDMJ (IYRREF, IMOREF, IDYREF, MJD) ITREF = MJD * 24 * 60 CALL GETBDY RETURN END ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE GETBDY *** Obtain coordinates for vertices that form the polygons *** that correspond to the boundaries for the regions. *** Region 1: San Andreas fault in central California *** Region 2: southern California *** Region 3: northern California *** Region 4: Pacific Northwest *** Region 5: western CONUS *** Region 6: CONUS *** Region 7: St. Elias, Alaska *** Region 8: south-central Alaska *** Region 9: southeast Alaska *** Region 10: all mainland Alaska * Placeholder regions inserted to make compatible with new initbd.f * that contains tectonic plates added in December 2020 (v3.3.0). *** Region 11: placeholder region *** Region 12: placeholder region *** Region 13: placeholder region *** Tectonic plates *** All plate boundaries are from Bird 2003 with minor topological corrections. *** Main four plates included through v3.2.9: *** Region 14: North America (NA) *** Region 15: Pacific (PA) *** Region 16: Caribbean (CA) *** Region 17: Mariana (MA) *** *** Plates added or updated after v3.2.9 *** Primary plates: *** Region 18: Africa (AF) *** Region 19: Antarctica (AN) *** Region 20: Australia (AU) *** Region 21: Eurasia (EU) *** Region 22: South America (SA) *** Secondary plates: *** Region 23: Amur (AM) *** Region 24: Arabia (AR) *** Region 25: Cocos (CO) *** Region 26: India (IN) *** Region 27: Juan de Fuca (JF) *** Region 28: Nazca (NZ) *** Region 29: Philippine Sea (PS) *** Region 30: Scotia (SC) *** Region 31: Somalia (SO) *** Region 32: Sunda (SU) *** Tertiary plates: *** Region 33: Aegean Sea (AS) *** Region 34: Altiplano (AP) *** Region 35: Anatolia (AT) *** Region 36: Balmoral Reef (BR) *** Region 37: Banda Sea (BS) *** Region 38: Birds Head (BH) *** Region 39: Burma (BU) *** Region 40: Caroline (CL) *** Region 41: Conway Reef (CR) *** Region 42: Easter (EA) *** Region 43: Futuna (FT) *** Region 44: Galapagos (GP) *** Region 45: Juan Fernandez (JZ) *** Region 46: Kermadec (KE) *** Region 47: Manus (MN) *** Region 48: Maoke (MO) *** Region 49: Molucca Sea (MS) *** Region 50: New Hebrides (NH) *** Region 51: Niuafo'ou (NI) *** Region 52: North Andes (ND) *** Region 53: North Bismarck (NB) *** Region 54: Okhotsk (OK) *** Region 55: Okinawa (ON) *** Region 56: Panama (PM) *** Region 57: Rivera (RI) *** Region 58: Sandwich (SW) *** Region 59: Shetland (SL) *** Region 60: Solomon Sea (SS) *** Region 61: South Bismarck (SB) *** Region 62: Timor (TI) *** Region 63: Tonga (TO) *** Region 64: Woodlark (WL) *** Region 65: Yangtze (YA) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NMREGN = 65) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /BNDRY/ X(12000), Y(12000), NPOINT(70) IEND = NPOINT(NMREGN + 1) - 1 DO 10 J = 1, IEND X(J) = (X(J) * 3600.D0)/RHOSEC Y(J) = (Y(J) * 3600.D0)/RHOSEC 10 CONTINUE RETURN END ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE GETREG(X0,YKEEP,JREGN) *** Determine the region containing a given point. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NMREGN = 65) COMMON /BNDRY/ X(12000), Y(12000), NPOINT(70) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /CONST/ A, F, E2, EPS, AF, PI, TWOPI, RHOSEC Y0 = TWOPI - YKEEP IF (Y0 .lt. 0.d0) Y0 = Y0 + TWOPI IR = 0 1 IR = IR + 1 IF(IR .GT. NMREGN) THEN JREGN = 0 RETURN ENDIF IBEGIN = NPOINT(IR) NUMVER = NPOINT(IR + 1) - IBEGIN CALL POLYIN(X0,Y0,X(IBEGIN),Y(IBEGIN), NUMVER, NTEST) IF(NTEST .EQ. 0) GO TO 1 JREGN = IR RETURN END ******************************************************** SUBROUTINE POLYIN (X0,Y0,X,Y,N,NPC) * This version is from TRANS4D v0.3.1 and replaces version in HTDP v3.2.9. C DETERMINES IF A POINT AT (X0,Y0) IS INSIDE OR OUTSIDE C OF A CLOSED FIGURE DESCRIBED BY A SEQUENCE OF CONNECTED C STRAIGHT LINE SEGMENTS WITH VERTICES AT X, Y. C C INPUT - C X0, Y0 COORDINATES OF A POINT TO BE TESTED C Y0 corresponds to longitude and must be a number C between 0.0 and 2*PI C X, Y ARRAYS CONTAINING THE VERTICES, IN ORDER, OF A C CLOSED FIGURE DESCRIBED BY STRAIGHT LINE SEGMNENTS. C FOR EACH 'I', THE STRAIGHT LINE FROM (XI),Y(I)) TO C TO (X(I+1),Y(I+1)), IS AN EDGE OF THE FIGURE. C N DIMENSION OF X AND Y, NUMBER OF VERTICES, AND NUMBER C OF STRAIGHT LINE SEGMENTS IN FIGURE. C OUTPUT - C NPC NPC=0 WHEN X0,Y0 IS OUTSIDE OF FIGURE DESCRIBED C BY X,Y C NPC=1 WHEN X0,Y0 IS INSIDE FIGURE C NPC=2 WHEN X0,Y0 IS ON BORDER OF FIGURE C METHOD - C A COUNT IS MADE OF THE NUMBER OF TIMES THE LINE FROM (X0,Y0) TO C (X0,+ INFINITY) CROSSES THE BORDER OF THE FIGURE. IF THE COUNT C IS ODD, THE POINT IS INSIDE; IF THE COUNT IS EVEN THE POINT C IS OUTSIDE. C LIMITATIONS - C NONE. THE PROGRAM LOGIC IS VALID FOR ALL CLOSED FIGURES, C NO MATTER HOW COMPLEX. C ACCURACY - C MAINTAINS FULL ACCURACY OF INPUT COORDINATES. C IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 DIMENSION X(N),Y(N) IS=0 NPC=0 C C FIND STARTING POINT WHERE X(I).NE.X0 IP=0 10 IP=IP+1 IF (X(IP) .lt. X0) goto 15 if (X(IP) .gt. X0) goto 16 IF(IP.LE.N) GO TO 10 WRITE(LUOUT,6001) 6001 FORMAT('0 POLYGON INPUT ERROR - ALL POINTS ON LINE X = X0') STOP 15 IL=-1 GO TO 20 16 IL=1 20 XL=X(IP) YL=Y(IP) C C SET UP SEARCH LOOP C IP1=IP+1 IPN=IP+N DO 100 II=IP1,IPN I=II IF(I.GT.N) I=I-N if (IL .eq. 0) goto 50 if (IL .gt. 0) goto 40 IF (X(I) .lt. X0) goto 90 if (X(I) .gt. X0) goto 34 IS=-1 GO TO 60 34 IL=1 GO TO 80 40 IF(X(I) .eq. X0) goto 44 if(X(I) .gt. X0) goto 90 IL=-1 GO TO 80 44 IS=1 GO TO 60 50 IF(X(I) .eq. X0) goto 55 if(X(I) .gt. X0) goto 54 IL=-1 IF (IS .lt. 0) goto 90 if (IS .eq. 0) goto 140 goto 80 54 IL=1 IF(IS .lt. 0) goto 80 if(IS .eq. 0) goto 140 goto 90 55 IF(Y(I) .eq. Y0) goto 120 if(Y(I) .gt. Y0) goto 58 IF(YL .ge. Y0) goto 120 goto 90 58 IF(YL .le. Y0) goto 120 goto 90 C 60 IL=0 IF (Y(I) .eq. Y0) goto 120 goto 90 80 tmp = YL-Y0+(Y(I)-YL)*(X0-XL)/(X(I)-XL) IF (tmp .lt. 0) goto 90 if (tmp .eq. 0) goto 120 NPC=NPC+1 90 XL=X(I) YL=Y(I) 100 CONTINUE NPC=MOD(NPC,2) RETURN 120 NPC=2 RETURN 140 WRITE(LUOUT,6002) 6002 FORMAT('0 POLYGON LOGIC ERROR - PROGRAM SHOULD NOT REACH THIS', . ' POINT') RETURN END ***************************************************************** SUBROUTINE RADR8T (YLAT,VN,VE,VNR,VER) C Convert horizontal velocities from mm/yr to rad/yr IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CALL RADII (YLAT,RADMER,RADPAR) c write (*,*) "From RADR8T",RADMER,RADPAR VNR = VN / (1000.D0 * RADMER) VER = VE / (1000.D0 * RADPAR) c write (*,*) "From RADR8T",VNR,VER RETURN END ***************************************************************** SUBROUTINE COMVEL(YLAT,YLON,JREGN,VN,VE,VU) C C Compute the ITRF2008 velocity at a point in mm/yr IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NUMGRD = 10) parameter (NMREGN = 65) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6 COMMON /VGRID/ B(210000) DIMENSION WEI(2,2), VEL(2,2,3) c WRITE (6, 1001) JREGN c1001 FORMAT( 'JREGN = ', I6) IF(JREGN .GT. NUMGRD .AND. JREGN .LE. NMREGN) THEN *** Use tectonic plate model to compute velocity relative *** to ITRF2008 IPLATE = JREGN - NUMGRD *** Subtract the number of placeholder regions IPLATE = IPLATE - 3 ELON = - YLON HT = 0.D0 CALL TOXYZ(YLAT, ELON, HT, X, Y, Z) CALL PLATVL(IPLATE, X, Y, Z, VX, VY, VZ) VX = VX * 1000.D0 VY = VY * 1000.D0 VZ = VZ * 1000.D0 CALL TOVNEU(YLAT, ELON, VX, VY, VZ, VN, VE, VU) ELSEIF(JREGN .GE. 1 .AND. JREGN .LE. NUMGRD) THEN C*** Get indices for the lower left hand corner of the grid C*** and get the weights for the four corners CALL GRDWEI (YLON, YLAT, JREGN, I, J, WEI) C*** Get the velocity vectors at the four corners CALL GRDVEC (JREGN, I, J, VEL, B) VN = WEI(1,1) * VEL(1,1,1) + WEI(1,2) * VEL(1,2,1) * + WEI(2,1) * VEL(2,1,1) + WEI(2,2) * VEL(2,2,1) VE = WEI(1,1) * VEL(1,1,2) + WEI(1,2) * VEL(1,2,2) * + WEI(2,1) * VEL(2,1,2) + WEI(2,2) * VEL(2,2,2) VU = WEI(1,1) * VEL(1,1,3) + WEI(1,2) * VEL(1,2,3) * + WEI(2,1) * VEL(2,1,3) + WEI(2,2) * VEL(2,2,3) C*** If the point in one of the four Alaskan regions, C*** then set its vertical velocity to 0.0 IF(JREGN .GE. 7 .AND. JREGN .LE. 10) THEN VU = 0.D0 ENDIF ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,100) JREGN 100 FORMAT(' Improper region identifier ',I4,'in COMVEL.') STOP ENDIF RETURN END **************************************** SUBROUTINE PLATVL(IPLATE, X, Y, Z, VX, VY, VZ) *** Compute the ITRF2008 velocity at point on plate = IPLATE *** with coordinates X, Y, Z (in meters) *** The resulting velocities--VX, VY, and VZ--will be in meters/yr *** References: *** Altamimi et al. 2012. "ITRF2008 plate motion model" J. Geophys. Res. *** Altamimi et al. 2017. "ITRF2014 plate motion model." Geophys. J. Int, 209. *** Bird 2003. "An updated digital model of plate boundaries." Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4(3), 1027. *** DeMets et al. 2010. "Geologically current plate motions." Geophys. J. Int., 181:1-80. *** Kreemer et al. 2014. "A geodetic plate motion and global strain rate model." Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15, 3849-3889. *** Mora-Páez et al. 2018. "Crustal deformation in the northern Andes - A new GPS velocity field." J. S. Amer. Earth Sci, 2018. *** Snay 2003. "Introducing two spatial reference frames for regions of the Pacific Ocean." Surv. Land. Info. Sci., 63(1):5-12. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) PARAMETER (NUMPLATE = 52) DIMENSION WX(NUMPLATE), WY(NUMPLATE), WZ(NUMPLATE) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 * Main four plates included through version 3.2.9 (revised order): ** Rates for first three plates referenced to ITRF2008, fourth (MA) referenced to ITRF2000. *** IPLATE = 1 (NA) North America (Altamimi et al. 2012) *** 2 (PA) Pacific (Altamimi et al. 2012) *** 3 (CA) Caribbean (Altamimi et al. 2012) *** 4 (MA) Mariana (Snay 2003) *** * Plates added or edited in version 3.4.0: ** Rates for all plates referenced to ITRF2014. *** Primary plates *** 5 (AF) Africa (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 6 (AN) Antarctica (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 7 (AU) Australia (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 8 (EU) Eurasia (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 9 (SA) South America (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** *** Secondary plates *** 10 (AM) Amur (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 11 (AR) Arabia (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 12 (CO) Cocos (DeMets 2010) *** 13 (IN) India (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 14 (JF) Juan de Fuca (DeMets 2010) *** 15 (NZ) Nazca (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 16 (PS) Philippine Sea (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 17 (SC) Scotia (DeMets 2010) *** 18 (SO) Somalia (Altamimi et al. 2017) *** 19 (SU) Sunda (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** *** Tertiary plates *** 20 (AS) Aegean Sea (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 21 (AP) Altiplano (Lamb 2000, in Bird 2003) *** 22 (AT) Anatolia (McClusky et al. 2000, in Bird 2003) *** 23 (BR) Balmoral Reef (Bird 2003) *** 24 (BS) Banda Sea (Rangin et al. 1999, in Bird 2003) *** 25 (BH) Birds Head (Bird 2003) *** 26 (BU) Burma (Circum-Pacific Map Project 1986, in Bird 2003) *** 27 (CL) Caroline (Seno et al. 1993, in Bird 2003) *** 28 (CR) Conway Reef (Bird 2003) *** 29 (EA) Easter (Engeln and Stein 1984, in Bird 2003) *** 30 (FT) Futuna (Bird 2003) *** 31 (GP) Galapagos (Lonsdale 1988, in Bird 2003) *** 32 (JZ) Juan Fernandez (Anderson-Fontana et al. 1986, in Bird 2003) *** 33 (KE) Kermadec (Bird 2003) *** 34 (MN) Manus (Martinez and Taylor 1996, in Bird 2003) *** 35 (MO) Maoke (Bird 2003) *** 36 (MS) Molucca Sea (Rangin et al. 1999, in Bird 2003) *** 37 (NH) New Hebrides (Bird 2003) *** 38 (NI) Niuafo'ou (Zellmer and Taylor 2001, in Bird 2003) *** 39 (ND) North Andes (Mora-Páez et al. 2018) *** 40 (NB) North Bismarck (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 41 (OK) Okhotsk (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 42 (ON) Okinawa (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 43 (PM) Panama (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 44 (RI) Rivera (DeMets 2010) *** 45 (SW) Sandwich (DeMets 2010) *** 46 (SL) Shetland (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 47 (SS) Solomon Sea (Bird 2003) *** 48 (SB) South Bismarck (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 49 (TI) Timor (Bird 2003) *** 50 (TO) Tonga (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 51 (WL) Woodlark (Kreemer et al. 2014) *** 52 (YA) Yangtze (Kreemer et al. 2014) * Plate rotation rates in radians per year. *** Plates #1-4 were defined in v3.2.9, with #1-3 referenced to ITRF2008 and *** #4 referenced to ITRF2000. All other plates (#5-52) referenced to ITRF2014. DATA WX / 0.17000D-9, -1.99300D-9, 0.23800D-9, -0.09700D-9, !North America-Mariana & 0.47997D-9, -1.20234D-9, 7.32069D-9, -0.41209D-9, !Africa-Eurasia & -1.30900D-9, -0.68964D-9, 5.59475D-9, -10.38028D-9, !South America-Cocos & 5.59475D-9, 6.63589D-9, -1.61443D-9, 9.22141D-9, !India-Philippine Sea & -0.52297D-9, -0.58662D-9, -0.34003D-9, 1.26854D-9, !Scotia-Aegean Sea & 0.05864D-9, 13.71303D-9, -2.85343D-9, -21.10731D-9, !Altiplano-Banda Sea & -1.79893D-9, 9.52310D-9, 1.73361D-9, -63.15807D-9, !Birds Head-Conway Reef & 68.15282D-9, -85.23370D-9, 14.27334D-9, 106.03040D-9, !Easter-Juan Fernandez & 31.33555D-9, -779.82645D-9, -0.46179D-9, 36.24013D-9, !Kermadec-Molucca Sea & 42.92984D-9, -57.32448D-9, -1.96421D-9, -13.09213D-9, !New Hebrides-North Bismarck & -0.27495D-9, -15.50125D-9, 2.08835D-9, -21.93297D-9, !Okhotsk-Rivera & 16.58716D-9, -8.64703D-9, -19.17916D-9, 97.26078D-9, !Sandwich-South Bismarck & -11.38292D-9, 137.84116D-9, -22.45705D-9, -1.01317D-9 / !Timor-Yangtze DATA WY /-3.20900D-9, 5.02300D-9, -5.27500D-9, 0.50900D-9, !North America-Mariana & -2.97676D-9, -1.57080D-9, 5.73050D-9, -2.57436D-9, !Africa-Eurasia & -1.45929D-9, -2.18428D-9, -0.65935D-9, -14.90060D-9, !South America-Cocos & -0.02424D-9, 11.76141D-9, -7.48552D-9, -4.96294D-9, !India-Philippine Sea & -1.79239D-9, -3.84942D-9, -3.69407D-9, 2.71543D-9, !Scotia-Aegean Sea & -8.07657D-9, 7.54290D-9, 2.80815D-9, 35.16250D-9, !Altiplano-Banda Sea & 10.23283D-9, -39.44962D-9, 1.28481D-9, 10.29152D-9, !Birds Head-Conway Reef & 165.61029D-9, 2.61244D-9, 94.43957D-9, 304.53677D-9, !Easter-Juan Fernandez & 3.26279D-9, 445.94761D-9, 12.81479D-9, -53.21492D-9, !Kermadec-Molucca Sea & -4.47050D-9, -5.81369D-9, -1.51836D-9, 12.88081D-9, !New Hebrides-North Bismarck & -3.05687D-9, 10.47202D-9, -23.03737D-9, -70.43203D-9, !Okhotsk-Rivera & -11.88078D-9, 8.85561D-9, 22.26207D-9, -61.73877D-9, !Sandwich-South Bismarck & 28.13885D-9, 10.44750D-9, 26.05666D-9, -2.26006D-9 / !Timor-Yangtze DATA WZ /-0.48500D-9, -10.50100D-9, 3.21900D-9, -1.68200D-9, !North America-Mariana & 3.55368D-9, 3.27249D-9, 5.89049D-9, 3.73307D-9, !Africa-Eurasia & -0.67874D-9, 4.19822D-9, 7.00071D-9, 9.13337D-9, !South America-Cocos & 7.04919D-9, -10.62984D-9, 7.86853D-9, -11.55438D-9, !India-Philippine Sea & 0.63488D-9, 4.28575D-9, 4.56571D-9, 3.07496D-9, !Scotia-Aegean Sea & -1.65936D-9, 13.29303D-9, -8.00888D-9, -0.28835D-9, !Altiplano-Banda Sea & -9.36606D-9, -3.31898D-9, -9.56706D-9, -24.27100D-9, !Birds Head-Conway Reef & 83.81255D-9, -25.43833D-9, 4.51959D-9, 220.01253D-9, !Easter-Juan Fernandez & 25.92570D-9, -57.95220D-9, 2.92132D-9, 3.16382D-9, !Kermadec-Molucca Sea & 0.08496D-9, -3.72208D-9, 0.40012D-9, -10.73837D-9, !New Hebrides-North Bismarck & 1.56236D-9, 14.79722D-9, 6.72874D-9, 27.07095D-9, !Okhotsk-Rivera & -12.18588D-9, 27.07392D-9, -1.89243D-9, 13.80350D-9, !Sandwich-South Bismarck & -1.68457D-9, 68.45806D-9, -1.16558D-9, 5.04044D-9 / !Timor-Yangtze IF (IPLATE .LE. 0 .OR. IPLATE .GT. NUMPLATE) THEN WRITE (LUOUT, 1) IPLATE 1 FORMAT(' Improper plate ID in PLATVL = ', I6) STOP ENDIF VX = -WZ(IPLATE) * Y + WY(IPLATE) * Z VY = WZ(IPLATE) * X - WX(IPLATE) * Z VZ = -WY(IPLATE) * X + WX(IPLATE) * Y *** The parameters for plate #4 (Mariana plate) refer to ITRF2000 (Snay 2003). *** The following code converts VX, VY, VZ from ITRF2000 to ITRF2008 velocities *** for this plate. IF (IPLATE .EQ. 4) THEN VX = VX*1000.d0 VY = VY*1000.d0 VZ = VZ*1000.d0 CALL VTRANF(X, Y, Z, VX, VY, VZ, 11, 15) VX = VX/1000.d0 VY = VY/1000.d0 VZ = VZ/1000.d0 *** The rotation rates for plates added after v3.2.9 refer to ITRF2014 *** (plates 5 through 52). The following code converts the rates to *** ITRF2008 velocities for these plates. ELSEIF (IPLATE .GE. 5) THEN VX = VX*1000.d0 VY = VY*1000.d0 VZ = VZ*1000.d0 CALL VTRANF(X, Y, Z, VX, VY, VZ, 16, 15) VX = VX/1000.d0 VY = VY/1000.d0 VZ = VZ/1000.d0 *** The following translations rates are added per Altamimi et al. (2012) *** for the first three plates referenced to ITRF2008. ELSE VX = 0.00041d0 + VX VY = 0.00022d0 + VY VZ = 0.00041d0 + VZ ENDIF RETURN END ********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE PVPRNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LOND,LONM,SLON,VN,VE,VU) *** Print out a point-velocity (PV) record IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT,I1,I2,I3,I4,I5, I6 LATS = IDINT(SLAT*100.D0 + 0.5D0) LONS = IDINT(SLON*100.D0 + 0.5D0) IVN = IDINT( VN*100.D0 + 0.5D0) IVE = IDINT( VE*100.D0 + 0.5D0) IVU = IDINT( VU*100.D0 + 0.5D0) JVN = 300 JVE = 300 JVU = 500 WRITE(I3,10) LATD,LATM,LATS,LOND,LONM,LONS, 1 IVN,JVN,IVE,JVE,IVU,JVU 10 FORMAT('PV',I3,I2.2,I4.4,'N',I3,I2.2,I4.4,'W',6I6) RETURN END **************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE DSDA(LOCISN, LOCJSN, MIN1, MIN2, DS, DA) ** Compute change in distance and change in azimuth. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 HTF = 0.0D0 HTT = 0.0D0 READ(I4,REC=LOCISN,err=50,iostat=ios) YLATF,YLONF,VNF,VEF,VUF if (ios /= 0) goto 50 READ(I4,REC=LOCJSN,err=51,iostat=ios) YLATT,YLONT,VNT,VET,VUT if (ios /= 0) goto 51 CALL COMPSN(YLATF1,YLONF1,HTF1,YLATF,YLONF,HTF, 1 MIN1, VNF, VEF, VUF) CALL COMPSN(YLATF2,YLONF2,HTF2,YLATF,YLONF,HTF, 1 MIN2, VNF, VEF, VUF) CALL COMPSN(YLATT1,YLONT1,HTT1,YLATT,YLONT,HTT, 1 MIN1, VNT, VET, VUT) CALL COMPSN(YLATT2,YLONT2,HTT2,YLATT,YLONT,HTT, 1 MIN2, VNT, VET, VUT) CALL HELINV(YLATF1,YLONF1,YLATT1,YLONT1,FAZ1,BAZ1,S1) CALL HELINV(YLATF2,YLONF2,YLATT2,YLONT2,FAZ2,BAZ2,S2) DS = S2 - S1 DA = FAZ2 - FAZ1 RETURN 50 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "wrong input for the 1st reading in DSDA:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 51 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "wrong input for the 2nd reading in DSDA:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE HELINV(GLAT1,GLON1,GLAT2,GLON2,FAZ,BAZ,S) C C *** SOLUTION OF THE GEODETIC INVERSE PROBLEM AFTER T.VINCENTY. C *** MODIFIED RAINSFORD WITH HELMERT ELLIPTICAL TERMS. C *** EFFECTIVE IN ANY AZIMUTH AND AT ANY DISTANCE SHORT OF ANTIPODAL. C *** STANDPOINT/FOREPOINT MUST NOT BE THE GEOGRAPHIC POLE . C C INPUT C GLAT1 = Latitude of from point (radians, positive north) C GLON1 = Longitude of from point (radians, positive west) C GLAT2 = Latitude of to point (radians, positive north) C GLON2 = Longitude of to point (radians, positive west) C C OUTPUT C FAZ = Foward azimuth (radians, clockwise from north) C BAZ = Back azimuth (radians, clockwise from north) C S = Distance (meters) C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON/CONST/A,F,EPS2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC DATA TOL/0.5D-14/ R = 1.0D0-F TU1 = R*DSIN(GLAT1)/DCOS(GLAT1) TU2 = R*DSIN(GLAT2)/DCOS(GLAT2) CU1 = 1.0D0/DSQRT(TU1*TU1+1.0D0) SU1 = CU1*TU1 CU2 = 1.0D0/DSQRT(TU2*TU2+1.0D0) S = CU1*CU2 BAZ = S*TU2 FAZ = BAZ*TU1 X = GLON1-GLON2 100 SX = DSIN(X) CX = DCOS(X) TU1 = CU2*SX TU2 = SU1*CU2*CX-BAZ SY = DSQRT(TU1*TU1+TU2*TU2) CY = S*CX+FAZ Y = DATAN2(SY,CY) SA = S*SX/SY C2A = -SA*SA+1.0D0 CZ = FAZ+FAZ IF(C2A .GT. 0.0D0)CZ = -CZ/C2A+CY E = CZ*CZ*2.0D0-1.0D0 C = ((-3.0D0*C2A+4.0D0)*F+4.0D0)*C2A*F/16.0D0 D = X X = ((E*CY*C+CZ)*SY*C+Y)*SA X = (1.0D0-C)*X*F+GLON1-GLON2 IF(DABS(D-X) .GT. TOL)GO TO 100 FAZ = DATAN2(-TU1,TU2) BAZ = DATAN2(CU1*SX,BAZ*CX-SU1*CU2) FAZ = FAZ + PI BAZ = BAZ + PI IF(FAZ .LT. 0.0D0)FAZ = FAZ+TWOPI IF(BAZ .LT. 0.0D0)BAZ = BAZ+TWOPI IF(FAZ .GT. TWOPI)FAZ = FAZ - TWOPI IF(BAZ .GT. TWOPI)BAZ = BAZ - TWOPI X = DSQRT((1.0D0/R/R-1.0D0)*C2A+1.0D0)+1.0D0 X = (X-2.0D0)/X C = 1.0D0-X C = (X*X/4.0D0+1.0D0)/C D = (0.375D0*X*X-1.0D0)*X X = E*CY S = 1.0D0-E-E S = ((((SY*SY*4.0D0-3.0D0)*S*CZ*D/6.0D0-X)*D/4.0D0+CZ)*SY*D+Y) 1 *C*A*R RETURN END ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE TRFDAT(CARD,DATE,IREC12,IYEAR1,IYEAR2,MINS) C Convert Bluebook date to time in minutes IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CHARACTER CARD*80 CHARACTER DATE*6 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 IF (IREC12 .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE (LUOUT, 5) 5 FORMAT(' ABORT: The Bluebook needs a valid *12* record.') STOP ENDIF READ (DATE, 10,err=50,iostat=ios) IYEAR, MONTH, IDAY if (ios /= 0) goto 50 10 FORMAT (3I2) IF ( IYEAR1 .LE. (1900 + IYEAR) .AND. 1 (1900 + IYEAR) .LE. IYEAR2) THEN IYEAR = 1900 + IYEAR ELSEIF ( IYEAR1 .LE. (2000 + IYEAR) .AND. 1 (2000 + IYEAR) .LE. IYEAR2) THEN IYEAR = 2000 + IYEAR ELSEIF ( IYEAR1 .LE. (1800 + IYEAR) .AND. 1 (1800 + IYEAR) .LE. IYEAR2) THEN IYEAR = 1800 + IYEAR ELSE WRITE (LUOUT, 20) CARD 20 FORMAT(' ABORT: The following record has a date'/ 1 ' which is inconsistent with the *12* record'/ 1 3x, A80) ENDIF IF (IYEAR .LE. 1906) THEN WRITE (LUOUT, 30) 30 FORMAT(' ***WARNING***'/ 1 ' The Bluebook file contains an observation that'/ 1 ' predates 1906. The TDP model may not be valid'/ 1 ' and the computed corrections may be erroneous.') ENDIF IF (IDAY .EQ. 0) IDAY = 15 IF (MONTH .EQ. 0) THEN MONTH = 7 IDAY = 1 ENDIF CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR,MONTH,IDAY, MJD) MINS = MJD * 24 * 60 RETURN 50 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'wrong IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY:ios =',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE TNFDAT(DATE,MINS) C Convert Bluebook date to time in years IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) character DATE*8 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 READ(DATE,10) IYEAR,MONTH,IDAY 10 FORMAT(I4,I2,I2) IF(IYEAR .LE. 1906) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,20) 20 FORMAT(' ***WARNING***'/ 1 ' The Bluebook file contains an observation that'/ 2 ' predates 1906. The TDP model is not valid and the'/ 3 ' computed correction may be erroneous.') ENDIF IF(IDAY .EQ. 0) IDAY = 15 IF(MONTH .EQ. 0) THEN MONTH = 7 IDAY = 1 ENDIF CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR,MONTH,IDAY,MJD) MINS = MJD * 24 * 60 RETURN END C************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE TOXYZ(glat,glon,eht,x,y,z) *** compute x,y,z *** ref p.17 geometric geodesy notes vol 1, osu, rapp implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) common/CONST/ a,f,e2,ep2,af,pi,twopi,rhosec slat=dsin(glat) clat=dcos(glat) w=dsqrt(1.d0-e2*slat*slat) en=a/w x=(en+eht)*clat*dcos(glon) y=(en+eht)*clat*dsin(glon) z=(en*(1.d0-e2)+eht)*slat return end C************************************************************************ logical function FRMXYZ(x,y,z,glat,glon,eht) *** convert x,y,z into geodetic lat, lon, and ellip. ht *** ref: eq a.4b, p. 132, appendix a, osu #370 *** ref: geom geod notes gs 658, rapp implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(maxint=10,tol=1.d-13) common/CONST/ a,f,e2,ep2,af,pi,twopi,rhosec ae2=a*e2 *** compute initial estimate of reduced latitude (eht=0) p=dsqrt(x*x+y*y) icount=0 tgla=z/p/(1.d0-e2) *** iterate to convergence, or to max # iterations 1 if(icount.le.maxint) then tglax=tgla tgla=z/(p-(ae2/dsqrt(1.d0+(1.d0-e2)*tgla*tgla))) icount=icount+1 if(dabs(tgla-tglax).gt.tol) go to 1 *** convergence achieved frmxyz=.true. glat=datan(tgla) slat=dsin(glat) clat=dcos(glat) glon=datan2(y,x) w=dsqrt(1.d0-e2*slat*slat) en=a/w if(dabs(glat).le.0.7854d0) then eht=p/clat-en else eht=z/slat-en+e2*en endif glon=datan2(y,x) *** too many iterations else frmxyz=.false. glat=0.d0 glon=0.d0 eht=0.d0 endif return end ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE RADII(YLAT,RADMER,RADPAR) C C Computes the radius of curvature in the meridian C and the radius of curvature in a parallel of latitude C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COSLAT = DCOS(YLAT) DENOM = DSQRT(1.D0 + EPS*COSLAT*COSLAT) RADMER = AF/(DENOM**3) RADPAR = AF*COSLAT/DENOM RETURN END ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE GETGRD(NAMEG,MINLAT,MAXLAT,ILAT,MINLON,MAXLON,ILON) *** Interactively obtain specifications for a grid. IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 CHARACTER NAMEG*10 WRITE(LUOUT,200) 200 FORMAT(' Enter name for grid (10 character max). ') READ(LUIN,210,err=50,iostat=ios) NAMEG if (ios /= 0) goto 50 210 FORMAT(A10) WRITE(LUOUT,220) 220 FORMAT(' Enter minimum latitude for grid in deg-min-sec'/ 1 ' in free format (integer values only). ') READ(LUIN,*,err=51,iostat=ios) ID1, IM1, IS1 if (ios /= 0) goto 51 WRITE(LUOUT,230) 230 FORMAT(' Enter maximum latitude in same format. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=52,iostat=ios) ID2, IM2, IS2 if (ios /= 0) goto 52 WRITE(LUOUT,240) 240 FORMAT(' Enter latitude increment in seconds ', 1 ' (integer value). ') READ(LUIN,*,err=53,iostat=ios) ILAT if (ios /= 0) goto 53 WRITE(LUOUT,250) 250 FORMAT(' Enter minimum longitude with positive being west. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=54,iostat=ios) JD1, JM1, JS1 if (ios /= 0) goto 54 WRITE(LUOUT,260) 260 FORMAT(' Enter maximum longitude. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=55,iostat=ios) JD2, JM2, JS2 if (ios /= 0) goto 55 WRITE(LUOUT,270) 270 FORMAT(' Enter longitude increment in seconds ', 1 ' (integer value). ') READ(LUIN,*,err=56,iostat=ios) ILON if (ios /= 0) goto 56 MINLAT = 3600*ID1 + 60*IM1 + IS1 MAXLAT = 3600*ID2 + 60*IM2 + IS2 MINLON = 3600*JD1 + 60*JM1 + JS1 MAXLON = 3600*JD2 + 60*JM2 + JS2 RETURN 50 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong grid name in GETGRD:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 51 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong min lat in GETGRD:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 52 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong max lat in GETGRD:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 53 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong ILAT in GETGRD:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 54 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong min lon in GETGRD:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 55 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong max lon in GETGRD:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 56 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong ILON in GETGRD:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE GETLYN(NAMEG,XLAT,XLON,FAZ,BAZ,XMIN,XMAX,XINC) *** Interactively obtain the specifications for a line. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT,I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC CHARACTER NAMEG*10 WRITE(LUOUT,100) 100 FORMAT(' Enter name for line (10 character max.) ') READ(LUIN,110,err=50,iostat=ios) NAMEG if (ios /= 0) goto 50 110 FORMAT(A10) WRITE(LUOUT,120) 120 Format(' Specify the latitude for the origin of the line'/ 1 ' as deg-min-sec in free format (positive north).'/ 2 ' For example 35 17 28.3 or 35,17,28.3 '/) READ(LUIN,*,err=51,iostat=ios) LATD,LATM,SLAT if (ios /= 0) goto 51 XLAT = (DBLE(3600*LATD + 60*LATM)+SLAT)/RHOSEC WRITE(LUOUT,130) 130 FORMAT(' Specify the longitude for the origin of the line'/ 1 ' as deg-min-sec in free format (west positive).') READ(LUIN,*,err=52,iostat=ios) LOND,LONM,SLON if (ios /= 0) goto 52 XLON = (DBLE(3600*LOND+60*LONM)+SLON)/RHOSEC WRITE(LUOUT,140) 140 FORMAT(' Specify the orientation of the line clockwise from'/ 1 ' north in decimal degrees, eg., 43.7. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=53,iostat=ios) FAZ if (ios /= 0) goto 53 FAZ = 3600.D0*FAZ/RHOSEC BAZ = FAZ + PI IF(BAZ .GT. TWOPI) BAZ = BAZ - TWOPI WRITE(LUOUT,150) 150 FORMAT(' Specify minimum and maximum distance from origin in'/ 1 ' meters, eg., -40000. 30000. '/ 2 ' NOTE: negative distance corresponds to distance in'/ 3 ' the opposite direction. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=54,iostat=ios) XMIN,XMAX if (ios /= 0) goto 54 WRITE(LUOUT,160) 160 FORMAT(' Specify distance increment in meters. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=55,iostat=ios) XINC if (ios /= 0) goto 55 RETURN 50 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong name of line in GETLYN: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 51 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong LATD,LATM,SLAT in GETLYN: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 52 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong LOND,LONM,SLON in GETLYN: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 53 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong FAZ in GETLYN: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 54 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong min and max D in GETLYN: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 55 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong increment in GETLYN: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE DIRCT1(GLAT1,GLON1,GLAT2,GLON2,FAZ,BAZ,S) C C *** SOLUTION OF THE GEODETIC DIRECT PROBLEM AFTER T.VINCENTY C *** MODIFIED RAINSFORD'S METHOD WITH HELMERT'S ELLIPTICAL TERMS C *** EFFECTIVE IN ANY AZIMUTH AND AT ANY DISTANCE SHORT OF ANTIPODAL C C *** A IS THE SEMI-MAJOR AXIS OF THE REFERENCE ELLIPSOID C *** FINV IS THE FLATTENING OF THE REFERENCE ELLIPSOID C *** LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES IN RADIANS POSITIVE NORTH AND EAST C *** AZIMUTHS IN RADIANS CLOCKWISE FROM NORTH C *** GEODESIC DISTANCE S ASSUMED IN UNITS OF SEMI-MAJOR AXIS A C C *** PROGRAMMED FOR CDC-6600 BY LCDR L.PFEIFER NGS ROCKVILLE MD 20FEB75 C *** MODIFIED FOR SYSTEM 360 BY JOHN G GERGEN NGS ROCKVILLE MD 750608 C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /CONST/ A,FINV,E2,EPI,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC DATA EPS/0.5D-13/ R=1.D0-FINV TU=R*DSIN(GLAT1)/DCOS(GLAT1) SF=DSIN(FAZ) CF=DCOS(FAZ) BAZ=0.D0 IF(CF.NE.0.D0) BAZ=DATAN2(TU,CF)*2.D0 CU=1.D0/DSQRT(TU*TU+1.D0) SU=TU*CU SA=CU*SF C2A=-SA*SA+1.D0 X=DSQRT((1.D0/R/R-1.D0)*C2A+1.D0)+1.D0 X=(X-2.D0)/X C=1.D0-X C=(X*X/4.D0+1.D0)/C D=(0.375D0*X*X-1.D0)*X TU=S/R/A/C Y=TU 100 SY=DSIN(Y) CY=DCOS(Y) CZ=DCOS(BAZ+Y) E=CZ*CZ*2.D0-1.D0 C=Y X=E*CY Y=E+E-1.D0 Y=(((SY*SY*4.D0-3.D0)*Y*CZ*D/6.D0+X)*D/4.D0-CZ)*SY*D+TU IF(DABS(Y-C).GT.EPS)GO TO 100 BAZ=CU*CY*CF-SU*SY C=R*DSQRT(SA*SA+BAZ*BAZ) D=SU*CY+CU*SY*CF GLAT2=DATAN2(D,C) C=CU*CY-SU*SY*CF X=DATAN2(SY*SF,C) C=((-3.D0*C2A+4.D0)*FINV+4.D0)*C2A*FINV/16.D0 D=((E*CY*C+CZ)*SY*C+Y)*SA GLON2=GLON1+X-(1.D0-C)*D*FINV IF (GLON2.GE.TWOPI) GLON2=GLON2-TWOPI IF(GLON2.LT.0.D0) GLON2=GLON2+TWOPI BAZ=DATAN2(SA,BAZ)+PI IF (BAZ.GE.TWOPI) BAZ=BAZ-TWOPI IF (BAZ.LT.0.D0) BAZ=BAZ+TWOPI RETURN END *********************************************************** SUBROUTINE TOCHAR(ORIG,CHAR14) *** Convert double precision real number to character*14 IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CHARACTER CHAR14*14 ORIG = ORIG*10000.D0 WRITE(CHAR14,10) ORIG 10 FORMAT(F14.0) RETURN END ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE DDXYZ(ISN, JSN, MIN1, MIN2, 1 DDX, DDY, DDZ) ** Compute change in DX,DY,DZ-vector from time MIN1 to MIN2. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) character PIDs*6 parameter (nbbdim = 10000) COMMON /ARRAYS/ HT(nbbdim), LOC(nbbdim),PIDs(nbbdim) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 READ(I4,REC=LOC(ISN),err=50,iostat=ios) GLATI,GLONI,VNI,VEI,VUI if (ios /= 0) goto 50 READ(I4,REC=LOC(JSN),err=51,iostat=ios) GLATJ,GLONJ,VNJ,VEJ,VUJ if (ios /= 0) goto 51 CALL COMPSN(YLATI1,YLONI1,HTI1,GLATI,GLONI,HT(ISN), 1 MIN1, VNI, VEI, VUI) CALL COMPSN(YLATI2,YLONI2,HTI2,GLATI,GLONI,HT(ISN), 1 MIN2, VNI, VEI, VUI) CALL COMPSN(YLATJ1,YLONJ1,HTJ1,GLATJ,GLONJ,HT(JSN), 1 MIN1, VNJ, VEJ, VUJ) CALL COMPSN(YLATJ2,YLONJ2,HTJ2,GLATJ,GLONJ,HT(JSN), 1 MIN2, VNJ, VEJ, VUJ) XLONI1 = -YLONI1 XLONI2 = -YLONI2 XLONJ1 = -YLONJ1 XLONJ2 = -YLONJ2 CALL TOXYZ(YLATI1,XLONI1,HTI1,XI1,YI1,ZI1) CALL TOXYZ(YLATI2,XLONI2,HTI2,XI2,YI2,ZI2) CALL TOXYZ(YLATJ1,XLONJ1,HTJ1,XJ1,YJ1,ZJ1) CALL TOXYZ(YLATJ2,XLONJ2,HTJ2,XJ2,YJ2,ZJ2) DDX = (XJ2 - XI2) - (XJ1 - XI1) DDY = (YJ2 - YI2) - (YJ1 - YI1) DDZ = (ZJ2 - ZI2) - (ZJ1 - ZI1) RETURN 50 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed in 1st read statement in DDXYZ:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 51 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed in 2nd read statement in DDXYZ:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ************************************************************* SUBROUTINE DISLOC (YLAT,YLON,STRIKE,HL,EQLAT,EQLON, & SS,DS,DIP,DEPTH,WIDTH,DNORTH,DWEST,DUP) *** Compute 3-dimensional earthquake displacement at point *** using dislocation theory * * INPUT: * YLAT = Latitude in radians (positive north) * YLON = Longitude in radians (positive west) * STRIKE = strike in radians clockwise from north such * that the direction of dip is pi/2 radians * counterclockwise from the direction of strike * HL = Half-length in meters * EQLAT = Latitude in radians of midpoint of the * rectangle's upper edge (positive north) * EQLON = Longitude in radians of midpoint of the * rectangle's upper edge (positive west) * SS = strike slip in meters (positive = right lateral) * DS = dip slip in meters (positive = normal faulting) * DIP = dip in radians * DEPTH = Vertical depth of rectangle's upper edge * in meters * WIDTH = width of rectangle in meters * * OUTPUT: * DNORTH = northward displacement in radians * DWEST = westward displacement in radians * DUP = upward displacement in meters ************** IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) *** Compute radii of curvature at fault center CALL RADII (EQLAT, RMER, RPAR) *** Compute planar coordinates in meters DLAT = (YLAT - EQLAT) * RMER DLON = (YLON - EQLON) * RPAR COSSTR = DCOS(STRIKE) SINSTR = DSIN(STRIKE) X1 = COSSTR*DLAT - SINSTR*DLON X2 = SINSTR*DLAT + COSSTR*DLON *** Compute displacements in fault-oriented coordinates CALL OKADA(X1,X2,HL,DEPTH,WIDTH,DIP,U1SS,U2SS, & U3SS,U1DS,U2DS,U3DS) U1 = U1SS*SS + U1DS*DS U2 = U2SS*SS + U2DS*DS DUP = U3SS*SS + U3DS*DS *** Convert horizontal displacements to radians *** in north-west coordinate system DNORTH = ( COSSTR*U1 + SINSTR*U2) / RMER DWEST = (-SINSTR*U1 + COSSTR*U2) / RPAR RETURN END **************************************************** SUBROUTINE OKADA(X1,X2,XL,DU,W,DIP, 1 U1SS,U2SS,U3SS,U1DS,U2DS,U3DS) ************************************************************ * Computes displacements at the point X1,X2 on the * Earth's surface due to 1.0 meter of right-lateral * strike slip (SS) and 1.0 meter of normal dip slip (DS) * along a rectangular fault. * * The rectangular fault dips in the direction of the positive * X2-axis. The rectangle's strike parallels the X1-axis. * With the X3-axis directed upward out of the Earth, the X1-, * X2-, and X3-axes form a right-handed system. * * The equations of dislocation theory are employed whereby * Earth is represented an a homogeneous, isotropic half-space * with a Poisson ratio of PNU. * * REFERENCE: Okada, Y., Surface deformation due to shear and * tensile faults in a half-space, Bulletin of the * Seismological Society of America, vol. 75, pp. 1135-1154 (1985) * * The X3 = 0 plane corresponds to the Earth's surface. The plane's * origin is located directly above the midpoint of the rectangle's * upper edge. * * INPUT: * X1,X2 - Location in meters * XL - Rectangle's half-length in meters * DU - Vertical depth to rectangle's upper edge in meters * (always positive or zero) * W - Rectangle's width in meters * DIP - Rectangle's dip in radians (always between 0 and PI/2 * * OUTPUT * U1SS - Displacement in X1-direction due to 1.0 meters * of right-lateral strike slip * U2SS - Displacement in X2-direction due to 1.0 meters * of right-lateral strike slip * U3SS - Displacement in X3-direction due to 1.0 meters * of right-lateral strike slip * U1DS - Displacement in X1-direction due to 1.0 meters * of normal dip slip * U2DS - Displacement in X2-direction due to 1.0 meters * of normal dip slip * U3DS - Displacement in X3-direction due to 1.0 meters * of normal dip slip ******************************************************************* IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) LOGICAL VERT PI = 3.141593D0 TWOPI = PI + PI PNU = 0.25D0 RATIO = 1.D0 - 2.D0*PNU IF(DABS(PI/2.D0 - DIP) .LT. .01D0)THEN DIPK = -PI/2.D0 VERT = .TRUE. ELSE DIPK = -DIP VERT = .FALSE. ENDIF SDIP = DSIN(DIPK) CDIP = DCOS(DIPK) P = X2*CDIP + DU*SDIP Q = X2*SDIP - DU*CDIP PSI = X1 + XL ETA = P CALL OKADAW(PSI,ETA,Q,SDIP,CDIP,RATIO,TWOPI, 1 VERT,U1SS,U2SS,U3SS,U1DS,U2DS,U3DS) PSI = X1 + XL ETA = P - W CALL OKADAW(PSI,ETA,Q,SDIP,CDIP,RATIO,TWOPI, 1 VERT,C1SS,C2SS,C3SS,C1DS,C2DS,C3DS) U1SS = U1SS - C1SS U2SS = U2SS - C2SS U3SS = U3SS - C3SS U1DS = U1DS - C1DS U2DS = U2DS - C2DS U3DS = U3DS - C3DS PSI = X1 - XL ETA = P CALL OKADAW(PSI,ETA,Q,SDIP,CDIP,RATIO,TWOPI, 1 VERT,C1SS,C2SS,C3SS,C1DS,C2DS,C3DS) U1SS = U1SS - C1SS U2SS = U2SS - C2SS U3SS = U3SS - C3SS U1DS = U1DS - C1DS U2DS = U2DS - C2DS U3DS = U3DS - C3DS PSI = X1 - XL ETA = P - W CALL OKADAW(PSI,ETA,Q,SDIP,CDIP,RATIO,TWOPI, 1 VERT,C1SS,C2SS,C3SS,C1DS,C2DS,C3DS) U1SS = U1SS + C1SS U2SS = U2SS + C2SS U3SS = U3SS + C3SS U1DS = U1DS + C1DS U2DS = U2DS + C2DS U3DS = U3DS + C3DS RETURN END C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** SUBROUTINE OKADAW(PSI,ETA,Q,SDIP,CDIP,RATIO,TWOPI,VERT,U1SS,U2SS, & U3SS,U1DS,U2DS,U3DS) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) LOGICAL VERT YBAR = ETA*CDIP + Q*SDIP DBAR = ETA*SDIP - Q*CDIP R = DSQRT(PSI*PSI + ETA*ETA + Q*Q) X = DSQRT(PSI*PSI + Q*Q) IF(DABS(Q) .LE. 0.1d0) THEN TERM = 0.D0 ELSE TERM = DATAN(PSI*ETA/(Q*R)) ENDIF IF(VERT) THEN F5 = -RATIO*PSI*SDIP/(R + DBAR) F4 = -RATIO*Q/(R + DBAR) F3 = 0.5D0*RATIO*(ETA/(R + DBAR) + YBAR*Q/ & ((R + DBAR)*(R + DBAR)) - DLOG(R + ETA)) F1 = -0.5D0*RATIO*PSI*Q/((R + DBAR)*(R + DBAR)) ELSE IF(DABS(PSI) .LE. 0.1D0) then F5 = 0.d0 ELSE F5 = 2.D0*RATIO*DATAN((ETA*(X+Q*CDIP)+X*(R+X)*SDIP)/ & (PSI*(R+X)*CDIP))/CDIP ENDIF F4 = RATIO*(DLOG(R+DBAR)-SDIP*DLOG(R+ETA))/CDIP F3 = RATIO*(YBAR/(CDIP*(R+DBAR)) - DLOG(R+ETA)) + SDIP*F4/CDIP F1 = -RATIO*(PSI/(CDIP*(R+DBAR))) - SDIP*F5/CDIP ENDIF F2 = -RATIO*DLOG(R+ETA) - F3 U1SS = -(PSI*Q/(R*(R+ETA)) + TERM + F1*SDIP)/TWOPI U2SS = -(YBAR*Q/(R*(R+ETA)) + Q*CDIP/(R+ETA) + F2*SDIP)/TWOPI U3SS = -(DBAR*Q/(R*(R+ETA)) + Q*SDIP/(R+ETA) + F4*SDIP)/TWOPI U1DS = -(Q/R - F3*SDIP*CDIP)/TWOPI * Following part modified based on changes provided by Jarir Saleh * on 11/19/2020 to avoid floating point exceptions when a point is * located on the extension of a fault plane. * Two conditional statements added to avoid floating point exception * using variables TERM1 and TERM2: TERM1 = YBAR*Q IF (ABS(TERM1) < 1D-3) THEN U2DS1 = 0.D0 ELSE U2DS1 = -YBAR*Q/R/(R+PSI)/TWOPI ENDIF U2DS2 = -CDIP*TERM/TWOPI U2DS3 = F1*SDIP*CDIP/TWOPI U2DS = U2DS1 + U2DS2 + U2DS3 TERM2 = DBAR*Q IF (ABS(TERM2) < 1D-3) THEN U3DS1 = 0.D0 ELSE U3DS1 = -DBAR*Q/R/(R+PSI)/TWOPI ENDIF U3DS2 = -SDIP*TERM/TWOPI U3DS3 = F5*SDIP*CDIP/TWOPI U3DS = U3DS1 + U3DS2 + U3DS3 * End of changes provided by Jarir RETURN END C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** SUBROUTINE GRDWEI (YLON, YLAT, JREGN, I, J, WEI) C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C C NAME: GRDWEI C VERSION: 9302.01 (YYMM.DD) C WRITTEN BY: MR. C. RANDOLPH PHILIPP C PURPOSE: RETURNS THE INDICES OF THE LOWER-LEFT C HAND CORNER OF THE GRID CELL CONTAINING THE POINT C AND COMPUTES NORMALIZED WEIGHTS FOR C BI-LINEAR INTERPOLATION OVER A PLANE C C INPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------ C YLON LONGITUDE OF POINT IN RADIANS, POSITIVE WEST C YLAT LATITUDE OF POINT IN RADIANS, POSITIVE NORTH C JREGN ID OF GEOGRAPHIC REGION CONTAINING POINT C C OUTPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------- C I, J THE COORDINATES OF LOWER LEFT CORNER OF THE GRID C CONTAINING THE ABOVE POSITION C WEI A TWO BY TWO ARRAY CONTAINING THE NORMALIZED WEIGHTS C FOR THE CORNER VECTORS C C GLOBAL VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS: C ------------------------------- C NONE C C THIS MODULE CALLED BY: COMVEL C C THIS MODULE CALLS: NONE C C INCLUDE FILES USED: NONE C C COMMON BLOCKS USED: /CDGRID/, /CONST/ C C REFERENCES: SEE RICHARD SNAY C C COMMENTS: C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C MOFICATION HISTORY: C::9302.11, CRP, ORIGINAL CREATION FOR DYNAP C::9511.09, RAS, MODIFIED FOR HTDP C::9712.05, RAS, MODIFIED TO ACCOUNT FOR MULTIPLE GRIDS C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C**** COMPUTES THE WEIGHTS FOR AN ELEMENT IN A GRID IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NUMGRD = 10) DIMENSION WEI(2,2) COMMON /CDGRID/ GRDLX(NUMGRD), GRDUX(NUMGRD), 1 GRDLY(NUMGRD), GRDUY(NUMGRD), 1 ICNTX(NUMGRD), ICNTY(NUMGRD), NBASE(NUMGRD) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC C*** Convert input coordinates to degrees POSX = (TWOPI - YLON) * 180.D0 / PI POSY = YLAT * 180.D0 / PI C*** Obtain indices for the lower-left corner of the cell C*** containing the point STEPX = (GRDUX(JREGN) - GRDLX(JREGN)) / ICNTX(JREGN) STEPY = (GRDUY(JREGN) - GRDLY(JREGN)) / ICNTY(JREGN) I = IDINT((POSX - GRDLX(JREGN))/STEPX) + 1 J = IDINT((POSY - GRDLY(JREGN))/STEPY) + 1 c write(6,1001) JREGN, I, J c1001 format(1x, 'jregn = ', I5 / c 1 1x, ' i = ', I5 / c 1 1x, ' j = ', I5) C*** Compute the limits of the grid cell GRLX = GRDLX(JREGN) + (I - 1) * STEPX GRUX = GRLX + STEPX GRLY = GRDLY(JREGN) + (J - 1) * STEPY GRUY = GRLY + STEPY C*** Compute the normalized weights for the point DENOM = (GRUX - GRLX) * (GRUY - GRLY) WEI(1,1) = (GRUX - POSX) * (GRUY - POSY) / DENOM WEI(2,1) = (POSX - GRLX) * (GRUY - POSY) / DENOM WEI(1,2) = (GRUX - POSX) * (POSY - GRLY) / DENOM WEI(2,2) = (POSX - GRLX) * (POSY - GRLY) / DENOM RETURN END C********************************************************************* C SUBROUTINE GRDVEC (JREGN, I, J, VEL, B) C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C C NAME: GRDVEC C VERSION: 9302.01 (YYMM.DD) C WRITTEN BY: MR. C. RANDOLPH PHILIPP C PURPOSE: RETRIEVES THE APPROXIMATE VALUES OF THE C GRID NODE VELOCITIES FOR GRID (I,J) C C INPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------ C JREGN ID OF GEOGRAPHIC REGION CORRESPONDING TO GRID C I, J THE COORDINATES OF LOWER LEFT CORNER OF THE GRID C CONTAINING THE ABOVE POSITION C B THE ARRAY CONTAINING ALL THE APPROXIMATE VALUES C FOR THE ADJUSTMENT C C OUTPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------- C VEL A TWO BY TWO ARRAY CONTAINING THE VELOCITY VECTORS C FOR THE CORNERS OF THE GRID C C GLOBAL VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS: C ------------------------------- C NONE C C THIS MODULE CALLED BY: COMVEL C C THIS MODULE CALLS: NONE C C INCLUDE FILES USED: NONE C C COMMON BLOCKS USED: NONE C C REFERENCES: SEE RICHARD SNAY C C COMMENTS: C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C MOFICATION HISTORY: C::9302.11, CRP, ORIGINAL CREATION FOR DYNAP C::9712.05, RAS, MODIFIED FOR HTDP (version 2.2) C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION VEL(2,2,3), B(*) DO 30 II = 0,1 DO 20 IJ = 0,1 DO 10 IVEC = 1, 3 INDEX = IUNGRD(JREGN, I + II, J + IJ, IVEC) VEL(II + 1, IJ + 1, IVEC) = B(INDEX) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE RETURN END C*************************************************** SUBROUTINE RDEG (INPUT,VAL,CNEG) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CHARACTER INPUT*10 CHARACTER CNEG*1 INTEGER DEG, MIN, ISEC DO 10 I = 1, 9 IF (INPUT(I:I).EQ.' ') THEN INPUT(I:I) = '0' ENDIF 10 CONTINUE READ (INPUT,20) DEG, MIN, ISEC 20 FORMAT(I3,I2,I4) SEC = ISEC/100.D0 VAL = (DEG + (MIN/60.D0) + (SEC/3600.D0) ) IF (INPUT(10:10).EQ.CNEG) THEN VAL = -VAL ENDIF RETURN END C*************************************************** INTEGER FUNCTION IUNGRD(IREGN, I, J, IVEC) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NUMGRD = 10) COMMON /CDGRID/ GRDLX(NUMGRD), GRDUX(NUMGRD), 1 GRDLY(NUMGRD), GRDUY(NUMGRD), 1 ICNTX(NUMGRD), ICNTY(NUMGRD), NBASE(NUMGRD) IUNGRD = NBASE(IREGN) + 1 3 * ((J - 1) * (ICNTX(IREGN) + 1) + (I - 1)) + IVEC RETURN END ***************************************************** SUBROUTINE TOVNEU(GLAT,GLON,VX,VY,VZ,VN,VE,VU) *** Convert velocities from vx,vy,vz to vn,ve,vu IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) SLAT = DSIN(GLAT) CLAT = DCOS(GLAT) SLON = DSIN(GLON) CLON = DCOS(GLON) VN = -SLAT*CLON*VX - SLAT*SLON*VY + CLAT*VZ VE = -SLON*VX + CLON*VY VU = CLAT*CLON*VX + CLAT*SLON*VY + SLAT*VZ RETURN END *************************************************** SUBROUTINE TOVXYZ(GLAT,GLON,VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ) *** Convert velocities from vn,ve,vu to vx,vy,vz IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) SLAT = DSIN(GLAT) CLAT = DCOS(GLAT) SLON = DSIN(GLON) CLON = DCOS(GLON) VX = -SLAT*CLON*VN - SLON*VE + CLAT*CLON*VU VY = -SLAT*SLON*VN + CLON*VE + CLAT*SLON*VU VZ = CLAT*VN + SLAT*VU RETURN END ***************************************************** SUBROUTINE DPLACE *** Predict displacements between two dates. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (numref = 19) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 CHARACTER CARD*80 CHARACTER record*120 CHARACTER NAMEF*80, NAME*80, NAMEBB*80, NAMEIF*80 CHARACTER NAME24*24 CHARACTER BLAB*17 CHARACTER NAMEG*10 CHARACTER TYPE*4 CHARACTER OPTION*1,JN*1,JW*1, VOPT*1 CHARACTER LATDIR*1, LONDIR*1 CHARACTER ANSWER*1 character frame1*24 LOGICAL TEST BLAB = 'OUTSIDE OF REGION' WRITE(LUOUT,10) 10 FORMAT( 1 ' Displacements will be predicted from time T1 to time T2.') WRITE(LUOUT,* ) ' Please enter T1 ' 20 CALL GETMDY(MONTH1,IDAY1,IYEAR1,DATE1,MIN1,TEST) IF(TEST) then write(luout,*) 'Do you wish to re-enter T1? (y/n)' read (luin,21,err=600,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 600 21 format( A1 ) IF (ANSWER .eq. 'y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'Y') GO TO 20 RETURN ENDIF WRITE(LUOUT,*) 'Please enter T2 ' 35 CALL GETMDY(MONTH2,IDAY2,IYEAR2,DATE2,MIN2,TEST) IF(TEST) then write(luout,*) ' Do you wish to re-enter T2? (y/n) ' read(luin,21,err=600,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 600 if (ANSWER .eq. 'y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'Y') GO TO 35 RETURN ENDIF WRITE(LUOUT,45) 45 FORMAT( 1 ' Please enter the name for the file to contain'/ 2 ' the predicted displacements. ') READ(LUIN,50,err=601,iostat=ios) NAMEF if (ios /= 0) goto 601 50 FORMAT(A80) OPEN(I2,FILE=NAMEF,STATUS='UNKNOWN') CALL HEADER *** Choosing reference frame for displacements 56 WRITE(LUOUT,55) 55 FORMAT(' ************************************************'/ 1 ' Select the reference frame to be used for specifying'/ 2 ' positions and displacements. '/) call MENU1(iopt, frame1) IF(IOPT .GE. 1 .AND . IOPT .LE. numref) THEN WRITE(I2,57) frame1 57 FORMAT(' DISPLACEMENTS IN METERS RELATIVE TO ', a24) ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,70) 70 FORMAT(' Improper selection--try again. ') GO TO 56 ENDIF WRITE(I2,71) MONTH1,IDAY1,IYEAR1,MONTH2,IDAY2,IYEAR2, 1 DATE1, DATE2 71 FORMAT ( 1 ' FROM ',I2.2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4,' TO ', 2 I2.2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4,' (month-day-year)'/ 2 ' FROM ',F8.3, ' TO ',F8.3, ' (decimal years)'// 3 'NAME OF SITE LATITUDE LONGITUDE ', 4 ' NORTH EAST UP ') WRITE(LUOUT,80) !Remove label 75 (v3.3.0) 80 FORMAT(' ********************************'/ 1 ' Displacements will be predicted at each point whose',/ 2 ' horizontal position is specified.',/ 3 ' Please indicate how you wish to supply positions.'/ ) 85 WRITE(LUOUT,86) 86 FORMAT( 1 ' 0. No more points. Return to main menu.'/ 2 ' 1. Individual points entered interactively.'/ 3 ' 2. Points on a specified grid.'/ 4 ' 3. The position records in a specified Bluebook file.'/ 5 ' 4. Points on a specified line. ' / 6 ' 5. File of delimited records of form LAT,LON,TEXT: ' / 7 ' LAT = latitude in degrees (positive north)' / 8 ' LON = longitude in degrees (positive west)' / 9 ' TEXT = descriptive text (maximum 24 characters)' / 1 ' Example: 40.731671553,112.212671753,SALT AIR' /) READ(LUIN,'(A1)',err=602,iostat=ios) OPTION if (ios /= 0) goto 602 IF(OPTION .EQ. '0') THEN GO TO 510 ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '1') THEN CALL GETPNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 LONDIR,NAME24, X,Y,Z,YLAT,YLON,EHT) ELON = -YLON call GETVLY(YLAT,ELON,VX,VY,VZ,VN,VE,VU,VOPT,210) if (vopt .eq. '0') then call PREDV( ylat, ylon, eht, date1, iopt, 1 jregn, vn, ve, vu) if (jregn .eq. 0) then write(luout, 140) go to 85 endif endif call NEWCOR(ylat, ylon, eht, min1, min2, 1 ylatt, ylont, ehtnew, dn, de, du, vn, ve, vu) 140 FORMAT(' ****************************************'/ 1 ' A displacement can not be predicted because'/ 1 ' the point is outside of the modeled region.'/ 2 ' For additional displacements, please indicate how'/ 3 ' you wish to supply the horizontal coordinates.'/) WRITE(LUOUT,150) DN, DE,DU 150 FORMAT(' *****************************************'/ 1 ' Northward displacement = ',F7.3,' meters'/ 1 ' Eastward displacement = ',F7.3,' meters'/ 1 ' Upward displacement = ',F7.3,' meters'/ 1 ' *****************************************'// 2 ' For additional displacements, please indicate how'/ 3 ' you wish to supply the horizontal coordinates.'/) WRITE(I2,160) NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,LONDIR,DN,DE,DU 160 FORMAT(A24,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X, 1 I3,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,1X,3F8.3) ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '2') THEN CALL GETGRD(NAMEG,MINLAT,MAXLAT,IDS,MINLON,MAXLON,JDS) I = -1 280 I = I + 1 LAT = MINLAT + I*IDS IF(LAT .GT. MAXLAT) GO TO 296 XLAT = DBLE(LAT)/RHOSEC CALL TODMSS(XLAT,LATD,LATM,SLAT,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' J = -1 290 J = J + 1 YLAT = XLAT LON = MINLON + J*JDS IF(LON .GT. MAXLON) GO TO 280 YLON = DBLE(LON)/RHOSEC CALL TODMSS(YLON,LOND,LONM,SLON,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' EHT = 0.D0 call PREDV(ylat,ylon, eht, date1, iopt, 1 jregn, vn, ve, vu) IF(JREGN .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(I2,291)NAMEG,I,J,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,LONDIR,BLAB 291 FORMAT(A10,2I4, 7X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3, 1 1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,1X,A17) ELSE call NEWCOR( ylat, ylon, eht, min1, min2, 1 ylatt, ylont, ehtnew, dn, de, du, vn, ve, vu) WRITE(I2,295)NAMEG,I,J,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,LONDIR,DN,DE,DU 295 FORMAT(A10,2I4, 7X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2, 1 1X,F8.5,1X,A1,1X,3F8.3) ENDIF GO TO 290 296 WRITE(LUOUT,297) 297 FORMAT(' ***********************************'/ 1 ' Displacements have been calculated for the specified'/ 2 ' grid. If you wish to calculate additional displacements,'/ 3 ' please indicate how you will supply the coordinates.'/) ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '3') THEN VOPT = '0' WRITE(LUOUT,300) 300 FORMAT(' Enter name of Bluebook file ') READ(LUIN,310,err=603,iostat=ios) NAMEBB if (ios /= 0) goto 603 310 FORMAT(A80) OPEN(I1,FILE=NAMEBB,STATUS='OLD') 320 READ(I1,330,END=350,err=604,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 604 330 FORMAT(A80) TYPE = CARD(7:10) IF(TYPE .EQ. '*80*') THEN READ(CARD,340,err=605,iostat=ios) NAME,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,JW if (ios /= 0) goto 605 340 FORMAT(BZ,14X,A30,I2,I2,F7.5,A1,I3,I2,F7.5,A1) NAME24 = NAME(1:24) C IF(JN.EQ.'S' .OR. JW.EQ.'E')GO TO 320 YLAT =(DBLE((LATD*60+LATM)*60)+SLAT)/RHOSEC IF (JN .eq. 'S') YLAT = -YLAT YLON =(DBLE((LOND*60+LONM)*60)+SLON)/RHOSEC IF (JW .eq. 'E') YLON = -YLON EHT = 0.D0 call PREDV( ylat, ylon, eht, date1, iopt, 1 jregn, vn, ve, vu) IF(JREGN .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(I2,345)NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 JW,BLAB 345 FORMAT(A24,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2,1X, 1 F8.5,1X,A1,1X,A17) ELSE call NEWCOR( ylat, ylon, eht, min1, min2, 1 ylatt, ylont, ehtnew, dn, de, du, vn, ve, vu) WRITE(I2,160)NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 JW,DN,DE,DU ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 320 350 CLOSE(I1,STATUS='KEEP') WRITE(LUOUT,360) 360 FORMAT(' ************************************'/ 1 ' Displacements have been calculated for the specified'/ 2 ' Bluebook file. If you wish to calculate additional'/ 3 ' displacements, please indicate how you will supply'/ 4 ' the horizontal coordinates.'/) ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '4') THEN VOPT = '0' CALL GETLYN(NAMEG,XLAT,XLON,FAZ,BAZ,XMIN,XMAX,XINC) XLON = TWOPI - XLON I = -1 400 I = I + 1 S = XMIN + I*XINC IF(S .GT. XMAX) GO TO 430 IF(S .LT. 0.0D0) THEN S1 = -S AZ = BAZ ELSE S1 = S AZ = FAZ ENDIF CALL DIRCT1(XLAT,XLON,YLAT,YLON,AZ,AZ1,S1) YLON = TWOPI - YLON CALL TODMSS(YLAT,LATD,LATM,SLAT,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' CALL TODMSS(YLON,LOND,LONM,SLON,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' EHT = 0.D0 call PREDV( ylat, ylon, eht, date1, iopt, 1 jregn, vn, ve, vu) IF(JREGN .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(I2,405)NAMEG,I,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,LONDIR, BLAB 405 FORMAT(A10,I4,11X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2,1X, 1 F8.5,1X,A1,1X,A17) ELSE call NEWCOR( ylat, ylon, eht, min1, min2, 1 ylatt, ylont, ehtnew, dn, de, du, vn, ve, vu) WRITE(I2,410)NAMEG,I,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM, 1 SLON,LONDIR,DN,DE,DU 410 FORMAT(A10,I4,11X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2, 1 1X,F8.5,1X,A1,1X,3F8.3) ENDIF GO TO 400 430 WRITE(LUOUT,440) 440 FORMAT(' ***************************************'/ 1 ' Displacements have been calculated for the specified'/ 2 ' line. If you wish to calculate additional displacements,'/ 3 ' please indicate how you will supply the coordinates.'/) ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '5') THEN VOPT = '0' EHT = 0.0D0 write(luout,450) 450 format(' Enter name of input file ') read(luin, 451,err=606,iostat=ios) NAMEIF if (ios /= 0) goto 606 451 format(A80) open(I1,FILE=NAMEIF,STATUS='OLD') LINE = 0 !Inititalize line number of input file. 455 read(I1,'(a)',END=460,err=607,iostat=ios) record if (ios /= 0) goto 607 call interprate_latlon_record (record,XLAT,XLON,name24) LINE = LINE + 1 !Increment line number of input file. *** If latitude magnitudes > 90 degrees or longitude magnitude > 360 degrees, *** write error message and terminate program (added for v3.3.0). IF ((DABS(XLAT) .GT. 90).OR.(DABS(XLON) .GT. 360)) THEN WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' WRITE(*,*)'Invalid latitude or longitude in input file' WRITE(*,4551)'on line', LINE, ':' WRITE(*,4552) XLAT, XLON, name24 WRITE(*,*)'Please check your input file and try again.' WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' 4551 FORMAT (1X, A, I8, A/) 4552 FORMAT (1X, 2F17.10, 2X, A/) STOP ENDIF YLAT = (XLAT*3600.D0)/RHOSEC YLON = (XLON*3600.D0)/RHOSEC CALL TODMSS(YLAT,LATD,LATM,SLAT,ISIGN) IF (ISIGN .EQ. 1) THEN JN = 'N' ELSE JN = 'S' ENDIF CALL TODMSS(YLON, LOND,LONM,SLON,ISIGN) IF (ISIGN .EQ. 1) THEN JW = 'W' ELSE JW = 'E' ENDIF CALL PREDV(YLAT,YLON,EHT,DATE1,IOPT, 1 JREGN,VN,VE,VU) IF (JREGN .EQ. 0) THEN Write(I2,345) NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT, JN, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,JW, BLAB ELSE CALL NEWCOR (YLAT, YLON, EHT, MIN1, MIN2, 1 YLATT, YLONT, EHTNEW, DN,DE,DU,VN,VE,VU) WRITE(I2, 160) NAME24, LATD, LATM, SLAT, JN, 1 LOND, LONM, SLON, JW, DN, DE , DU ENDIF GO TO 455 460 CLOSE(I1, STATUS = 'KEEP') write(LUOUT, 470) 470 format(' ******************************************'/ 1 ' Displacements have been calculated for the specified'/ 1 ' file. If you wish to calculate additional displacements,'/ 1 ' please indicate how you will supply the horizontal '/ 1 ' coordinates.'/) ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,500) 500 FORMAT(' Improper entry--select again. ') ENDIF GO TO 85 510 CONTINUE CLOSE(I2, STATUS = 'KEEP') RETURN 600 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong answer in DPLACE: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 601 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong file name in DPLACE: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 602 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong OPTION in DPLACE: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 603 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong bbname in DPLACE: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 604 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong CARD from bbfile in DPLACE:ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 605 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong CARD80 from bbfile in DPLACE:ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 606 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong input file name in DPLACE:ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 607 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Wrong record from input in DPLACE:ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ******************************************************************** SUBROUTINE VELOC *** Compute velocities at specified locations IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (numref = 19) parameter (nrsrch = 0) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 CHARACTER CARD*80 CHARACTER NAMEF*80,NAME*80,NAMEBB*80,PVFILE*80 CHARACTER NAME24*24 CHARACTER BLAB*17 CHARACTER NAMEG*10 CHARACTER TYPE*4 CHARACTER OPTION*1,JN*1,JW*1,PVOUT*1 CHARACTER LATDIR*1, LONDIR*1 character frame1*24 character record*120 *** Commented out following temporary code (v3.3.0). *** temporary code to plot results **************** C character TEMPNA*8 !Added string length to match string below. C C TEMPNA = ' ' C DUMMY = 0.0D0 *** end of temporary code ************************* BLAB = 'OUTSIDE OF REGION' WRITE(LUOUT,10) 10 FORMAT(' Please enter name for the file to contain the'/ 1 ' predicted velocities. ') READ(LUIN,20,err=700,iostat=ios) NAMEF if (ios /= 0) goto 700 20 FORMAT(A80) OPEN(I2,FILE=NAMEF,STATUS='UNKNOWN') CALL HEADER if (nrsrch .eq. 1) then WRITE(LUOUT,21) 21 FORMAT( 1 ' Do you want to create a file of point-velocity (PV)'/ 1 ' records for use with the DYNAPG software (y/n)? ') READ(LUIN,'(A1)',err=701,iostat=ios) PVOUT if (ios /= 0) goto 701 IF(PVOUT .EQ. 'Y' .OR. PVOUT .EQ. 'y') THEN PVOUT = 'Y' WRITE(LUOUT,22) 22 FORMAT(' Enter name for the file that is to contain'/ 1 ' the PV records. ') READ(LUIN,'(A80)',err=702,iostat=ios) PVFILE if (ios /= 0) goto 702 OPEN(I3,FILE = PVFILE, STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') ENDIF else PVOUT = 'N' endif *** Choosing reference system for velocities 1000 WRITE(LUOUT,1001) 1001 FORMAT(' **************************************************'/ 1 ' Select the reference frame to be used for specifying'/ 2 ' positions and velocities. '/ c 6 ' 0...Positions in NAD 83 and velocities relative to'/ c 6 ' a specified point having a specified velocity.') 6 ) call MENU1(iopt, frame1) if (iopt .ge. 1 .and. iopt .le. numref) then WRITE(I2,1002) frame1 1002 FORMAT('VELOCITIES IN MM/YR RELATIVE TO ', a24 ) RVN = 0.0D0 RVE = 0.0D0 RVU = 0.0D0 ELSEIF(IOPT .EQ. 0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,1010) CALL GETPNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 LONDIR, NAME24, X,Y,Z,YLAT,YLON,EHT) CALL GETREG(YLAT,YLON,JREGN) IF(JREGN .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,1008) 1008 FORMAT(' **********************************'/ 1 ' Point is not in modeled region and it can not'/ 1 ' be used as the reference location.'/) GO TO 1000 ENDIF WRITE(I2,1009) 1009 FORMAT('VELOCITIES IN MM/YR IN A REFERENCE FRAME FOR ', 1 'WHICH THE FIRST POINT LISTED'/ 2 'BELOW HAS THE VELOCITY AS LISTED'// 4 '**************REFERENCE SITE') 1010 FORMAT(' For the reference point...'/) WRITE(LUOUT,1030) 1030 FORMAT(' Enter northward velocity of reference location'/ 1 ' in mm/yr. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=703,iostat=ios) SVN if (ios /= 0) goto 703 WRITE(LUOUT,1040) 1040 FORMAT(' Enter eastward velocity of reference location'/ 1 ' in mm/yr. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=703,iostat=ios) SVE if (ios /= 0) goto 703 WRITE(LUOUT,1050) 1050 FORMAT(' Enter upward velocity of the reference location'/ 1 ' in mm/yr. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=703,iostat=ios) SVU if (ios /= 0) goto 703 CALL COMVEL(YLAT,YLON,JREGN,VN,VE,VU) RVN = SVN - VN RVE = SVE - VE RVU = SVU - VU GLON = -YLON CALL TOVXYZ(YLAT,GLON,SVN,SVE,SVU,SVX,SVY,SVZ) WRITE(I2,1060) NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,SVN,LOND,LONM, 1 SLON,LONDIR,SVE,EHT,SVU,X,SVX,Y,SVY,Z,SVZ 1060 FORMAT(/A24,/ 1'LATITUDE = ',2I3,F9.5,1X,A1,' NORTH VELOCITY =',F7.2,' mm/yr'/ 2'LONGITUDE = ',2I3,F9.5,1X,A1,' EAST VELOCITY =',F7.2,' mm/yr'/ 3'ELLIPS. HT. = ',F10.3,' m', 6X,'UP VELOCITY =',F7.2,' mm/yr'/ 4'X =',F13.3,' m',14X, 'X VELOCITY =',F7.2,' mm/yr'/ 5'Y =',F13.3,' m',14X, 'Y VELOCITY =',F7.2,' mm/yr'/ 6'Z =',F13.3,' m',14X, 'Z VELOCITY =',F7.2,' mm/yr') WRITE(I2,1070) 1070 FORMAT('******************************') ELSE write(luout, 1080) 1080 format(' Improper selection -- try again. ') GO TO 1000 ENDIF *** Choosing input format for locations where velocities are to be predicted WRITE(LUOUT,30) 30 FORMAT(' ************************************************'/ 1 ' Velocities will be predicted at each point whose'/ 2 ' horizontal position is specified. Please indicate'/ 4 ' how you wish to supply positions.'/) 40 WRITE(LUOUT,50) 50 FORMAT( 1 ' 0... No more points. Return to main menu.'/ 2 ' 1... Individual points entered interactively.'/ 3 ' 2... Points on a specified grid.'/ 4 ' 3... The position records in a specified Bluebook file.'/ 5 ' 4... Points on a specified line. '/ 6 ' 5... File of delimited records of form LAT,LON,TEXT:'/ 7 ' LAT = latitude in degrees (positive north) '/ 8 ' LON = longitude in degrees (positive west) '/ 9 ' TEXT = Descriptive text (maximum 24 characters) '/ 1 ' Example: 40.731671553,112.212671753,SALT AIR '/) READ(LUIN,60,err=704,iostat=ios) OPTION if (ios /= 0) goto 704 60 FORMAT(A1) IF(OPTION .EQ. '0') THEN GO TO 610 ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '1') THEN CALL GETPNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 LONDIR, NAME24, X,Y,Z,YLAT,YLON,EHT) CALL GTOVEL(YLAT,YLON,EHT,RVN,RVE,RVU, 1 VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ,JREGN,IOPT) IF(JREGN .eq. 0 ) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,80) 80 FORMAT(' *************************************'/ 1 ' A velocity can not be predicted because'/ 1 ' the point is outside of the modeled region.'/ 2 ' For additional velocities, please indicate how'/ 3 ' you wish to supply the horizontal coordinates.'/) ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,90) VN, VE, VU, VX, VY, VZ 90 FORMAT(' **************************************'/ 1 ' Northward velocity = ',F6.2,' mm/yr'/ 1 ' Eastward velocity = ',F6.2,' mm/yr'/ 1 ' Upward velocity = ',F6.2,' mm/yr'// 1 ' X-dim. velocity = ',F6.2,' mm/yr'/ 1 ' Y-dim. velocity = ',F6.2,' mm/yr'/ 1 ' Z-dim. velocity = ',F6.2,' mm/yr'/ 1 ' **************************************'// 2 ' For additional velocities, please indicate how'/ 3 ' you wish to specify the horizontal coordinates.'/) WRITE(I2,1060)NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,VN,LOND,LONM, 1 SLON, LONDIR, VE, EHT,VU,X,VX,Y,VY,Z,VZ 100 FORMAT(A24,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2,1X,F8.5, 1 1X,A1,1X,3F8.2) IF(PVOUT .EQ. 'Y') THEN CALL PVPRNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LOND,LONM,SLON,VN,VE,VU) ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '2') THEN EHT = 0.D0 WRITE(I2,105) 105 FORMAT( 1 'NAME OF SITE',14X,'LATITUDE LONGITUDE ', 2 ' NORTH EAST UP'/) 106 FORMAT( 1 'NAME OF LINE', 6X,'LATITUDE LONGITUDE ', 2 ' NORTH EAST UP'/) CALL GETGRD(NAMEG,MINLAT,MAXLAT,IDS,MINLON,MAXLON,JDS) I = -1 110 I = I + 1 LAT = MINLAT + I*IDS IF(LAT .GT. MAXLAT) GO TO 150 XLAT = DBLE(LAT)/RHOSEC CALL TODMSS(XLAT,LATD,LATM,SLAT,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' J = -1 120 J = J + 1 YLAT = XLAT LON = MINLON + J*JDS IF(LON .GT. MAXLON) GO TO 110 YLON = DBLE(LON)/RHOSEC CALL TODMSS(YLON,LOND,LONM,SLON,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' CALL GTOVEL(YLAT,YLON,EHT,RVN,RVE,RVU, 1 VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ,JREGN,IOPT) IF(JREGN .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE(I2,125)NAMEG,I,J,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM, 1 SLON,LONDIR,BLAB 125 FORMAT(A10,2I4, 7X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2, 1 1X,F8.5,1X,A1, 1X,A17) ELSE *** Commented out following temporary code (v3.3.0). *** temporary code to plot results C ZLAT = DBLE(LATD) + DBLE(LATM)/60.D0 + SLAT/3600.D0 C ZLON = DBLE(LOND) + DBLE(LONM)/60.D0 + SLON/3600.D0 C ZLON = 360.D0 - ZLON C TOTVEL = DSQRT(VN*VN + VE*VE) C *** code to create vectors to be plotted C IF (TOTVEL .GE. 5.0D0 .AND. TOTVEL .LE. 50.D0) THEN C TVE = VE/10.D0 C TVN = VN/10.D0 C WRITE(I2,129) ZLON,ZLAT,TVE,TVN,DUMMY,DUMMY,DUMMY, C 1 TEMPNA C 129 FORMAT(F10.6, 2x, F9.6, 2X, 5(F7.2, 2x), A8) C ENDIF C *** code to create contour plots C WRITE(I2,129) ZLON, ZLAT, TOTVEL C 129 FORMAT(F6.2, 1X, F6.2, 1X, F5.1) *** end of temporary code *** beginning of original code WRITE(I2,130)NAMEG,I,J,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,LONDIR,VN,VE,VU 130 FORMAT(A10,2I4, 7X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X, 1 I3,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,1X,3F8.2) *** end of original code IF(PVOUT .EQ. 'Y') THEN CALL PVPRNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LOND,LONM,SLON,VN,VE,VU) ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 120 150 WRITE(LUOUT,160) 160 FORMAT(' **********************************************'/ 1 ' Velocities have been calculated for the specified grid.'/ 2 ' If you wish to calculate additional velocities, please'/ 3 ' indicate how you will specify positional coordinates.'/) ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '3') THEN EHT = 0.D0 WRITE(I2,105) WRITE(LUOUT,200) 200 FORMAT(' Enter name of Bluebook file. ') READ(LUIN,210,err=705,iostat=ios) NAMEBB if (ios /= 0) goto 705 210 FORMAT(A80) OPEN(I1,FILE=NAMEBB,STATUS='OLD') 220 READ(I1,230,END=250,err=706,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 706 230 FORMAT(A80) TYPE = CARD(7:10) IF(TYPE .EQ. '*80*') THEN READ(CARD,240,err=707,iostat=ios)NAME,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,JW if (ios /= 0) goto 707 240 FORMAT(BZ,14X,A30,I2,I2,F7.5,A1,I3,I2,F7.5,A1) NAME24 = NAME(1:24) YLAT =(DBLE((LATD*60+LATM)*60)+SLAT)/RHOSEC YLON =(DBLE((LOND*60+LONM)*60)+SLON)/RHOSEC if (jn .eq. 'S') ylat = -ylat if (jw .eq. 'E') ylon = -ylon CALL GTOVEL(YLAT,YLON,EHT,RVN,RVE,RVU, 1 VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ,JREGN,IOPT) IF(JREGN .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE(I2,245)NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN,LOND,LONM, 1 SLON,JW,BLAB 245 FORMAT(A24,1X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2, 1 1X,F8.5,1X,A1,1X,A17) ELSE WRITE(I2,100)NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN,LOND,LONM, 1 SLON,JW,VN,VE,VU IF(PVOUT .EQ. 'Y') THEN CALL PVPRNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LOND,LONM,SLON,VN,VE,VU) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 220 250 CLOSE(I1,STATUS='KEEP') WRITE(LUOUT,260) 260 FORMAT(' ****************************************'/ 1 ' Velocities have been calculated for the specified '/ 2 ' Bluebook file. If you wish to calculate additional'/ 3 ' velocities, please indicate how you will supply the'/ 4 ' horizontal coordinates.'/) ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '4') THEN EHT = 0.D0 WRITE(I2,106) CALL GETLYN(NAMEG,XLAT,XLON,FAZ,BAZ,XMIN,XMAX,XINC) XLON = TWOPI - XLON I = -1 300 I= I+1 S = XMIN + I*XINC IF(S .GT. XMAX) GO TO 330 IF(S .LT. 0.0D0) THEN S1 = -S AZ = BAZ ELSE S1 = S AZ = FAZ ENDIF CALL DIRCT1(XLAT,XLON,YLAT,YLON,AZ,AZ1,S1) YLON = TWOPI - YLON CALL TODMSS(YLAT,LATD,LATM,SLAT,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' CALL TODMSS(YLON,LOND,LONM,SLON,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' CALL GTOVEL(YLAT,YLON,EHT,RVN,RVE,RVU, 1 VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ,JREGN,IOPT) IF(JREGN .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE(I2,305)NAMEG,I,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM, 1 SLON,LONDIR,BLAB 305 FORMAT(A10,I4,3X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X, 1 I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,1X,A17) ELSE WRITE(I2,310)NAMEG,I,LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 LONDIR,VN,VE,VU 310 FORMAT(A10,I4,3X,I2,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X,I3,1X,I2,1X, 1 F8.5,1X,A1,1X,3F8.2) IF(PVOUT .EQ. 'Y') THEN CALL PVPRNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LOND,LONM,SLON,VN,VE,VU) ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 300 330 WRITE(LUOUT,340) 340 FORMAT(' ***********************************************'/ 1 ' Velocities have been calculated for the specified line.'/ 2 ' If you wish to calculate additional velocities, please'/ 3 ' indicate how you will specify positional coordinates.'/) ELSEIF(OPTION .EQ. '5') THEN EHT = 0.0D0 WRITE(I2, 105) WRITE(LUOUT,400) 400 FORMAT(' Enter name of input file. ') READ(LUIN,410,err=708,iostat=ios) NAMEBB if (ios /= 0) goto 708 410 FORMAT(A80) OPEN(I1,FILE=NAMEBB,STATUS='OLD') LINE = 0 !Inititalize line number of input file. 420 READ(I1,'(a)',END=450,err=709,iostat=ios) record call interprate_latlon_record (record,XLAT,XLON,NAME24) if (ios /= 0) goto 709 LINE = LINE + 1 !Increment line number of input file. *** If latitude magnitudes > 90 degrees or longitude magnitude > 360 degrees, *** write error message and terminate program (added for v3.3.0). IF ((DABS(XLAT) .GT. 90).OR.(DABS(XLON) .GT. 360)) THEN WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' WRITE(*,*)'Invalid latitude or longitude in input file' WRITE(*,4201)'on line', LINE, ':' WRITE(*,4202) XLAT, XLON, name24 WRITE(*,*)'Please check your input file and try again.' WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' 4201 FORMAT (1X, A, I8, A/) 4202 FORMAT (1X, 2F17.10, 2X, A/) STOP ENDIF YLAT = (XLAT*3600.D0)/RHOSEC YLON = XLON*3600.d0/RHOSEC CALL TODMSS(YLAT, LATD, LATM, SLAT, ISIGN) IF (ISIGN .eq. 1) then JN = 'N' Else JN = 'S' endif call TODMSS(YLON, LOND, LONM, SLON, ISIGN) IF (ISIGN .eq. 1) then JW = 'W' else JW = 'E' endif CALL GTOVEL(YLAT,YLON,EHT,RVN,RVE, RVU, 1 VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ,JREGN,IOPT) IF (JREGN .eq. 0) then write(I2,245)NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,JW,BLAB ELSE write(I2,100)NAME24,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,JW,VN,VE,VU IF(PVOUT .EQ. 'Y') then call PVPRNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LOND,LONM,SLON,VN,VE,VU) ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 420 450 CLOSE(I1, STATUS = 'KEEP') write(LUOUT, 460) 460 format(' ********************************'/ 1 ' Velocities have been calculated for the specified'/ 2 ' file. If you wish to calculate additional velocities, '/ 3 ' please indicate how you will supply the coordinates.'/) ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,600) 600 FORMAT(' Improper entry--select again. ') ENDIF GO TO 40 610 CONTINUE CLOSE(I2, STATUS = 'KEEP') IF( PVOUT .EQ. 'Y') CLOSE(I3, STATUS = 'KEEP') RETURN 700 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read file name: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 701 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read answer: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 702 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read file name: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 703 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read velocity: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 704 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read OPTION: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 705 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read name of bbfile: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 706 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read card from bbfile: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 707 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read card80 from bbfile: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 708 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read file name: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 709 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) 'Failed to read bbfile: ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GTOVEL(YLAT,YLON,EHT,RVN,RVE,RVU, 1 VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ,JREGN,IOPT) *** Compute velocity in appropriate reference frame for point with *** latitude YLAT (radians), longitude YLON (radians, positive west) *** and ellipsoid height EHT (meters) in this reference frame. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) logical Is_iopt_NAD83 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC Is_iopt_NAD83 = (IOPT == 1) *** Get reference latitude RLAT and reference longitude RLON in NAD 83 c IF(IOPT .EQ. 0 .OR. IOPT .EQ. 1) THEN !Not NAD83 anymore IF(IOPT .EQ. 15) THEN RLAT = YLAT *** Added conditional statement to get rid of out-of-region error when *** YLON is negative for reference frame (v3.3.0): IF(YLON .GE. 0.D0) THEN RLON = YLON ELSE RLON = YLON + TWOPI ENDIF ELSE ELON = -YLON CALL TOXYZ(YLAT,ELON,EHT,X,Y,Z) DATE = 2010.0d0 CALL XTO08 (X,Y,Z,RLAT,RLON,EHT08,DATE,IOPT) !They are in ITRF2008 ENDIF *** Get velocity in NAD 83 !Not anymore since 09/12/2014. Now it is in ITRF2008 CALL GETREG(RLAT,RLON,JREGN) IF (JREGN .EQ. 0) RETURN CALL COMVEL(RLAT,RLON,JREGN,VN,VE,VU) VN = VN + RVN VE = VE + RVE VU = VU + RVU ELON = -YLON CALL TOVXYZ(YLAT,ELON,VN,VE,VU,VX,VY,VZ) *** Convert velocity into another reference frame if needed c IF(IOPT .NE. 0 .AND. IOPT .NE. 1) THEN !Commented out on 09/12/2014 IF(IOPT .NE. 15) THEN IF(Is_iopt_NAD83) THEN c CALL VTRANF(X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ, 1, IOPT) !No longer NAD83 CALL VTRANF(X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ, 15, IOPT) !No longer NAD83 else CALL VTRANF_IERS(X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ, 15, IOPT) !Now ITRF2008 endif CALL TOVNEU(YLAT, ELON, VX, VY, VZ, VN, VE, VU) ENDIF RETURN END **************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE XTO08 (X,Y,Z,RLAT,WLON,EHT08,DATE,IOPT) *** Converts X,Y,Z in specified datum to latitude and *** longitude (in radians) and height (meters) in ITRF2008 *** datum with longitude positive west. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) LOGICAL FRMXYZ COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC *** Convert to cartesian coordinates in ITRF2008 if (iopt .eq. 15) then x2 = x y2 = y z2 = z elseif (iopt .eq. 1) then call toit94(x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,date,iopt) call frit94(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,date,15) else call toit94_iers(x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,date,iopt) call frit94_iers(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,date,15) endif ***Convert to geodetic coordinates IF(.NOT.FRMXYZ(X2,Y2,Z2,RLAT,ELON,EHT08))STOP 666 WLON = -ELON 100 IF(WLON .LT. 0.D0) THEN WLON = WLON + TWOPI GO TO 100 ENDIF RETURN END ****************************************************** subroutine TRFPOS *** Transform position between reference frames implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) parameter (nbbdim = 10000) parameter (rad2deg = 180.d0/3.14159265358979d0) character card*80,namebb*80,nameif*80,name24*80 character record*120 character NAMEF*80 character frame1*24, frame2*24 character jn*1,jw*1,LATDIR*1,LONDIR*1 character option*1, answer*1, vopt*1 character PID*6,PIDs*6 character HTDP_version*8 LOGICAL FRMXYZ LOGICAL TEST LOGICAL Is_inp_NAD83, Is_out_NAD83 c LOGICAL Is_inp_NAD83PAC,Is_out_NAD83PAC !Comment out v3.4.0 c LOGICAL Is_inp_NAD83MAR,Is_out_NAD83MAR !Comment out v3.4.0 COMMON /CONST/ A, F, E2, EPS, AF, PI, TWOPI, RHOSEC COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /ARRAYS/ HT(nbbdim), LOC(nbbdim),PIDs(nbbdim) COMMON /VERSION/ HTDP_version C Initialize NAD 83 input/poutput logical variables as false: Is_inp_NAD83 = .FALSE. Is_out_NAD83 = .FALSE. write(luout,80) 80 format( 1 ' Please enter the name for the file to contain'/ 2 ' the transformed positions. ') read(luin,'(A80)',err=600,iostat=ios) namef if (ios /= 0) goto 600 open(i2, file = namef, status = 'unknown') CALL HEADER 95 write(luout,100) 100 format (' *******************************************'/ 1 ' Enter the reference frame of the input positions') call MENU1(iopt1, frame1) if (iopt1 .lt. 1 .or. iopt1 .gt. numref) then write(luout,*) ' Improper selection -- try again. ' go to 95 endif IF(iopt1 .EQ. 1) Is_inp_NAD83 = .TRUE. c Is_inp_NAD83 = (iopt1 == 1) !Comment out v3.4.0 c Is_inp_NAD83PAC = (iopt1 == 12) !Comment out v3.4.0 c Is_inp_NAD83MAR = (iopt1 == 13) !Comment out v3.4.0 105 write(luout,110) 110 format (/' Enter the reference frame for the output positions') call MENU1(iopt2, frame2) if (iopt2 .lt. 1 .or. iopt2 .gt. numref) then write(luout,*) ' Improper selection -- try again. ' go to 105 endif IF(iopt2 .EQ. 1) Is_out_NAD83 = .TRUE. c Is_out_NAD83 = (iopt2 == 1) !Comment out v3.4.0 c Is_out_NAD83PAC = (iopt2 == 12) !Comment out v3.4.0 c Is_out_NAD83MAR = (iopt2 == 13) !Comment out v3.4.0 write(luout,120) 120 format (/ 1 ' Enter the reference date of the input positions.') 121 CALL GETMDY(MONTH1, IDAY1, IYEAR1, DATE1, MIN1, TEST) IF(TEST) then write(luout,*) ' Do you wish to re-enter the date? (y/n)' read(luin, '(A1)',err=601,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 601 if(ANSWER .eq. 'y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'Y')GO TO 121 RETURN ENDIF write(luout,130) 130 format(/ 1 ' Enter the reference date for the output positions. ') 131 CALL GETMDY(MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2, DATE2, MIN2, TEST) IF(TEST) then write(luout,*) ' Do you wish to re-enter the date? (y/n)' read(luin, '(A1)',err=601,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 601 if(ANSWER .eq. 'Y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'y') GO TO 131 RETURN ENDIF write(i2, 150) frame1, month1, iday1, iyear1, date1, 1 frame2, month2, iday2, iyear2, date2 150 format(' TRANSFORMING POSITIONS FROM ',A24,' (EPOCH = ', 1 I2.2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4,' (',F9.4,'))'/26X, 1 'TO ', A24, ' (EPOCH = ',I2.2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4,' (',F9.4,'))'/) c 1 13X,'INPUT COORDINATES OUTPUT COORDINATES', c 1 4x, 'INPUT VELOCITY' /) 160 write(luout, 170) 170 format (/' ***************************************'/ 1 ' Coordinates will be transformed at each specified point.'/ 1 ' Please indicate how you wish to supply positions.'/ 1 ' 0... No more points. Return to main menu.'/ 1 ' 1... Individual points entered interactively.'/ 1 ' 2... The position records in a specified Bluebook file. '/ 1 ' 3... Transform positions contained in file of delimited'/ 1 ' records of the form LAT,LON,EHT,TEXT:' / 1 ' LAT = latitude in degrees (positive north)'/ 1 ' LON = longitude in degrees (positive west)'/ 1 ' EHT = ellipsoid height in meters'/ 1 ' TEXT = descriptive text (maximum 24 characters) '/ 1 ' Example: 40.731671553,112.212671753,34.241,SALT'/ 1 ' 4... Transform positions contained in file of delimited'/ 1 ' records of the form X,Y,Z,TEXT, where:' / 1 ' X, Y, Z = Cartesian coordinates in meters'/ 1 ' TEXT = descriptive text (maximum 24 characters) '/ 1 ' Example: -86682.104,-5394026.861,3391189.647,SALT'/ 1 ' 5... Transform positions using velocities in a file of '/ 1 ' delimited records of the form X,Y,Z,Vx,Vy,Vz,TEXT' / 1 ' X, Y, Z = Cartesian coordinates in meters'/ 1 ' Vx, Vy, Vz = Cartesian velocities in m/year'/ 1 ' TEXT = descriptive text (maximum 24 characters) '/ 1 ' Example: '/ 1' -86682.104,-5394026.861,3391189.647,0.012,0.006,-0.001,SALT'/) read(luin,'(a1)',err=602,iostat=ios) option if (ios /= 0) goto 602 c write (*,*) "Starting to look at options" if (option .eq. '0') then go to 500 elseif (option .eq. '1') then vxsave = 0.d0 vysave = 0.d0 vzsave = 0.d0 vnsave = 0.d0 vesave = 0.d0 vusave = 0.d0 180 call GETPNT(latd, latm, slat, LATDIR, lond, lonm, slon, 1 LONDIR, name24, x, y, z, ylat, ylon, eht) C Added by JS on 09/10/2014 if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call TOIT94(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, date1, iopt1) call FRIT94(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date1, iopt2) else call TOIT94_IERS(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, date1, iopt1) call FRIT94_IERS(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date1, iopt2) endif if (min1 .ne. min2) then !i.e., if the input and output dates are different if(.not.FRMXYZ(x2,y2,z2,ylat1,elon1,eht1)) STOP 666 ylon1 = -elon1 if(ylon1 .lt. 0.d0) ylon1 = ylon1 + twopi call GETVLY(ylat1,elon1,vx,vy,vz,vn,ve,vu,vopt,210) if (vopt .eq. '0') then call PREDV(ylat1,ylon1,eht1,date1,iopt1,jregn,vn,ve,vu) if (jregn .eq. 0) then write(luout, 200) 200 format(/' ****************************************'/ 1 ' These coordinates can not be transformed to a different'/ 1 ' date because the point is outside of the modeled region.'/) go to 220 else call TOVXYZ( ylat1, elon1, vn, ve, vu, vx, vy, vz) c write (*,*) vx,vy,vz,vn,ve,vu endif endif vxsave = vx vysave = vy vzsave = vz vnsave = vn vesave = ve vusave = vu if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call VTRANF( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, iopt1, iopt2) else call VTRANF_IERS( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, iopt1, iopt2) endif call TOVNEU( ylat1, elon1, vx, vy, vz, vn, ve, vu) c write (*,*) "Passed TOVNEU",vn, ve, vu call NEWCOR( ylat1, ylon1, eht1, min1, min2, 1 ylatt, ylont, ehtnew, dn, de, du, vn, ve, vu) c write (*,*) "Passed NEWCOR",vn, ve, vu call TOXYZ(ylatt,-ylont, ehtnew, xt, yt, zt) c write (*,*) "Passed TOXYZ" else xt = x2 yt = y2 zt = z2 if(.not.(FRMXYZ(xt,yt,zt,ylatt,elont,ehtnew))) STOP 666 ylont = -elont if(ylont .lt. 0.0d0) ylont = ylont + twopi c write (*,*) ylont*180.d0/pi,ylatt*180.d0/pi,ehtnew endif call PRNTTP(x, y, z, xt, yt, zt, ylat, ylatt, 1 ylon, ylont, eht, ehtnew, name24, 1, 2 vxsave, vysave, vzsave, vnsave, vesave, vusave) 220 write(luout,*) ' Transform more positions? (y/n) ' read(luin,'(a1)',err=601,iostat=ios) answer if (ios /= 0) goto 601 if(answer .eq. 'Y' .or. answer .eq. 'y') go to 180 close (i2, status = 'keep') elseif (option .eq. '2') then !Bluebook input and output vxsave = 0.d0 vysave = 0.d0 vzsave = 0.d0 vnsave = 0.d0 vesave = 0.d0 vusave = 0.d0 write(luout, 300) 300 format(/ 1 ' Enter name of the Bluebook file: ') read(luin, '(a)',err=603,iostat=ios) namebb if (ios /= 0) goto 603 open (i1, file = namebb, status = 'old') *** Obtaining the ellipsoid heights from the Bluebook file do i = 1, nbbdim ht(i) = 0.d0 enddo 302 read (i1, '(a80)', end = 309,err=604,iostat=ios) card if (ios /= 0) goto 604 if (card(7:10) .eq. '*80*') then c read (card, 303) isn, eht c 303 format (bz, 10x, i4, t70, f6.2) read (card, 303,err=605,iostat=ios) PID,isn,eht if (ios /= 0) goto 605 303 format (a6,4x,i4, t70, f6.2) if (ht(isn) .eq. 0.d0) ht(isn) = eht PIDs(isn) = PID elseif (card(7:10) .eq. '*86*') then if (card(46:52) .ne. ' ') then read (card, 304,err=606,iostat=ios) isn, eht if (ios /= 0) goto 606 304 format (bz, 10x, i4, t46, f7.3) ht(isn) = eht else read (card, 305,err=606,iostat=ios) isn, oht, ght if (ios /= 0) goto 606 305 format (bz, 10x, i4, t17, f7.3, t36, f7.3) ht(isn) = oht + ght endif endif go to 302 309 rewind i1 c open (i6,file='transformed_'//namebb) C write some comments in the transformed files call extract_name (namebb,iii) *** Commented out due to unused label (v3.3.0). *1309 format (/'The file, transformed_',a, * & ', contains the transformed input file.'/) write (i2,1310) HTDP_version 1310 format (' ***CAUTION: This file was processed using HTDP', & ' version ',a8, '***') write (i2,1311) frame2 1311 format (' ***CAUTION: Coordinates in this file are in ', & a24, '***') WRITE (i2, 1312) MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2, DATE2 1312 FORMAT(' ***CAUTION: Coordinates in this file have been ', * 'updated to ',I2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4, '=(',F8.3,') ***'/) *** Reread Bluebook file to get latitudes and longitudes *** and to perform transformations *** and to write transformed lat and lon to the *80* records of the output bfile *** and to write transformed ellip. h to the *86* records of the output bfile 310 read(i1, '(a80)', end = 390,err=604,iostat=ios) card if (ios /= 0) goto 604 if (card(7:10) .eq. '*80*') then read(card,320,err=605,iostat=ios) isn,name24(1:30),latd, & latm,slat,jn,lond, lonm, slon, jw if (ios /= 0) goto 605 320 format(10x, i4, a30, i2, i2, f7.5, a1, & i3, i2, f7.5, a1) *** Commented out due to unused label (v3.3.0). * 321 format(i2, i2, f7.5, a1,3x, i3, i2, f7.5, a1) ylat = (dble((latd*60 + latm)*60) + slat) / rhosec ylon = (dble((lond*60 + lonm)*60) + slon) / rhosec if (jn .eq. 'S') ylat = -ylat if (jw .eq. 'E') ylon = -ylon eht = ht(isn) call TOXYZ(ylat, -ylon, eht, x, y, z) C Modified in 09/15/2014 by JS to accommodate the IERS 96-97 trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call TOIT94(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, date1, iopt1) call FRIT94(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date1, iopt2) else call TOIT94_IERS(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, date1, iopt1) call FRIT94_IERS(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date1, iopt2) endif C End changes if (min1 .ne. min2) then if(.not.FRMXYZ(x2,y2,z2,ylat1,elon1,eht1)) STOP 666 ylon1 = -elon1 if (ylon1 .lt. 0.0d0) ylon1 = ylon1 + twopi call PREDV(ylat1, ylon1, eht1, date1, iopt1, 1 jregn, vn, ve, vu) if (jregn .eq. 0) then write(i2, 330) name24 330 format (/ 1x,a, 1 ' is outside of the modeled region.'/) go to 310 else call TOVXYZ(ylat1,elon1,vn,ve,vu,vx,vy,vz) vxsave = vx vysave = vy vzsave = vz vnsave = vn vesave = ve vusave = vu C Modified on 09/15/2014 by JS to accomodate the IERS trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call VTRANF(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,iopt1,iopt2) else call VTRANF_IERS( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, iopt1, iopt2) endif C End changes call TOVNEU(ylat1,elon1,vx,vy,vz,vn,ve,vu) call NEWCOR(ylat1,ylon1,eht1,min1,min2, 1 ylatt,ylont,ehtnew,dn,de,dui,vn,ve,vu) call TOXYZ(ylatt,-ylont,ehtnew,xt,yt,zt) endif else xt = x2 yt = y2 zt = z2 if(.not.FRMXYZ(xt,yt,zt,ylatt,elont,ehtnew))STOP 666 ylont = -elont if (ylont .lt. 0.0d0) ylont = ylont + twopi endif c call PRNTTP(x,y,z, xt,yt, zt, ylat, ylatt, c 1 ylon, ylont, eht, ehtnew, name24, 0, c 1 vxsave, vysave, vzsave, vnsave, vesave, vusave) C Now write output *80* records to the output bfile call TODMSS (ylatt,latdeg,latmin,seclat,isign) latsec = nint(100000*seclat) latdir = 'N' if (isign .eq. -1) latdir = 'S' call TODMSS (ylont,londeg,lonmin,seclon,isign) lonsec = nint(100000*seclon) londir = 'W' if (isign .eq. -1) londir = 'E' write (card(45:46),'(i2)') latdeg write (card(47:48),'(i2)') latmin write (card(49:55),'(i7)') latsec do i=45,55 if (card(i:i) == ' ') card(i:i) = '0' enddo write (card(56:56),'(a1)') latdir write (card(57:59),'(i3)') londeg write (card(60:61),'(i2)') lonmin write (card(62:68),'(i7)') lonsec do i=57,68 if (card(i:i) == ' ') card(i:i) = '0' enddo write (card(69:69),'(a1)') londir write (i2,'(a)') card c write (*,'(a)') card C Now write output *86* records elseif (card(8:9) == '86') then c write (*,'(a)') card write (card(46:52),'(i7)') nint(ehtnew*1000) write (i2,'(a)') card c write(*, '(a80)') card else write (i2,'(a)') card endif go to 310 390 close (i1, status = 'keep') c close (i6, status = 'keep') close (i2, status = 'keep') elseif (option .eq. '3') then vxsave = 0.d0 vysave = 0.d0 vzsave = 0.d0 vnsave = 0.d0 vesave = 0.d0 vusave = 0.d0 write (luout, 400) 400 format (' Enter name of input file: ') read (luin,'(a)',err=608,iostat=ios) nameif if (ios /= 0) goto 608 open (i1, file = nameif, status = 'old') C open (i6,file='transformed_'//nameif) C write some comments in the transformed files call extract_name (nameif,iii) write (i2,1310) HTDP_version write (i2,1311) frame2 WRITE (I2, 1312) MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2, DATE2 LINE = 0 !Inititalize line number of input file. 410 read (i1,'(a)',end=450,err=607,iostat=ios) record if (ios /= 0) goto 607 call interprate_XYZ_record (record,xlat,xlon,eht,name24) LINE = LINE + 1 !Increment line number of input file. *** If latitude magnitudes > 90 degrees or longitude magnitude > 360 degrees, *** write error message and terminate program (added for v3.3.0). IF ((DABS(xlat) .GT. 90).OR.(DABS(xlon) .GT. 360)) THEN WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' WRITE(*,*)'Invalid latitude or longitude in input file' WRITE(*,4101)'on line', LINE, ':' WRITE(*,4102) xlat, xlon, eht, name24 WRITE(*,*)'Please check your input file and try again.' WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' 4101 FORMAT (1X, A, I8, A/) 4102 FORMAT (1X, 2F17.10, F11.3, 2X, A) STOP ENDIF ylat = (xlat*3600.d0) / rhosec ylon = (xlon*3600.d0) / rhosec elon = -ylon call TOXYZ(ylat, elon, eht, x, y, z) C Modified in 09/15/2014 by JS to accommodate the IERS 96-97 trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call TOIT94 (x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,date1,iopt1) call FRIT94 (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,date1,iopt2) else call TOIT94_IERS(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, date1, iopt1) call FRIT94_IERS(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date1, iopt2) endif C End changes if (min1 .ne. min2) then if(.not.FRMXYZ(x2,y2,z2,ylat1,elon1,eht1)) STOP 666 ylon1 = -elon1 if (ylon1 .lt. 0.d0) ylon1 = ylon1 + twopi call PREDV (ylat1, ylon1, eht1, date1, iopt1, jregn, 1 vn, ve, vu) if (jregn .eq. 0) then write(i2, 330) name24 go to 410 else call TOVXYZ(ylat1,elon1,vn,ve,vu,vx,vy,vz) vxsave = vx vysave = vy vzsave = vz vnsave = vn vesave = ve vusave = vu C Modified on 09/15/2014 by JS to accomodate the IERS trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call VTRANF(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,iopt1,iopt2) else call VTRANF_IERS( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, iopt1, iopt2) endif C End changes call TOVNEU(ylat1, elon1,vx,vy,vz,vn,ve,vu) call NEWCOR (ylat1, ylon1, eht1, min1, min2, 1 ylatt,ylont,ehtnew,dn,de,du,vn,ve,vu) call TOXYZ(ylatt,-ylont,ehtnew,xt,yt,zt) endif else xt = x2 yt = y2 zt = z2 if(.not.FRMXYZ(xt,yt,zt,ylatt,elont,ehtnew)) STOP 666 ylont = -elont if (ylont .lt. 0.d0) ylont = ylont + twopi endif c call PRNTTP(x,y,z,xt,yt,zt,ylat,ylatt,ylon,ylont,eht,ehtnew, c 1 name24,0,vxsave,vysave,vzsave,vnsave,vesave,vusave) outlat = ylatt*rad2deg outlon = ylont*rad2deg call extract_name (name24,iii) write (i2,449) outlat,outlon,ehtnew,name24(1:iii) c write (i6,449) outlat,outlon,ehtnew,trim(name24) 449 format (2f16.10,f10.3,4x,a) go to 410 450 close(i1, status = 'keep') c close(i6, status = 'keep') close(i2, status = 'keep') elseif (option .eq. '4') then vxsave = 0.d0 vysave = 0.d0 vzsave = 0.d0 vnsave = 0.d0 vesave = 0.d0 vusave = 0.d0 write (luout, 4001) 4001 format (' Enter name of input file: ') read (luin, '(a)',err=600,iostat=ios) nameif if (ios /= 0) goto 600 open (i1, file = nameif, status = 'old') c open (i6,file='transformed_'//nameif) C write some comments in the transformed files call extract_name (nameif,iii) 411 read (i1,'(a)',end=451,err=607,iostat=ios) record if (ios /= 0) goto 607 call interprate_XYZ_record (record,x,y,z,name24) if(.not.FRMXYZ(x,y,z,ylat,elon,eht)) STOP 666 ylon = -elon if (ylon .lt. 0.d0) ylon = ylon + twopi C Modified in 09/15/2014 by JS to accommodate the IERS 96-97 trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call TOIT94 (x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,date1,iopt1) call FRIT94 (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,date1,iopt2) else call TOIT94_IERS(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, date1, iopt1) call FRIT94_IERS(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date1, iopt2) endif C End changes if (min1 .ne. min2) then if(.not.FRMXYZ(x2,y2,z2,ylat1,elon1,eht1)) STOP 666 ylon1 = -elon1 if (ylon1 .lt. 0.d0) ylon1 = ylon1 + twopi call PREDV (ylat1,ylon1,eht1,date1,iopt1,jregn,vn,ve,vu) if (jregn .eq. 0) then write(i2, 330) name24 go to 411 else call TOVXYZ(ylat1,elon1,vn,ve,vu,vx,vy,vz) vxsave = vx vysave = vy vzsave = vz vnsave = vn vesave = ve vusave = vu write (*,*) vn,ve,vu write (*,*) vx,vy,vz C Modified on 09/15/2014 by JS to accomodate the IERS trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call VTRANF(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,iopt1,iopt2) else call VTRANF_IERS( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, iopt1, iopt2) endif C End changes call TOVNEU(ylat1, elon1,vx,vy,vz,vn,ve,vu) write (*,*) vn,ve,vu call NEWCOR (ylat1, ylon1, eht1, min1, min2, 1 ylatt,ylont,ehtnew,dn,de,du,vn,ve,vu) call TOXYZ(ylatt,-ylont,ehtnew,xt,yt,zt) endif else xt = x2 yt = y2 zt = z2 if(.not.FRMXYZ(xt,yt,zt,ylatt,elont,ehtnew)) STOP 666 ylont = -elont if (ylont .lt. 0.d0) ylont = ylont + twopi endif c call PRNTTP(x,y,z,xt,yt,zt,ylat,ylatt,ylon,ylont,eht,ehtnew, c 1 name24,0,vxsave,vysave,vzsave,vnsave,vesave,vusave) call extract_name (name24,iii) write (i2,1449) xt,yt,zt,name24(1:iii) c write (i6,1449) xt,yt,zt,trim(name24) 1449 format (3f20.3,4x,a) go to 411 451 close(i1, status = 'keep') close(i2, status = 'keep') elseif (option .eq. '5') then vxsave = 0.d0 vysave = 0.d0 vzsave = 0.d0 vnsave = 0.d0 vesave = 0.d0 vusave = 0.d0 write (luout, 5001) 5001 format (' Enter name of input file: ') read (luin, '(a)',err=600,iostat=ios) nameif if (ios /= 0) goto 600 open (i1, file = nameif, status = 'old') c open (i6,file='transformed_'//nameif) C write some comments in the transformed files call extract_name (nameif,iii) 511 read (i1,'(a)',end=551,err=607,iostat=ios) record if (ios /= 0) goto 607 call interprate_XYZVxVyVz_record (record,x,y,z,Vx,Vy,Vz,name24) c write (*,*) X,Y,Z c write (*,*) Vx,Vy,Vz if(.not.FRMXYZ(x,y,z,ylat,elon,eht)) STOP 666 ylon = -elon if (ylon .lt. 0.d0) ylon = ylon + twopi C Modified in 09/15/2014 by JS to accommodate the IERS 96-97 trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call TOIT94 (x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,date1,iopt1) call FRIT94 (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,date1,iopt2) else call TOIT94_IERS(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, date1, iopt1) call FRIT94_IERS(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date1, iopt2) endif C End changes on 09/15/2014 if (min1 .ne. min2) then if(.not.FRMXYZ(x2,y2,z2,ylat1,elon1,eht1)) STOP 666 ylon1 = -elon1 if (ylon1 .lt. 0.d0) ylon1 = ylon1 + twopi c call PREDV (ylat1,ylon1,eht1,date1,iopt1,jregn,vn,ve,vu) c if (jregn .eq. 0) then c write(i2, 330) name24 c go to 411 c else c call TOVXYZ(ylat1,elon1,vn,ve,vu,vx,vy,vz) call TOVNEU(ylat1,elon1,vx,vy,vz,vn,ve,vu) vxsave = vx vysave = vy vzsave = vz vnsave = vn vesave = ve vusave = vu c write (*,*) vn,ve,vu C Modified on 09/15/2014 by JS to accomodate the IERS trans. par. if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call VTRANF(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,iopt1,iopt2) else call VTRANF_IERS( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, iopt1, iopt2) endif C End changes call TOVNEU(ylat1, elon1,vx,vy,vz,vn,ve,vu) call NEWCOR (ylat1, ylon1, eht1, min1, min2, 1 ylatt,ylont,ehtnew,dn,de,du,vn,ve,vu) call TOXYZ(ylatt,-ylont,ehtnew,xt,yt,zt) c endif else xt = x2 yt = y2 zt = z2 if(.not.FRMXYZ(xt,yt,zt,ylatt,elont,ehtnew)) STOP 666 ylont = -elont if (ylont .lt. 0.d0) ylont = ylont + twopi endif c call PRNTTP(x,y,z,xt,yt,zt,ylat,ylatt,ylon,ylont,eht,ehtnew, c 1 name24,0,vxsave,vysave,vzsave,vnsave,vesave,vusave) call extract_name (name24,iii) write (i2,1449) xt,yt,zt,name24(1:iii) c write (i6,1449) xt,yt,zt,trim(name24) go to 511 551 close(i1, status = 'keep') close(i2, status = 'keep') else write(luout,*) ' Improper selection -- try again. ' go to 160 endif 500 continue c close(i2, status = 'keep') return 600 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong output file name in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 601 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong answer in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 602 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong option in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 603 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong bbname in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 604 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong card in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 605 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read 80 record in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 606 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read 86 record in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 607 write (*,*) "Failed reading input file in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 608 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong input file name in TRFPOS: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop end C*******************************************8***************************************************** subroutine PRNTTP(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, ylat, 1 ylatt, ylon, ylont, eht, ehtnew, name24, iprint, 2 vx, vy, vz, vn, ve, vu ) ** Print updated and/or transformed parameters IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 CHARACTER NAME24*24 CHARACTER LATDIR*1, LONDIR*1, LATDR*1, LONDR*1 CALL TODMSS(YLATT,LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' if (isign .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' CALL TODMSS(YLONT,LONDN,LONMN,SLONN,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' if (isign .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' if (iprint .eq. 1) then WRITE(LUOUT,1065)LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,LATDIR,LONDN,LONMN, 1 SLONN,LONDIR, EHTNEW, X1,Y1,Z1 1065 FORMAT(' ****************************************'/ 1 ' New latitude = ',I3,1X,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1 / 2 ' New longitude = ',I3,1x,I2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1 / 2 ' New Ellip. Ht. = ', F12.3 ,' meters' / 3 ' New X = ',F12.3 ,' meters' / 4 ' New Y = ',F12.3 ,' meters' / 5 ' New Z = ',F12.3 ,' meters' / 3 ' ****************************************'/) endif call TODMSS(ylat,latd,latm,slat,isign) latdr = 'N' if(isign .eq. -1) latdr = 'S' call TODMSS(ylon, lond,lonm,slon,isign) londr = 'W' if(isign .eq. -1) londr = 'E' WRITE(I2,1070)NAME24, 1 LATD,LATM,SLAT,latdr,LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,latdir,vn, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,londr,LONDN,LONMN,SLONN,londir,ve, 1 EHT, EHTNEW, vu, X, X1, vx, 1 Y, Y1, vy, Z, Z1, vz 1070 FORMAT(1X,A24,/ 1 2X, 'LATITUDE ',2(2X,I3,1X,I2.2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X), 1 2X, f8.2, ' mm/yr north' / 1 2X, 'LONGITUDE ',2(2X,I3,1X,I2.2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1,2X), 1 2X, f8.2, ' mm/yr east' / 1 2X, 'ELLIP. HT.',2(6X,F14.3),' m ', 1 f8.2, ' mm/yr up' / 1 2X, 'X ',2(6X,F14.3),' m ', f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 2X, 'Y ',2(6X,F14.3),' m ', f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 2X, 'Z ',2(6X,F14.3),' m ', f8.2, ' mm/yr'/ ) RETURN END ********************************************************** subroutine SETTP *** Specify transformation parameters from ITRF94 *** to other reference frames ************************************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS convention ITRF96 <> ITRF97. C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97. C The latter parameters were added to HTDP in 09/2014. They will be used to transform between C ITRF systems. They will not be used if the transformation involves NAD83(2011). C However, the NAD 83 Pacific and Mariana frames use the IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97. C Removed equivalence between NAD83(2011)and WGS84 original (Transit) in v3.4.0. implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) common /const/ a, f, e2, eps, af, pi, twopi, rhosec common /tranpa/ tx(numref), ty(numref), tz(numref), & dtx(numref), dty(numref), dtz(numref), & rx(numref), ry(numref), rz(numref), & drx(numref), dry(numref), drz(numref), & scale(numref), dscale(numref), refepc(numref) common /tranpa1/ tx1(numref), ty1(numref), tz1(numref), & dtx1(numref), dty1(numref), dtz1(numref), & rx1(numref), ry1(numref), rz1(numref), & drx1(numref), dry1(numref), drz1(numref), & scale1(numref), dscale1(numref), refepc1(numref) C Parameters computed with the IGS convention ITRF96 <> ITRF97 *** From ITRF94 to NAD 83 *** In v3.4.0, changed rotations from radians to mas to make consistent *** with published parameters. tx(1) = 0.9910d0 ty(1) = -1.9072d0 tz(1) = -0.5129d0 dtx(1) = 0.d0 dty(1) = 0.d0 dtz(1) = 0.d0 rx(1) = 0.02579d0 / rhosec !Previous 1.25033d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) ry(1) = 0.00965d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.46785d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) rz(1) = 0.01166d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.56529d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) drx(1) = 0.0000532d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.00258d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) dry(1) = -0.0007423d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.03599d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) drz(1) = -0.0000316d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.00153d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) scale(1) = 0.d0 dscale(1) = 0.0d0 refepc(1) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF88 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx(2) = 0.018d0 ty(2) = 0.000d0 tz(2) = -0.092d0 dtx(2) = 0.0d0 dty(2) = 0.0d0 dtz(2) = 0.0d0 rx(2) = -0.0001d0 / rhosec ry(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale(2) = 0.749d-8 !Previous 0.74d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale(2) = 0.0d0 refepc(2) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF89 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx(3) = 0.023d0 ty(3) = 0.036d0 tz(3) = -0.068d0 dtx(3) = 0.0d0 dty(3) = 0.0d0 dtz(3) = 0.0d0 rx(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale(3) = 0.439d-8 !Previous 0.43d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale(3) = 0.0d0 refepc(3) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF90 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx(4) = 0.018d0 ty(4) = 0.012d0 tz(4) = -0.030d0 dtx(4) = 0.0d0 dty(4) = 0.0d0 dtz(4) = 0.0d0 rx(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale(4) = 0.099d-8 !Previous 0.09d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale(4) = 0.0d0 refepc(4) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF91 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx(5) = 0.020d0 ty(5) = 0.016d0 tz(5) = -0.014d0 dtx(5) = 0.0d0 dty(5) = 0.0d0 dtz(5) = 0.0d0 rx(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale(5) = 0.069d-8 !Previous 0.06d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale(5) = 0.0d0 refepc(5) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF92 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx(6) = 0.008d0 ty(6) = 0.002d0 tz(6) = -0.008d0 dtx(6) = 0.0d0 dty(6) = 0.0d0 dtz(6) = 0.0d0 rx(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale(6) = -0.071d-8 !Previous -0.08d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale(6) = 0.0d0 refepc(6) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF93 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 to match current value published by IGN *** (2022) "Transformation parameters from ITRF2020 to past ITRFs" at *** *** This update also affects the scale for transformations from ITRF94 *** to all earlier ITRFs in HTDP. *** Note that this transformation is not published in IERS TN20 (1996). tx(7) = 0.006d0 ty(7) = -0.005d0 tz(7) = -0.015d0 dtx(7) = -0.0029d0 dty(7) = 0.0004d0 dtz(7) = 0.0008d0 rx(7) = 0.00039d0 / rhosec ry(7) = -0.00080d0 / rhosec rz(7) = 0.00096d0 / rhosec drx(7) = 0.00011d0 / rhosec dry(7) = 0.00019d0 / rhosec drz(7) = -0.00005d0 / rhosec scale(7) = 0.049d-8 !Previous 0.040d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale(7) = 0.0d0 refepc(7) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF96 tx(8) = 0.0d0 ty(8) = 0.0d0 tz(8) = 0.0d0 dtx(8) = 0.0d0 dty(8) = 0.0d0 dtz(8) = 0.0d0 rx(8) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry(8) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz(8) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx(8) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry(8) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz(8) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale(8) = 0.0d0 dscale(8) = 0.0d0 refepc(8) = 1997.0d0 !Previous 1996.0d0 (prior to v3.4.0) *** From ITRF94 to ITRF97, based on IGS adopted values *** According to IGS: ITRF97 <> ITRF96 = ITRF94 tx(9) = 0.00207d0 ty(9) = 0.00021d0 tz(9) = -0.00995d0 dtx(9) = -0.00069d0 dty(9) = 0.00010d0 dtz(9) = -0.00186d0 rx(9) = -0.00012467d0 / rhosec ry(9) = 0.00022355d0 / rhosec rz(9) = 0.00006065d0 / rhosec drx(9) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(9) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(9) = -0.00000027d0 / rhosec scale(9) = 0.93496d-9 dscale(9) = 0.19201d-9 refepc(9) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to WGS72 (composition of ITRF94 -> NAD_83 -> WGS72) *** Remove WGS72 and replace with new WGS84 original (Transit) in v3.4.0 c tx(10) = 0.9910d0 c ty(10) = -1.9072d0 c tz(10) = -0.5129d0 - 4.5d0 c dtx(10) = 0.d0 c dty(10) = 0.d0 c dtz(10) = 0.d0 c rx(10) = 1.25033d-7 c ry(10) = 0.46785d-7 c rz(10) = 0.56529d-7 + 26.85868d-7 c drx(10) = 0.00258d-7 c dry(10) = -0.03599d-7 c drz(10) = -0.00153d-7 c scale(10) = 0.d0 - 0.2263d-6 c dscale(10) = 0.0d0 c refepc(10) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to WGS84 original (Transit), added in v3.4.0. *** Based on IERS-published transformation from ITRF90 to WGS84 (Transit) *** in Table 3.1 of McCarthy (1992) "IERS standards," IERS Tech. Note 13, *** Observatoire de Paris, France: Central Bureau of IERS. tx(10) = 0.078d0 ty(10) = -0.505d0 tz(10) = -0.253d0 dtx(10) = 0.0d0 dty(10) = 0.0d0 dtz(10) = 0.0d0 rx(10) = -0.0183d0 / rhosec ry(10) = 0.0003d0 / rhosec rz(10) = -0.0070d0 / rhosec drx(10) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry(10) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz(10) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale(10) = -10.010d-9 dscale(10) = 0.0d0 refepc(10) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2000 (also IGS00 and IGb00) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 and *** uses IGS values for ITRF96 -> ITRF97 *** and IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 tx(11) = -0.00463d0 ty(11) = -0.00589d0 tz(11) = 0.00855d0 dtx(11) = -0.00069d0 dty(11) = 0.00070d0 dtz(11) = -0.00046d0 rx(11) = -0.00012467d0 / rhosec ry(11) = 0.00022355d0 / rhosec rz(11) = 0.00006065d0 / rhosec drx(11) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(11) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(11) = 0.00001973d0 / rhosec scale(11) = -0.61504d-9 dscale(11) = 0.18201d-9 refepc(11) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to PACP00 *** use PA/ITRF2000 rotation rates from Beavan et al. (2002) *** In v3.4.0, edited parameters to make consistent with parameters used *** for ITRF94 to ITRF97 transformation which differed due to rounding. tx(12) = 0.90557d0 !Previous 0.9056d0 (prior to v3.4.0) ty(12) = -2.01999d0 !Previous -2.0200d0 (prior to v3.4.0) tz(12) = -0.55165d0 !Previous -0.5516d0 (prior to v3.4.0) dtx(12) = -0.00069d0 dty(12) = 0.00070d0 dtz(12) = -0.00046d0 rx(12) = 0.02761633d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.027616d0 (prior to v3.4.0) ry(12) = 0.01369255d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.013692d0 (prior to v3.4.0) rz(12) = 0.00277265d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.002773d0 (prior to v3.4.0) drx(12) = -0.00039747d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.000397d0 (prior to v3.4.0) dry(12) = 0.00102214d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.001022d0 (prior to v3.4.0) drz(12) = -0.00216627d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.002166d0 (prior to v3.4.0) scale(12) = -0.61504d-9 dscale(12) = 0.18201d-9 refepc(12) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to MARP00 *** Use velocity of GUAM *** In v3.4.0, edited parameters to make consistent with parameters used *** for ITRF94 to ITRF97 transformation which differed due to rounding. tx(13) = 0.90557d0 !Previous 0.9056d0 (prior to v3.4.0) ty(13) = -2.01999d0 !Previous -2.0200d0 (prior to v3.4.0) tz(13) = -0.55165d0 !Previous -0.5516d0 (prior to v3.4.0) dtx(13) = -0.00069d0 dty(13) = 0.00070d0 dtz(13) = -0.00046d0 rx(13) = 0.02884633d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.028847d0 (prior to v3.4.0) ry(13) = 0.01064355d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.010644d0 (prior to v3.4.0) rz(13) = 0.00898865d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.008989d0 (prior to v3.4.0) drx(13) = -0.00003347d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.000033d0 (prior to v3.4.0) dry(13) = 0.00012014d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.000120d0 (prior to v3.4.0) drz(13) = -0.00032727d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.000327d0 (prior to v3.4.0) scale(13) = -0.61504d-9 dscale(13) = 0.18201d-9 refepc(13) = 1997.00d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2005 (also IGS05) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IGS values for ITRF96 -> ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000 -> ITRF2005 tx(14) = -0.00533d0 ty(14) = -0.00479d0 tz(14) = 0.00895d0 dtx(14) = -0.00049d0 dty(14) = 0.00060d0 dtz(14) = 0.00134d0 rx(14) = -0.00012467d0 / rhosec ry(14) = 0.00022355d0 / rhosec rz(14) = 0.00006065d0 / rhosec drx(14) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(14) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(14) = 0.00001973d0 / rhosec scale(14) = -0.77504d-9 dscale(14) = 0.10201d-9 refepc(14) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2008 (also IGS08 and IGb08) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IGS values for ITRF96 -> ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000-> ITRF2005 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2005 -> ITRF2008 tx(15) = -0.00243d0 ty(15) = -0.00389d0 tz(15) = 0.01365d0 dtx(15) = -0.00079d0 dty(15) = 0.00060d0 dtz(15) = 0.00134d0 rx(15) = -0.00012467d0 / rhosec ry(15) = 0.00022355d0 / rhosec rz(15) = 0.00006065d0 / rhosec drx(15) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(15) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(15) = 0.00001973d0 / rhosec scale(15) = -1.71504d-9 dscale(15) = 0.10201d-9 refepc(15) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2014 (also IGS14 and IGb14) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IGS values for ITRF96 -> ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000-> ITRF2005 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2005 -> ITRF2008 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2008 -> ITRF2014 tx(16) = -0.01430d0 ty(16) = 0.00201d0 tz(16) = 0.02867d0 dtx(16) = -0.00079d0 dty(16) = 0.00060d0 dtz(16) = 0.00144d0 rx(16) = -0.00029978d0 / rhosec ry(16) = 0.00042037d0 / rhosec rz(16) = 0.00031714d0 / rhosec drx(16) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(16) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(16) = 0.00001973d0 / rhosec scale(16) = -0.36891d-9 dscale(16) = 0.07201d-9 refepc(16) = 2010.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2020 (also IGS20) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IGS values for ITRF96 -> ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000-> ITRF2005 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2005 -> ITRF2008 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2008 -> ITRF2014 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2014 -> ITRF2020 tx(17) = -0.01290d0 ty(17) = 0.00241d0 tz(17) = 0.02827d0 dtx(17) = -0.00079d0 dty(17) = 0.00070d0 dtz(17) = 0.00124d0 rx(17) = -0.00029978d0 / rhosec ry(17) = 0.00042037d0 / rhosec rz(17) = 0.00031714d0 / rhosec drx(17) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(17) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(17) = 0.00001973d0 / rhosec scale(17) = 0.05109d-9 dscale(17) = 0.07201d-9 refepc(17) = 2010.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to WGS84(G1150), added in v3.5.0. *** Uses IGS values for ITRF96 -> ITRF97. *** Treated as biased with respect to ITRF2000. *** Based on NGA-published transformation between WGS84(G1150) *** and WGS84(G1762) = ITRF2008 in Table 2.5 of NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84, *** "Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984: its definition and *** relationships with local geodetic systems", v1.0.0, 2014. See also *** Kelly and Dennis (2022) "Transforming Between WGS84 Realizations," *** J Surv Eng, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000389. tx(18) = -0.00580d0 ty(18) = -0.00019d0 tz(18) = -0.00513d0 dtx(18) = -0.00069d0 dty(18) = 0.00070d0 dtz(18) = -0.00046d0 rx(18) = -0.00029978d0 / rhosec ry(18) = 0.00042037d0 / rhosec rz(18) = 0.00031714d0 / rhosec drx(18) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(18) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(18) = 0.00001973d0 / rhosec scale(18) = 4.83109d-9 dscale(18) = 0.18201d-9 refepc(18) = 2010.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to WGS84(G1674), added in v3.5.0. *** Uses IGS values for ITRF96 -> ITRF97. *** Treated as biased with respect to ITRF2008. *** Based on NGA-published bias transformation between WGS84(G1674) *** and WGS84(G1762) = ITRF2008 in Table 2.5 of NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84, *** "Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984: its definition and *** relationships with local geodetic systems", v1.0.0, 2014. *** See also Kelly and Dennis (2022) "Transforming Between WGS84 Realizations," *** J Surv Eng, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000389. tx(19) = -0.00870d0 ty(19) = 0.00091d0 tz(19) = 0.02707d0 dtx(19) = -0.00079d0 dty(19) = 0.00060d0 dtz(19) = 0.00134d0 rx(19) = -0.00056978d0 / rhosec ry(19) = 0.00069037d0 / rhosec rz(19) = -0.00006286d0 / rhosec drx(19) = -0.00001347d0 / rhosec dry(19) = 0.00001514d0 / rhosec drz(19) = 0.00001973d0 / rhosec scale(19) = 6.51109d-9 dscale(19) = 0.10201d-9 refepc(19) = 2010.0d0 C************************************************************************************************************************* C Parameters computed with the IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97 *** From ITRF94 to NAD 83 *** In v3.4.0, changed rotations from radians to mas to make consistent *** with published parameters. tx1(1) = 0.9910d0 ty1(1) = -1.9072d0 tz1(1) = -0.5129d0 dtx1(1) = 0.d0 dty1(1) = 0.d0 dtz1(1) = 0.d0 rx1(1) = 0.02579d0 / rhosec !Previous 1.25033d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) ry1(1) = 0.00965d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.46785d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) rz1(1) = 0.01166d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.56529d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) drx1(1) = 0.0000532d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.00258d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) dry1(1) = -0.0007423d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.03599d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) drz1(1) = -0.0000316d0 / rhosec !Previous -0.00153d-7 rad (prior to v3.4.0) scale1(1) = 0.d0 dscale1(1) = 0.0d0 refepc1(1) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF88 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx1(2) = 0.018d0 ty1(2) = 0.000d0 tz1(2) = -0.092d0 dtx1(2) = 0.0d0 dty1(2) = 0.0d0 dtz1(2) = 0.0d0 rx1(2) = -0.0001d0 / rhosec ry1(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx1(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(2) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale1(2) = 0.749d-8 !Previous 0.74d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale1(2) = 0.0d0 refepc1(2) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF89 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx1(3) = 0.023d0 ty1(3) = 0.036d0 tz1(3) = -0.068d0 dtx1(3) = 0.0d0 dty1(3) = 0.0d0 dtz1(3) = 0.0d0 rx1(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx1(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(3) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale1(3) = 0.439d-8 !Previous 0.43d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale1(3) = 0.0d0 refepc1(3) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF90 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx1(4) = 0.018d0 ty1(4) = 0.012d0 tz1(4) = -0.030d0 dtx1(4) = 0.0d0 dty1(4) = 0.0d0 dtz1(4) = 0.0d0 rx1(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx1(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(4) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale1(4) = 0.099d-8 !Previous 0.09d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale1(4) = 0.0d0 refepc1(4) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF91 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx1(5) = 0.020d0 ty1(5) = 0.016d0 tz1(5) = -0.014d0 dtx1(5) = 0.0d0 dty1(5) = 0.0d0 dtz1(5) = 0.0d0 rx1(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx1(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(5) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale1(5) = 0.069d-8 !Previous 0.06d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale1(5) = 0.0d0 refepc1(5) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF92 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 due to ITRF94 to ITRF93 transformation update. tx1(6) = 0.008d0 ty1(6) = 0.002d0 tz1(6) = -0.008d0 dtx1(6) = 0.0d0 dty1(6) = 0.0d0 dtz1(6) = 0.0d0 rx1(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx1(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(6) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale1(6) = -0.071d-8 !Previous -0.08d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale1(6) = 0.0d0 refepc1(6) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF93 *** Update scale in v3.3.0 to match current value published by IGN *** (2022) "Transformation parameters from ITRF2020 to past ITRFs" at *** *** This update also affects the scale for transformations from ITRF94 *** to all earlier ITRFs in HTDP. *** Note that this transformation is not published in IERS TN20 (1996). tx1(7) = 0.006d0 ty1(7) = -0.005d0 tz1(7) = -0.015d0 dtx1(7) = -0.0029d0 dty1(7) = 0.0004d0 dtz1(7) = 0.0008d0 rx1(7) = 0.00039d0 / rhosec ry1(7) = -0.00080d0 / rhosec rz1(7) = 0.00096d0 / rhosec drx1(7) = 0.00011d0 / rhosec dry1(7) = 0.00019d0 / rhosec drz1(7) = -0.00005d0 / rhosec scale1(7) = 0.049d-8 !Previous 0.04d-8 (prior to v3.3.0) dscale1(7) = 0.0d0 refepc1(7) = 1988.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF96 *** According to IERS: ITRF97 = ITRF96 = ITRF94 tx1(8) = 0.d0 ty1(8) = 0.d0 tz1(8) = 0.d0 dtx1(8) = 0.d0 dty1(8) = 0.d0 dtz1(8) = 0.d0 rx1(8) = 0.d0 / rhosec ry1(8) = 0.d0 / rhosec rz1(8) = 0.d0 / rhosec drx1(8) = 0.d0 / rhosec dry1(8) = 0.d0 / rhosec drz1(8) = 0.d0 / rhosec scale1(8) = 0.d0 dscale1(8) = 0.0d0 refepc1(8) = 1997.0d0 !Previous 1996.0d0 (prior to v3.4.0) *** From ITRF94 to ITRF97 (also IGS97), based on IERS adopted values *** According to IERS: ITRF97 = ITRF96 = ITRF94 tx1(9) = 0.0d0 ty1(9) = 0.0d0 tz1(9) = 0.0d0 dtx1(9) = 0.0d0 dty1(9) = 0.0d0 dtz1(9) = 0.0d0 rx1(9) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(9) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(9) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drx1(9) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(9) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(9) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale1(9) = 0.0d0 dscale1(9) = 0.0d0 refepc1(9) = 1997.0d0 !Previous 2000.0d0 (prior to v3.4.0) *** From ITRF94 to WGS72 (composition of ITRF94 -> NAD_83 -> WGS72) *** Remove WGS72 and replace with new WGS84 original (Transit) in v3.4.0 c tx1(10) = 0.9910d0 c ty1(10) = -1.9072d0 c tz1(10) = -0.5129d0 - 4.5d0 c dtx1(10) = 0.d0 c dty1(10) = 0.d0 c dtz1(10) = 0.d0 c rx1(10) = 1.25033d-7 c ry1(10) = 0.46785d-7 c rz1(10) = 0.56529d-7 + 26.85868d-7 c drx1(10) = 0.00258d-7 c dry1(10) = -0.03599d-7 c drz1(10) = -0.00153d-7 c scale1(10) = 0.d0 - 0.2263d-6 c dscale1(10) = 0.0d0 c refepc1(10) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to WGS84 original (Transit), added in v3.4.0. *** Based on IERS-published transformation from ITRF90 to WGS84 (Transit) *** in Table 3.1 of McCarthy (1992) "IERS standards," IERS Tech. Note 13, *** Observatoire de Paris, France: Central Bureau of IERS. tx1(10) = 0.078d0 ty1(10) = -0.505d0 tz1(10) = -0.253d0 dtx1(10) = 0.0d0 dty1(10) = 0.0d0 dtz1(10) = 0.0d0 rx1(10) = -0.0183d0 / rhosec ry1(10) = 0.0003d0 / rhosec rz1(10) = -0.0070d0 / rhosec drx1(10) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(10) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(10) = 0.0d0 / rhosec scale1(10) = -10.010d-9 dscale1(10) = 0.0d0 refepc1(10) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2000 (also IGS00 and IGb00) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 and *** uses IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97 *** and IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** Changed epoch to 1997.0 to make consistent with trapa epoch (v3.4.0) tx1(11) = -0.0067d0 ty1(11) = -0.0061d0 !Previous -0.00430d0 (prior to v3.4.0) tz1(11) = 0.0185d0 !Previous 0.02270d0 (prior to v3.4.0) dtx1(11) = 0.0000d0 dty1(11) = 0.0006d0 dtz1(11) = 0.0014d0 rx1(11) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(11) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(11) = 0.0d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.00006000d0 (prior to v3.4.0) drx1(11) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(11) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(11) = 0.00002d0 / rhosec scale1(11) = -1.55d-9 !Previous -1.58000d-9 (prior to v3.4.0) dscale1(11) = -0.01d-9 refepc1(11) = 1997.0d0 !Previous 2000.0d0 (prior to v3.4.0) *** From ITRF94 to PACP00 *** use PA/ITRF2000 rotation rates from Beavan et al. (2002) tx1(12) = 0.9035d0 ty1(12) = -2.0202d0 tz1(12) = -0.5417d0 dtx1(12) = 0.0d0 dty1(12) = 0.00060d0 dtz1(12) = 0.00140d0 rx1(12) = 0.027741d0 / rhosec ry1(12) = 0.013469d0 / rhosec rz1(12) = 0.002712d0 / rhosec drx1(12) = -0.000384d0 / rhosec dry1(12) = 0.001007d0 / rhosec drz1(12) = -0.002166d0 / rhosec scale1(12) = -1.55d-9 dscale1(12) = -0.01d-9 refepc1(12) = 1997.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to MARP00 *** Use velocity of GUAM tx1(13) = 0.9035d0 ty1(13) = -2.0202d0 tz1(13) = -0.5417d0 dtx1(13) = 0.0d0 dty1(13) = 0.00060d0 dtz1(13) = 0.00140d0 rx1(13) = 0.028971d0 / rhosec ry1(13) = 0.010420d0 / rhosec rz1(13) = 0.008928d0 / rhosec drx1(13) = -0.000020d0 / rhosec dry1(13) = 0.000105d0 / rhosec drz1(13) = -0.000327d0 / rhosec scale1(13) = -1.55d-9 dscale1(13) = -0.01d-9 refepc1(13) = 1997.00d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2005 (also IGS05) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000 -> ITRF2005 *** Changed epoch to 1997.0 to make consistent with trapa epoch (v3.4.0) tx1(14) = -0.0074d0 !Previous -0.00680d0 (prior to v3.4.0) ty1(14) = -0.0050d0 !Previous -0.00350d0 (prior to v3.4.0) tz1(14) = 0.0189d0 !Previous 0.02850d0 (prior to v3.4.0) dtx1(14) = 0.0002d0 dty1(14) = 0.0005d0 dtz1(14) = 0.0032d0 rx1(14) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(14) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(14) = 0.0d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.00006000d0 (prior to v3.4.0) drx1(14) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(14) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(14) = 0.00002d0 / rhosec scale1(14) = -1.71d-9 !Previous -1.98000d-9 (prior to v3.4.0) dscale1(14) = -0.09d-9 refepc1(14) = 1997.0d0 !Previous 2000.0d0 (prior to v3.4.0) *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2008 (also IGS08 and IGb08) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000 -> ITRF2005 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2005 -> ITRF2008 *** Changed epoch to 1997.0 to make consistent with trapa epoch (v3.4.0) tx1(15) = -0.0045d0 !Previous -0.00480d0 (prior to v3.4.0) ty1(15) = -0.0041d0 !Previous -0.00260d0 (prior to v3.4.0) tz1(15) = 0.0236d0 !Previous 0.03320d0 (prior to v3.4.0) dtx1(15) = -0.0001d0 dty1(15) = 0.0005d0 dtz1(15) = 0.0032d0 rx1(15) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(15) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(15) = 0.0d0 / rhosec !Previous 0.00006000d0 (prior to v3.4.0) drx1(15) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(15) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(15) = 0.00002d0 / rhosec scale1(15) = -2.65d-9 !Previous -2.92d-9 (prior to v3.4.0) dscale1(15) = -0.09d-9 refepc1(15) = 1997.0d0 !Previous 2000.0d0 (prior to v3.4.0) *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2014 (also IGS14 and IGb14) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000 -> ITRF2005 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2005 -> ITRF2008 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2008 -> ITRF2014 tx1(16) = -0.0074d0 ty1(16) = 0.0005d0 tz1(16) = 0.0628d0 dtx1(16) = -0.0001d0 dty1(16) = 0.0005d0 dtz1(16) = 0.0033d0 rx1(16) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(16) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(16) = 0.00026d0 / rhosec drx1(16) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(16) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(16) = 0.00002d0 / rhosec scale1(16) = -3.80d-9 dscale1(16) = -0.12d-9 refepc1(16) = 2010.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to ITRF2020 (also IGS20) *** assumes that ITRF94 = ITRF96 *** uses IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97 *** uses IERS values for ITRF97 -> ITRF2000 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2000 -> ITRF2005 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2005 -> ITRF2008 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2008 -> ITRF2014 *** uses IERS values for ITRF2014 -> ITRF2020 tx1(17) = -0.0060d0 ty1(17) = 0.0009d0 tz1(17) = 0.0624d0 dtx1(17) = -0.0001d0 dty1(17) = 0.0006d0 dtz1(17) = 0.0031d0 rx1(17) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(17) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(17) = 0.00026d0 / rhosec drx1(17) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(17) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(17) = 0.00002d0 / rhosec scale1(17) = -3.38d-9 dscale1(17) = -0.12d-9 refepc1(17) = 2010.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to WGS84(G1150), added in v3.5.0. *** Uses IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97. *** Treated as biased with respect to ITRF2000. *** Based on NGA-published transformation between WGS84(G1150) *** and WGS84(G1762) = ITRF2008 in Table 2.5 of NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84, *** "Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984: its definition and *** relationships with local geodetic systems", v1.0.0, 2014. See also *** Kelly and Dennis (2022) "Transforming Between WGS84 Realizations," *** J Surv Eng, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000389. tx1(18) = 0.0011d0 ty1(18) = -0.0017d0 tz1(18) = 0.0290d0 dtx1(18) = 0.0d0 dty1(18) = 0.0006d0 dtz1(18) = 0.0014d0 rx1(18) = 0.0d0 / rhosec ry1(18) = 0.0d0 / rhosec rz1(18) = 0.00026d0 / rhosec drx1(18) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(18) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(18) = 0.00002d0 / rhosec scale1(18) = 1.40d-9 dscale1(18) = -0.01d-9 refepc1(18) = 2010.0d0 *** From ITRF94 to WGS84(G1674), added in v3.5.0. *** Uses IERS convention ITRF96 = ITRF97. *** Treated as biased with respect to ITRF2008. *** Based on NGA-published bias transformation between WGS84(G1674) *** and WGS84(G1762) = ITRF2008 in Table 2.5 of NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84, *** "Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984: its definition and *** relationships with local geodetic systems", v1.0.0, 2014. *** See also Kelly and Dennis (2022) "Transforming Between WGS84 Realizations," *** J Surv Eng, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000389. tx1(19) = -0.0018d0 ty1(19) = -0.0006d0 tz1(19) = 0.0612d0 dtx1(19) = -0.0001d0 dty1(19) = 0.0005d0 dtz1(19) = 0.0032d0 rx1(19) = -0.00027d0 / rhosec ry1(19) = 0.00027d0 / rhosec rz1(19) = -0.00012d0 / rhosec drx1(19) = 0.0d0 / rhosec dry1(19) = 0.0d0 / rhosec drz1(19) = 0.00002d0 / rhosec scale1(19) = 3.08d-9 dscale1(19) = -0.09d-9 refepc1(19) = 2010.0d0 return end ************************************************************* subroutine frit94(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date, jopt) *** Converts ITRF94 cartesian coordinates to cartesian *** coordinates in the specified reference frame for the *** given date **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 *** (x1, y1, z1) --> input ITRF94 coordinates (meters) *** (x2, y2, z2) --> output coordinates (meters) *** date --> time (decimal years) to which the input & output *** coordinates correspond *** jopt --> input specifier of output reference frame implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa/ tx(numref), ty(numref), tz(numref), & dtx(numref), dty(numref), dtz(numref), & rx(numref), ry(numref), rz(numref), & drx(numref), dry(numref), drz(numref), & scale(numref), dscale(numref), refepc(numref) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC if (jopt .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt endif dtime = date - refepc(iopt) tranx = tx(iopt) + dtx(iopt)*dtime trany = ty(iopt) + dty(iopt)*dtime tranz = tz(iopt) + dtz(iopt)*dtime rotnx = rx(iopt) + drx(iopt)*dtime rotny = ry(iopt) + dry(iopt)*dtime rotnz = rz(iopt) + drz(iopt)*dtime ds = 1.d0 + scale(iopt) + dscale(iopt)*dtime x2 = tranx + ds*x1 + rotnz*y1 - rotny*z1 y2 = trany - rotnz*x1 + ds*y1 + rotnx*z1 z2 = tranz + rotny*x1 - rotnx*y1 + ds*z1 return end ************************************************************************************* subroutine frit94_IERS (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date, jopt) *** Converts ITRF94 cartesian coordinates to cartesian *** coordinates in the specified reference frame for the *** given date **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 *** (x1, y1, z1) --> input ITRF94 coordinates (meters) *** (x2, y2, z2) --> output coordinates (meters) *** date --> time (decimal years) to which the input & output *** coordinates correspond *** jopt --> input specifier of output reference frame implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa1/ tx1(numref), ty1(numref), tz1(numref), & dtx1(numref), dty1(numref), dtz1(numref), & rx1(numref), ry1(numref), rz1(numref), & drx1(numref), dry1(numref), drz1(numref), & scale1(numref), dscale1(numref), refepc1(numref) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC if (jopt .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt endif dtime = date - refepc1(iopt) tranx = tx1(iopt) + dtx1(iopt)*dtime trany = ty1(iopt) + dty1(iopt)*dtime tranz = tz1(iopt) + dtz1(iopt)*dtime rotnx = rx1(iopt) + drx1(iopt)*dtime rotny = ry1(iopt) + dry1(iopt)*dtime rotnz = rz1(iopt) + drz1(iopt)*dtime ds = 1.d0 + scale1(iopt) + dscale1(iopt)*dtime x2 = tranx + ds*x1 + rotnz*y1 - rotny*z1 y2 = trany - rotnz*x1 + ds*y1 + rotnx*z1 z2 = tranz + rotny*x1 - rotnx*y1 + ds*z1 return end *********************************************************** subroutine toit94(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date, jopt) *** Converts cartesian coordinates in a specified reference *** to ITRF94 cartesian coordinates for the given date **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 *** (x1, y1, z1) --> input coordinates (meters) *** (x2, y2, z2) --> output ITRF94 coordinates (meters) *** date --> time (decimal years) to which the input & output *** coordinates correspond *** jopt --> input specifier of input reference frame implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa/ tx(numref), ty(numref), tz(numref), & dtx(numref), dty(numref), dtz(numref), & rx(numref), ry(numref), rz(numref), & drx(numref), dry(numref), drz(numref), & scale(numref), dscale(numref), refepc(numref) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC if (jopt .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt endif dtime = date - refepc(iopt) tranx = -(tx(iopt) + dtx(iopt)*dtime) trany = -(ty(iopt) + dty(iopt)*dtime) tranz = -(tz(iopt) + dtz(iopt)*dtime) rotnx = -(rx(iopt) + drx(iopt)*dtime) rotny = -(ry(iopt) + dry(iopt)*dtime) rotnz = -(rz(iopt) + drz(iopt)*dtime) ds = 1.d0 - (scale(iopt) + dscale(iopt)*dtime) x2 = tranx + ds*x1 + rotnz*y1 - rotny*z1 y2 = trany - rotnz*x1 + ds*y1 + rotnx*z1 z2 = tranz + rotny*x1 - rotnx*y1 + ds*z1 return end ***************************************************************** subroutine toit94_IERS(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, date, jopt) *** Converts cartesian coordinates in a specified reference *** to ITRF94 cartesian coordinates for the given date **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 *** (x1, y1, z1) --> input coordiates (meters) *** (x2, y2, z2) --> output ITRF94 coordinates (meters) *** date --> time (decimal years) to which the input & output *** coordinates correspond *** jopt --> input specifier of input reference frame implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa1/ tx1(numref), ty1(numref), tz1(numref), & dtx1(numref), dty1(numref), dtz1(numref), & rx1(numref), ry1(numref), rz1(numref), & drx1(numref), dry1(numref), drz1(numref), & scale1(numref), dscale1(numref), refepc1(numref) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC if (jopt .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt endif dtime = date - refepc1(iopt) tranx = -(tx1(iopt) + dtx1(iopt)*dtime) trany = -(ty1(iopt) + dty1(iopt)*dtime) tranz = -(tz1(iopt) + dtz1(iopt)*dtime) rotnx = -(rx1(iopt) + drx1(iopt)*dtime) rotny = -(ry1(iopt) + dry1(iopt)*dtime) rotnz = -(rz1(iopt) + drz1(iopt)*dtime) ds = 1.d0 - (scale1(iopt) + dscale1(iopt)*dtime) x2 = tranx + ds*x1 + rotnz*y1 - rotny*z1 y2 = trany - rotnz*x1 + ds*y1 + rotnx*z1 z2 = tranz + rotny*x1 - rotnx*y1 + ds*z1 return end ***************************************************************** subroutine MENU1(kopt, mframe) ** Write out options for reference frames implicit integer*4 (i-n) character mframe*24, nframe*24 dimension nframe(24) dimension iframe(24) common /files/ luin, luout, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6 iframe(1) = 1 nframe(1) = 'NAD_83(2011/CORS96/2007)' iframe(2) = 12 nframe(2) = 'NAD_83(PA11/PACP00) ' iframe(3) = 13 nframe(3) = 'NAD_83(MA11/MARP00) ' iframe(4) = 10 nframe(4) = 'WGS84 original (Transit)' iframe(5) = 5 nframe(5) = 'WGS84(G730) ' iframe(6) = 8 nframe(6) = 'WGS84(G873) ' iframe(7) = 18 nframe(7) = 'WGS84(G1150) ' iframe(8) = 19 nframe(8) = 'WGS84(G1674) ' iframe(9) = 15 nframe(9) = 'WGS84(G1762) ' iframe(10)= 16 nframe(10)= 'WGS84(G2139) ' c iframe(11)= 5 !Included with ITRF91 in v3.4.0 c nframe(11)= 'SIO/MIT_92 ' !Included with ITRF91 in v3.4.0 iframe(11)= 2 nframe(11)= 'ITRF88 ' iframe(12)= 3 nframe(12)= 'ITRF89 ' iframe(13)= 4 nframe(13)= 'ITRF90 ' iframe(14)= 5 nframe(14)= 'ITRF91 ' iframe(15)= 6 nframe(15)= 'ITRF92 ' iframe(16)= 7 nframe(16)= 'ITRF93 ' iframe(17)= 8 nframe(17)= 'ITRF94 ' iframe(18)= 8 nframe(18)= 'ITRF96 ' iframe(19)= 9 nframe(19)= 'ITRF97 ' iframe(20)= 11 nframe(20)= 'ITRF2000 or IGS00/IGb00 ' iframe(21)= 14 nframe(21)= 'ITRF2005 or IGS05 ' iframe(22)= 15 nframe(22)= 'ITRF2008 or IGS08/IGb08 ' iframe(23)= 16 nframe(23)= 'ITRF2014 or IGS14/IGb14 ' iframe(24)= 17 nframe(24)= 'ITRF2020 or IGS20 ' write(luout, 100) 100 format( 1' 1...NAD_83(2011/CORS96/2007) North America plate fixed '/ 1' 2...NAD_83(PA11/PACP00) Pacific plate fixed '/ 1' 3...NAD_83(MA11/MARP00) Mariana plate fixed '/ 1' '/ 1' 4...WGS84 original (Transit) '/ 1' 5...WGS84(G730) ITRF91 used '/ 1' 6...WGS84(G873) ITRF94=ITRF96=ITRF97 used '/ 1' 7...WGS84(G1150) Biased with respect to ITRF2000 '/ 1' 8...WGS84(G1674) Biased with respect to ITRF2008 '/ 1' 9...WGS84(G1762) ITRF2008=IGS08=IGb08 used '/ 1' 10...WGS84(G2139) ITRF2014=IGS14=IGb14 used '/ 1' '/ 1' 11...ITRF88 18...ITRF96 (=ITRF94=ITRF97)'/ 1' 12...ITRF89 19...ITRF97 (=ITRF94=ITRF96)'/ 1' 13...ITRF90 (or PNEOS90/NEOS90) 20...ITRF2000 or IGS00/IGb00'/ 1' 14...ITRF91 (or SIO/MIT_92) 21...ITRF2005 or IGS05 '/ 1' 15...ITRF92 22...ITRF2008 or IGS08/IGb08'/ 1' 16...ITRF93 23...ITRF2014 or IGS14/IGb14'/ 1' 17...ITRF94 (=ITRF96=ITRF97) 24...ITRF2020 or IGS20 '/) read (luin, *,err=50,iostat=ios) iopt if (ios /= 0) goto 50 if ( 1 .le. iopt .and. iopt .le. 24) then mframe = nframe(iopt) kopt = iframe(iopt) else mframe = ' ' kopt = iopt endif return 50 write (*,*) 'Failed to read option in MENU1:ios=',ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop end *************************************************************** SUBROUTINE UPDATE(HTDP_version) ** Update positions and/or observations to a specified date. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (numref = 19) parameter (nbbdim = 10000) CHARACTER OLDBB*80, NEWBB*80, NAMEIF*80 CHARACTER NAME24*24 CHARACTER OPT*1, ANSWER*1, BBTYPE*1, VOPT*1 CHARACTER LATDIR*1, LONDIR*1, LATDR*1, LONDR*1 character frame1*24, frame2*24 character HTDP_version*8 LOGICAL TEST LOGICAL Is_iopt_NAD83 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 WRITE(LUOUT,20) 20 FORMAT(' ********************************************'/ 1 ' Please enter the time to which the updated'/ 1 ' positions and/or observations are to correspond:') 15 CALL GETMDY(MONTH2,IDAY2,IYEAR2,DATE2,MIN2,TEST) IF(TEST) then write(luout,*) ' Do you wish to re-enter the time? (y/n)' read (luin, '(A1)',err=500,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 500 if (ANSWER .eq. 'y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'Y') GO TO 15 RETURN ENDIF ** Choosing reference frame for positions 35 WRITE(LUOUT,30) 30 FORMAT(' **************************************************'/ 1 ' Specify the reference frame of the input positions:'/) call MENU1( iopt, frame1) IF(IOPT .LT. 1 .OR. IOPT .GT. numref) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,40) 40 FORMAT(' Improper selection--try again. ') GO TO 35 ENDIF Is_iopt_NAD83 = (iopt == 1) 999 WRITE(LUOUT,1000) 1000 FORMAT(' ******************************'/ 1 ' Select option:'/ 2 ' 0...No more updates. Return to main menu.'/ 3 ' 1...Update positions for individual points', 4 ' entered interactively.'/ 5 ' 2...Update positions for Bluebook stations.'/ 6 ' 3...Update values for Bluebook observations.'/ 7 ' 4...Update both the positions for Bluebook stations'/ 9 ' and the values for Bluebook observations.'/ 9 ' 5...Update positions for multiple points contained'/ 9 ' in a file in the format LAT,LON,EHT,TEXT:'/ 9 ' LAT = latitude in degrees (positive north)'/ 9 ' LON = longitude in degrees (positive west)'/ 9 ' EHT = ellipsoid height in meters'/ 9 ' TEXT = descriptive text (maximum 24 characters)'/ 9 ' Example: 40.731671553,112.212671753,34.241,SALT'/) READ(LUIN,'(A1)',err=501,iostat=ios) OPT if (ios /= 0) goto 501 IF(OPT .eq. '0') THEN RETURN ELSEIF(OPT .eq. '1') THEN WRITE(LUOUT,1020) 1020 FORMAT(' ************************************'/ 1 ' Enter the time', 2 ' to which the input positions will correspond: ') 1025 CALL GETMDY(MONTH1,IDAY1,IYEAR1,DATE1,MIN1,TEST) IF(TEST) then write(luout,*) ' Do you wish to re-enter the time? (y/n)' read(luin,'(A1)',err=500,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 500 if(ANSWER .eq. 'Y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'y') GO TO 1025 RETURN ENDIF WRITE(LUOUT,1030) 1030 FORMAT(' ENTER file to save updated positions. ') READ(LUIN,'(A80)',err=502,iostat=ios) NEWBB if (ios /= 0) goto 502 OPEN(I2,FILE=NEWBB,STATUS='UNKNOWN') CALL HEADER WRITE(I2,1031) frame1 1031 FORMAT(' UPDATED POSITIONS IN ', a24) WRITE(I2,1040) MONTH1,IDAY1,IYEAR1,MONTH2,IDAY2,IYEAR2, 1 DATE1, DATE2 1040 FORMAT(' FROM ',I2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4, 1 ' TO ',I2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4,' (month-day-year)'/ 1 ' FROM ',F8.3, ' TO ',F8.3, ' (decimal years)'// 2 16X,'OLD COORDINATE NEW COORDINATE', 3 4X,'VELOCITY DISPLACEMENT',/) 1050 CALL GETPNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 LONDIR, NAME24, X,Y,Z,YLAT,YLON,EHT) ELON = -YLON call GETVLY(YLAT,ELON,VX,VY,VZ,VN,VE,VU,VOPT,210) IF ( VOPT .EQ. '0') then call PREDV( ylat, ylon, eht, date1, iopt, 1 jregn, vn, ve, vu) IF(JREGN .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,1060) 1060 FORMAT(' **************************************'/ 1 ' Can not update the position of this point'/ 2 ' because it is outside of the modeled region.'/) GO TO 1075 ELSE call TOVXYZ(ylat,elon,vn,ve,vu,vx,vy,vz) ENDIF ENDIF call NEWCOR(ylat,ylon,eht,min1,min2, 1 ylatt,ylont,ehtnew,dn,de,du,vn,ve,vu) CALL TODMSS(YLATT,LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,ISIGN) LATDR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDR = 'S' CALL TODMSS(YLONT,LONDN,LONMN,SLONN,ISIGN) LONDR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDR = 'E' ELONT = -YLONT CALL TOXYZ(YLATT,ELONT,EHTNEW,X1,Y1,Z1) DX = X1 - X DY = Y1 - Y DZ = Z1 - Z WRITE(LUOUT,1065)LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,LATDR,LONDN,LONMN,SLONN, 1 LONDR, EHTNEW, X1,Y1,Z1 1065 FORMAT(' ****************************************'/ 1 ' Updated latitude = ',I3,I3,1X,F8.5,1X,A1 / 2 ' Updated longitude = ',I3,I3,1X,F8.5,1X,A1 / 2 ' Updated Ellip. Ht. = ', F12.3 ,' meters' / 3 ' Updated X = ',F12.3 ,' meters' / 4 ' Updated Y = ',F12.3 ,' meters' / 5 ' Updated Z = ',F12.3 ,' meters' / 3 ' ****************************************'/) WRITE(I2,1070)NAME24, 1 LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,LATDR,vn,DN, 1 LOND,LONM,SLON,LONDIR,LONDN,LONMN,SLONN,LONDR,ve,DE, 1 EHT, EHTNEW, vu,DU, X, X1, vx,DX, 1 Y, Y1, vy,DY, Z, Z1, vz,DZ 1070 FORMAT(1X,A24,/ 1 1X, 'LATITUDE ',2(2X,I3,I3.2,1X,F8.5,1X,A1), 1 F8.2, ' mm/yr', f8.3, ' m north'/ 1 1X, 'LONGITUDE ',2(2X,I3,I3.2,1X,F8.5,1x,A1), 1 f8.2, ' mm/yr',f8.3,' m east'/ 1 1X, 'ELLIP. HT.',2(6X,F13.3), 1 f8.2, ' mm/yr',F8.3,' m up'/ 1 1X, 'X ',2(6X,F13.3), 1 f8.2, ' mm/yr',F8.3,' m '/ 1 1X, 'Y ',2(6X,F13.3), 1 f8.2, ' mm/yr',f8.3, ' m'/ 1 1X, 'Z ',2(6X,F13.3), 1 f8.2, ' mm/yr',F8.3,' m'/) 1075 WRITE(LUOUT,1080) 1080 FORMAT(' Update more positions? (y/n) ') READ(LUIN,'(A1)',err=500,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 500 IF(ANSWER .eq. 'Y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'y') GO TO 1050 CLOSE(I2,STATUS='KEEP') RETURN *** Updating a Bluebook ELSEIF(OPT .eq. '2' .or. OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN if (nbbdim .eq. 10000) then 90 WRITE(LUOUT,91) 91 FORMAT( 1 ' Identify type of Bluebook:'/ 2 ' 1...Standard (4-digit SSN)'/ 3 ' 2...Non-standard (5-digit SSN) ') READ(LUIN,'(A1)',err=503,iostat=ios) BBTYPE if (ios /= 0) goto 503 IF(BBTYPE .NE. '1' .AND. BBTYPE .NE. '2') GO TO 90 else BBTYPE = '1' endif WRITE(LUOUT,100) 100 FORMAT(' Enter name of the Bluebook file to be updated.'/) READ(LUIN,110,err=502,iostat=ios) OLDBB if (ios /= 0) goto 502 110 FORMAT(A80) WRITE(LUOUT,120) 120 FORMAT(' Enter name for the new Bluebook file that is to '/ 1 'contain the updated information.'/) READ(LUIN,110,err=502,iostat=ios) NEWBB if (ios /= 0) goto 502 OPEN(I1,FILE = OLDBB , STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(I4, ACCESS = 'DIRECT', RECL = 40, 1 FORM = 'UNFORMATTED', STATUS = 'SCRATCH') IF(OPT .eq. '2' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN WRITE(LUOUT,122) 122 FORMAT(' *********************************************'/ 1 ' Enter the time', 1 ' to which the input positions correspond:'/) 123 CALL GETMDY(MONTH1,IDAY1,IYEAR1,DATE1,MIN1,TEST) IF(TEST) then write(luout,*) ' Do you wish to re-enter the time? (y/n)' read(luin, '(A1)',err=500,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 500 IF (ANSWER .eq. 'y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'Y') GO TO 123 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF *** Retrieve geodetic positions from old Bluebook file IF(BBTYPE .EQ. '1') THEN CALL GETPO4(IOPT, DATE1) ELSEIF(BBTYPE .EQ. '2') THEN CALL GETPO5(IOPT, DATE1) ENDIF *** Create new Bluebook file OPEN(I2,FILE = NEWBB, STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') write (i2,127) HTDP_version 127 format (' ***CAUTION: This file was processed using HTDP', & ' version ', a8, '***') write (i2,128) frame1 128 format (' ***CAUTION: Coordinates in this file are in ', & a24, '***') IF (OPT .EQ. '2' .OR. OPT .EQ. '4') THEN WRITE(I2, 129) MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2, DATE2 129 FORMAT(' ***CAUTION: Coordinates in this file have been ', * 'updated to ',I2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4, ' = (',F8.3,') ***') ENDIF c IF (OPT .EQ. '3' .OR. OPT .EQ. '4') THEN c WRITE(I2, 130) MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2, DATE2 c 130 FORMAT(' ***CAUTION: Observations in this file have been ', c * 'updated to ',I2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4, ' = (',F8.3,') ***') c ENDIF IF(BBTYPE .EQ. '1') THEN CALL UPBB4(MIN1,MIN2,OPT) ELSEIF(BBTYPE .EQ. '2') THEN CALL UPBB5(MIN1,MIN2,OPT) ENDIF CLOSE(I1, STATUS = 'KEEP') CLOSE(I2, STATUS = 'KEEP') *** Update G-file IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN 605 WRITE(LUOUT,610) 610 FORMAT(/' Is there a G-file to be updated? (y/n) ') READ(LUIN,'(A1)',err=500,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 500 IF(ANSWER .eq. 'N' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'n') THEN CONTINUE ELSEIF(ANSWER .eq. 'Y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'y')THEN WRITE(LUOUT,620) 620 FORMAT(' Enter name of input G-file to be updated. ') READ(LUIN,'(A80)',err=502,iostat=ios) OLDBB if (ios /= 0) goto 502 WRITE(LUOUT,630) 630 FORMAT(' Enter name for the updated output G-file. ') READ(LUIN,'(A80)',err=502,iostat=ios) NEWBB if (ios /= 0) goto 502 OPEN(I1,FILE=OLDBB,STATUS='OLD') OPEN(I2,FILE=NEWBB,STATUS='UNKNOWN') WRITE(I2,130) MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2, DATE2 130 FORMAT(' ***CAUTION: Observations in this file have been ', * 'updated to ',I2,'-',I2.2,'-',I4, ' = (',F8.3,') ***') 634 WRITE(LUOUT, 632) 632 FORMAT(/' ***************************'/ * ' Specify the reference frame for the updated' * ' G-file vectors:'// * ' -1...Do not transform GPS vectors.') CALL MENU1(kopt, frame2) IF(KOPT .LT. -1 .OR. KOPT .GT. numref) THEN WRITE(LUOUT, 40) GO TO 634 ELSEIF (1 .LE. KOPT .AND. KOPT .LE. numref) then write( I2, 640) frame2 640 format( ' ***CAUTION: All GPS interstation vectors', 1 ' have been transformed to ', a24, ' ***') write( I2, 641) HTDP_version 641 format(' ***CAUTION: Observations were transformed using' 1 ,' HTDP version ', a8, ' ***') ENDIF IF(BBTYPE .EQ. '1') THEN CALL UPGFI4(DATE2, MIN2, IOPT, KOPT, * MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2) ELSEIF(BBTYPE .EQ. '2') THEN CALL UPGFI5(DATE2, MIN2, IOPT, KOPT, * MONTH2, IDAY2, IYEAR2) ENDIF CLOSE(I1, STATUS = 'KEEP') CLOSE(I2, STATUS = 'KEEP') ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,700) GO TO 605 ENDIF ENDIF CLOSE(I4, STATUS = 'DELETE') RETURN ELSEIF (OPT .eq. '5') then write (luout, 710) 710 format(' Enter name of input file ') read( luin, 711,err=502,iostat=ios) NAMEIF if (ios /= 0) goto 502 711 format( a30 ) open(I1, FILE=NAMEIF, STATUS = 'OLD') write(luout, 1020) 720 call GETMDY(MONTH1,IDAY1,IYEAR1,DATE1,MIN1,TEST) if(TEST) then write(luout,*) ' Do you wish to re-enter the time? (y/n)' read(luin, '(A1)',err=500,iostat=ios) ANSWER if (ios /= 0) goto 500 if(ANSWER .eq. 'Y' .or. ANSWER .eq. 'y') GO TO 720 RETURN endif write(luout, 1030) read(luin, '(A80)',err=502,iostat=ios)NEWBB if (ios /= 0) goto 502 open(I2, FILE=NEWBB, STATUS='UNKNOWN') CALL HEADER write(I2, 1031) frame1 write(I2, 1040) MONTH1,IDAY1,IYEAR1, 1 MONTH2,IDAY2,IYEAR2,DATE1,DATE2 730 read(I1,*,END = 750,err=504,iostat=ios) XLAT, XLON, EHT, NAME24 if (ios /= 0) goto 504 YLAT = (XLAT*3600.d0) / rhosec Ylon = (XLON*3600.d0) / rhosec ELON = -YLON call TODMSS(ylat,latd,latm,slat,ISIGN) if (ISIGN .eq. 1) then latdir = 'N' else latdir = 'S' endif call TODMSS (ylon,lond,lonm,slon,isign) if (isign .eq. 1) then londir = 'W' else londir = 'E' endif call PREDV(ylat,ylon,eht,date1,iopt,jregn,vn,ve,vu) if(jregn .eq. 0) then write(I2, 735) name24, latd,latm,slat,latdir, 1 lond,lonm,slon,londir 735 format(1x,a24,/ 1 1x, 'LATITUDE ', 2x,i3,i3.2,1x,f8.5,1x,a1,3x, 1 'POINT LOCATED OUTSIDE OF MODELED REGION'/ 1 1x, 'LONGITUDE ', 1x,i3,i3.2,1x,f8.5,1x,a1 /) else call TOVXYZ(ylat,elon,vn,ve,vu,vx,vy,vz) call NEWCOR(ylat,ylon,eht,min1,min2,ylatt,ylont,ehtnew, 1 dn,de,du,vn,ve,vu) call TODMSS(YLATT,latdn,latmn,slatn,isign) latdr = 'N' if (isign .eq. -1) latdr = 'S' call TODMSS(ylont,londn,lonmn,slonn,isign) londr = 'W' if (isign .eq. -1) londr = 'E' call TOXYZ(ylat,elon,eht,x,y,z) elont = -ylont call TOXYZ(ylatt,elont,ehtnew,x1,y1,z1) dx = x1 - x dy = y1 - y dz = z1 - z write(I2, 1070) NAME24, latd,latm,slat,latdir, 1 latdn,latmn,slatn,latdr,vn,dn, 1 lond,lonm,slon,londir,londn,lonmn,slonn,londr,ve,de, 1 eht,ehtnew,vu,du, x, x1,vx,dx, 1 y, y1,vy,dy, z, z1, vz,dz endif go to 730 750 close(I1, STATUS='KEEP') close(I2, status = 'KEEP') return ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,700) 700 FORMAT(' Improper entry !'/) GO TO 999 ENDIF 500 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read answer in UPDATE:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 501 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read OPTION in UPDATE:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 502 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read file name in UPDATE:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 503 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read BBTYPE in UPDATE:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 504 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read input in UPDATE:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE GETPO4(IOPT, DATE) *** Retrieve geodetic coordinates from the Bluebook IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (nbbdim = 10000) CHARACTER JN*1,JW*1 CHARACTER TYPE*4 CHARACTER CARD*80 CHARACTER PIDs*6 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /ARRAYS/ HT(nbbdim),LOC(nbbdim),PIDs(nbbdim) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 DO 100 I = 1, 10000 LOC(I) = 0 HT(I) = 0.D0 100 CONTINUE JREC = 0 125 READ(I1,130,END=160,err=200,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 200 130 FORMAT(A80) TYPE = CARD(7:10) IF(TYPE .EQ. '*80*') THEN JREC = JREC + 1 READ(CARD,140,err=201,iostat=ios) ISN,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN,LOND, & LONM,SLON,JW,OH if (ios /= 0) goto 201 140 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T45,2I2,F7.5,A1,I3,I2,F7.5,A1,F6.2) LOC(ISN) = JREC C HT(ISN) = HT(ISN) + OH IF ( HT(ISN) .EQ. 0.D0 ) HT(ISN) = OH c write (*,*) SLAT,SLON,HT(ISN) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YLAT = (DBLE((LATD*60+LATM)*60)+SLAT)/RHOSEC YLON = (DBLE((LOND*60+LONM)*60)+SLON)/RHOSEC IF(JN .EQ. 'S') YLAT = -YLAT IF(JW .EQ. 'E') YLON = -YLON c write (*,*) ylat,ylon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call PREDV( ylat, ylon, ht(isn), date, iopt, 1 IDG, vn, ve, vu) c write (*,*) 'IDG ',IDG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF(IDG .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,150) CARD 150 FORMAT(' **WARNING** The following point is outside of ', 1 'the modeled region.'/ 2 ' It will be assumed that this point has not moved.'/A80/) ENDIF WRITE(I4, REC = JREC) YLAT, YLON, VN, VE, VU C ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. '*84*') THEN C READ(CARD,155) ISN,GH C 155 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T70,F6.2) C HT(ISN) = HT(ISN) + GH ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. '*86*') THEN IF(CARD(46:52) .ne. ' ') THEN READ(CARD,156,err=202,iostat=ios) ISN, EHT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 156 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T46,F7.3) HT(ISN) = EHT ELSE READ(CARD,157,err=202,iostat=ios) ISN, OHT, GHT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 157 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T17,F7.3,T36,F7.3) HT(ISN) = OHT + GHT ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 125 160 REWIND I1 RETURN 200 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed 1st reading in GETPO4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 201 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed reading *80* record in GETPO4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 202 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed reading *86* record in GETPO4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GETPO5(IOPT, DATE) *** Retrieve geodetic position from Bluebook with 5-digit SSN IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (nbbdim = 10000) CHARACTER JN*1,JW*1 CHARACTER TYPE*3 CHARACTER CARD*80 CHARACTER PIDs*6 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /ARRAYS/ HT(nbbdim),LOC(nbbdim),PIDs(nbbdim) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 DO 100 I = 1, 10000 LOC(I) = 0 HT(I) = 0.D0 100 CONTINUE JREC = 0 125 READ(I1,130,END=160,err=200,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 200 130 FORMAT(A80) TYPE = CARD(7:9) IF(TYPE .EQ. '*80') THEN JREC = JREC + 1 READ(CARD,140,err=201,iostat=ios) ISN,LATD,LATM,SLAT,JN,LOND, & LONM,SLON,JW,OH if (ios /= 0) goto 200 140 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T45,2I2,F7.5,A1,I3,I2,F7.5,A1,F6.2) LOC(ISN) = JREC C HT(ISN) = HT(ISN) + OH IF ( HT(ISN) .EQ. 0.D0 ) HT(ISN) = OH YLAT = (DBLE((LATD*60+LATM)*60)+SLAT)/RHOSEC YLON = (DBLE((LOND*60+LONM)*60)+SLON)/RHOSEC IF(JN .EQ. 'S') YLAT = -YLAT IF(JW .EQ. 'E') YLON = -YLON call PREDV( ylat, ylon, ht(isn), date, iopt, 1 idg, vn, ve, vu) IF(IDG .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,150) CARD 150 FORMAT(' **WARNING** The following point is outside of ', 1 'the modeled region.'/ 2 ' It will be assumed that this point has not moved.'/A80/) ENDIF WRITE(I4, REC = JREC) YLAT, YLON, VN, VE, VU C ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. '*84') THEN C READ(CARD,155) ISN,GH C 155 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T70,F6.2) C HT(ISN) = HT(ISN) + GH ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. '*86') THEN IF(CARD(46:52) .ne. ' ') THEN READ(CARD,156,err=202,iostat=ios) ISN, EHT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 156 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T46,F7.3) HT(ISN) = EHT ELSE READ(CARD,157,err=202,iostat=ios) ISN, OHT, GHT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 157 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T17,F7.3,T36,F7.3) HT(ISN) = OHT + GHT ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 125 160 REWIND I1 RETURN 200 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed 1st reading in GETPO4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 201 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed reading *80* record in GETPO4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 202 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed reading *86* record in GETPO4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE UPBB4(MIN1,MIN2,OPT) *** Update Bluebook IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (nbbdim = 10000) CHARACTER CARD*80 CHARACTER DATE*6 CHARACTER TYPE*4 CHARACTER OPT*1,JN*1,JW*1 CHARACTER LATDIR*1, LONDIR*1 CHARACTER PIDs*6 LOGICAL TEST, TEST1 COMMON /ARRAYS/ HT(nbbdim),LOC(nbbdim) ,PIDs(nbbdim) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC C*** To update classical observations an *12* record C*** is needed to identify the correct century, as C*** classical observation records contain only a 2-digit year IREC12 = 0 170 READ(I1,175,END=600,err=700,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 700 175 FORMAT(A80) TYPE = CARD(7:10) IF(TYPE .EQ. '*A1*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*AA*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*10*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*11*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*13*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*21*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*25*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*26*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*27*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*28*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*29*' ) THEN CONTINUE ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*31*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*40*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*41*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*42*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*45*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*46*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*47*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*70*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*81*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*82*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*83*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*84*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*85*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*86*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*90*') THEN CONTINUE ELSEIF (TYPE .EQ. '*12*') THEN IF( CARD(11:14) .EQ. ' ' .OR. 1 CARD(17:20) .EQ. ' ') THEN WRITE ( LUOUT, 176 ) 176 FORMAT( ' ERROR: The *12* record does not contain'/ 1 ' appropriate dates.') ELSE READ ( CARD, 177,err=701,iostat=ios) IYEAR1, IYEAR2 if (ios /= 0) goto 701 177 FORMAT ( 10X, I4, 2X, I4) IF ( (IYEAR2 - IYEAR1) .LT. 0 .OR. 1 (IYEAR2 - IYEAR1) .GT. 99 ) THEN WRITE (LUOUT, 178) 178 FORMAT(' ERROR: The dates in the *12* record are in'/ 1 ' error. Either they span more than 99 years or '/ 1 ' the end date preceedes the start date.'/ 1 ' If they span more than 99 years, then the Bluebook'/ 1 ' will need to divided into two or more Bluebooks'/ 1 ' with the observations in each spanning no more'/ 1 ' than 99 years.') ELSE IREC12 = 1 ENDIF ENDIF *** Regular distance ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*50*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*51*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*52*') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4')THEN READ(CARD,180,err=702,iostat=ios) ISN,DATE,JSN,OBS if (ios /= 0) goto 702 180 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T35,A6,T46,I4,T64,F9.4) CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,CARD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL TRFDAT(CARD,DATE,IREC12,IYEAR1,IYEAR2,MINO) CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) IOBS = IDNINT((OBS+DS)*10000.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:72),190) IOBS 190 FORMAT(I9) ENDIF ENDIF *** Azimuth ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*60*' .OR. TYPE .EQ. '*61*') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,200,err=703,iostat=ios)ISN,DATE,JSN,IDEG,MIN,SEC if (ios /= 0) goto 703 200 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T40,A6,T51,I4,T64,I3,I2,F3.1) CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,CARD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL TRFDAT(CARD,DATE,IREC12, IYEAR1, IYEAR2, MINO) CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) OBS = (DBLE((IDEG*60+MIN)*60)+SEC)/RHOSEC OBS = OBS + DA IF(OBS .GE. TWOPI) THEN OBS = OBS - TWOPI ELSEIF(OBS .LT. 0.D0) THEN OBS = OBS + TWOPI ENDIF CALL TODMSS(OBS,IDEG,MIN,SEC,ISIGN) ISEC = IDNINT(SEC*10.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:71),210) IDEG,MIN,ISEC 210 FORMAT(I3,I2.2,I3.3) ENDIF ENDIF *** Direction observation ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*20*') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,220,err=704,iostat=ios) ISN0,LIST0,DATE,JSN if (ios /= 0) goto 704 220 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,I2,T40,A6,T51,I4) CALL CHECK(ISN0,JSN,CARD,TEST) CALL TRFDAT(CARD,DATE,IREC12, IYEAR1, IYEAR2, MINO) IF(TEST) THEN CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN0),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA0) ELSE DA0 = 0.D0 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*22*') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,230,err=705,iostat=ios) ISN,LIST,JSN,IDEG,MIN,SEC if (ios /= 0) goto 705 230 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,I2,T51,I4,T64,I3,I2,F4.2) IF(LIST.NE.LIST0 .OR. ISN.NE.ISN0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,240) CARD 240 FORMAT(' Bluebook file has incorrect structure.'/ 1 ' A *22* record disagrees with its corresponding'/ 2 ' *20* record. The record reads:'/A80) STOP ENDIF CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,CARD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) OBS=(DBLE((IDEG*60+MIN)*60)+SEC)/RHOSEC OBS = OBS + DA - DA0 IF(OBS .GT. TWOPI) THEN OBS = OBS - TWOPI ELSEIF(OBS .LT. 0.D0) THEN OBS = OBS + TWOPI ENDIF CALL TODMSS(OBS,IDEG,MIN,SEC,ISIGN) ISEC = IDNINT(SEC*100.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:72),250) IDEG,MIN,ISEC 250 FORMAT(I3.3,I2.2,I4.4) ENDIF ENDIF *** Long distance ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*53*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*54*') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,260,err=706,iostat=ios) ISN,DATE,JSN,OBS if (ios /= 0) goto 706 260 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T35,A6,T46,I4,T64,F10.3) CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,CARD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL TRFDAT(CARD,DATE,IREC12, IYEAR1, IYEAR2, MINO) CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) IOBS = IDNINT((OBS + DS)*1000.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:73),270) IOBS 270 FORMAT(I10) ENDIF ENDIF *** Horizontal angle ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*30*' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*32*') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,280,err=707,iostat=ios) ISN,JSN,IDEG,MIN,SEC,KSN if (ios /= 0) goto 707 280 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T51,I4,T64,I3,I2,F3.1,I4) IF(TYPE.EQ.'*30*') THEN DATE = CARD(40:45) CALL TRFDAT(CARD,DATE,IREC12, IYEAR1, IYEAR2, MINO) ENDIF CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,CARD,TEST) CALL CHECK(ISN,KSN,CARD,TEST1) IF(TEST .and. TEST1) THEN CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN), LOC(JSN), 1 MINO, MIN2, DS, DA0) CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN), LOC(KSN), 1 MINO, MIN2, DS, DA) OBS=(DBLE((IDEG*60+MIN)*60)+SEC)/RHOSEC OBS = OBS + DA - DA0 IF(OBS .GE. TWOPI) THEN OBS = OBS - TWOPI ELSEIF(OBS .LT. 0.D0) THEN OBS = OBS + TWOPI ENDIF CALL TODMSS(OBS,IDEG,MIN,SEC,ISIGN) ISEC = IDNINT(SEC*10.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:71),290)IDEG,MIN,SEC 290 FORMAT(I3.3,I2.2,I3.3) ENDIF ENDIF *** position record ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*80*') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '2' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,300,err=708,iostat=ios) ISN,LATD,LATM, & SLAT,JN,LOND,LONM,SLON,JW if (ios /= 0) goto 708 300 FORMAT(BZ,10X,I4,T45,2I2,F7.5,A1,I3,I2,F7.5,A1) YLAT = (DBLE((LATD*60+LATM)*60)+SLAT)/RHOSEC YLON = (DBLE((LOND*60+LONM)*60)+SLON)/RHOSEC IF(JN .EQ. 'S') YLAT = -YLAT IF(JW .EQ. 'E') YLON = -YLON C READ(I4, REC = LOC(ISN)) RLAT, RLON, IDG READ(I4, REC = LOC(ISN),err=709,iostat=ios) RLAT, & RLON, VN, VE, VU if (ios /= 0) goto 709 call NEWCOR( ylat, ylon, ht(isn), min1, min2, 1 ylatt, ylont, ehtnew, dn, de, du, vn, ve, vu) C CALL NWCORD(YLAT,YLON,HT(ISN), C 1 RLAT,RLON,IDG,MIN1,MIN2, C 1 YLATT,YLONT,EHTNEW,DN,DE,DU,IOPT) CALL TODMSS(YLATT,LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' CALL TODMSS(YLONT,LONDN,LONMN,SLONN,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' LATS = IDNINT(SLATN*100000.D0) LONS = IDNINT(SLONN*100000.D0) WRITE(CARD(45:56),310) LATDN,LATMN,LATS,LATDIR 310 FORMAT(I2,I2.2,I7.7,A1) WRITE(CARD(57:69),320) LONDN,LONMN,LONS,LONDIR 320 FORMAT(I3,I2.2,I7.7,A1) ENDIF *** Unrecognized Bluebook record *** Associated ELSE statement with label 500 deleted in v3.3.0. ENDIF WRITE(I2,175) CARD GO TO 170 600 CONTINUE RETURN 700 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read card in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 701 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read card *12* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 702 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *50,51,52* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 703 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *60,61* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 704 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *20* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 705 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *22* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 706 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *53,54* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 707 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *30,32* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 708 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *80* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 709 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read I4 of *80* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END *************************************************************** SUBROUTINE UPBB5(MIN1,MIN2,OPT) *** Update 5-digit Bluebook IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (nbbdim = 10000) CHARACTER CARD*212 CHARACTER SUBCRD*80 C CHARACTER DATE*6 CHARACTER DATE8*8 CHARACTER TYPE*3 CHARACTER OPT*1,SIGN*1,JN*1,JW*1 CHARACTER LATDIR*1,LONDIR*1 CHARACTER PIDs*6 LOGICAL TEST COMMON /ARRAYS/ HT(nbbdim),LOC(nbbdim) ,PIDs(nbbdim) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC 170 READ(I1,175,END=600,err=700,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 700 175 FORMAT(A212) SUBCRD = CARD(1:80) TYPE = CARD(7:9) IF(TYPE .EQ. '*A1' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*AA' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*10' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*11' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*12' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*13' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*21' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*25' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*26' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*27' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*28' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*29' ) THEN CONTINUE ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*31' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*40' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*41' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*42' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*45' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*46' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*47' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*70' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*81' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*82' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*83' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*84' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*85' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*86' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*90') THEN CONTINUE *** Regular distance ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*50' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*51' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*52') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4')THEN C READ(CARD,180) ISN,DATE,JSN,OBS C 180 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T35,A6,T46,I5,T64,F9.4) READ(CARD,180,err=702,iostat=ios) ISN,JSN,OBS,DATE8 if (ios /= 0) goto 702 180 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T46,I5,T64,F9.4,T101,A8) CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,SUBCRD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL TNFDAT(DATE8,MINO) CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) IOBS = IDNINT((OBS+DS)*10000.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:72),190) IOBS 190 FORMAT(I9) WRITE(CARD(174:181),191) DS 191 FORMAT(F8.4) ENDIF ENDIF *** Azimuth ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*60' .OR. TYPE .EQ. '*61') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN C READ(CARD,200) ISN,DATE,JSN,IDEG,MIN,SEC C 200 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T40,A6,T51,I5,T64,I3,I2,F3.1) READ(CARD,200,err=703,iostat=ios) ISN,JSN,IDEG,MIN, & SEC,DATE8 if (ios /= 0) goto 703 200 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T51,I5,T64,I3,I2,F3.1,T101,A8) CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,SUBCRD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL TNFDAT(DATE8,MINO) CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) OBS = (DBLE((IDEG*60+MIN)*60)+SEC)/RHOSEC OBS = OBS + DA IF(OBS .GE. TWOPI) THEN OBS = OBS - TWOPI ELSEIF(OBS .LT. 0.D0) THEN OBS = OBS + TWOPI ENDIF CALL TODMSS(OBS,IDEG,MIN,SEC,ISIGN) ISEC = IDNINT(SEC*10.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:71),210) IDEG,MIN,ISEC 210 FORMAT(I3,I2.2,I3.3) IF(DA .GE. 0.0D0) THEN SIGN = ' ' ELSE SIGN = '-' ENDIF ANGLE = DABS(DA) CALL TODMSS(ANGLE,IDEG,MIN,SEC,ISIGN) ISEC1 = IDINT(SEC) !Convert SEC to integer (v3.3.0) ISEC2 = IDNINT((SEC - DBLE(ISEC1)) * 100.D0) WRITE(CARD(152:162),211)SIGN,IDEG,MIN,ISEC1,ISEC2 211 FORMAT(A1,I3.3,I2.2,I2.2,'.',I2.2) ENDIF ENDIF *** Direction observation ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*20') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN C READ(CARD,220) ISN0,LIST0,DATE,JSN C 220 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,I2,T40,A6,T51,I5) READ(CARD,220,err=704,iostat=ios) ISN0,LIST0,JSN,DATE8 if (ios /= 0) goto 704 220 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,I2,T51,I5,T101,A8) CALL CHECK(ISN0,JSN,SUBCRD,TEST) CALL TNFDAT(DATE8,MINO) IF(TEST) THEN CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN0),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA0) ELSE DA0 = 0.D0 ENDIF CARD(132:142) = ' 0000000.00' ENDIF ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*22') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,230,err=705,iostat=ios) ISN,LIST,JSN,IDEG, & MIN,SEC if (ios /= 0) goto 705 230 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,I2,T51,I5,T64,I3,I2,F4.2) IF(LIST.NE.LIST0 .OR. ISN.NE.ISN0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,240) CARD 240 FORMAT(' Bluebook file has incorrect structure.'/ 1 ' A *22* record disagrees with its corresponding'/ 2 ' *20* record. The record reads:'/A212) STOP ENDIF CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,SUBCRD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) ELSE DA = 0.D0 ENDIF OBS=(DBLE((IDEG*60+MIN)*60)+SEC)/RHOSEC OBS = OBS + DA - DA0 IF(OBS .GT. TWOPI) THEN OBS = OBS - TWOPI ELSEIF(OBS .LT. 0.D0) THEN OBS = OBS + TWOPI ENDIF CALL TODMSS(OBS,IDEG,MIN,SEC,ISIGN) ISEC = IDNINT(SEC*100.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:72),250) IDEG,MIN,ISEC 250 FORMAT(I3.3,I2.2,I4.4) IF((DA-DA0) .GE. 0.D0) THEN SIGN = ' ' ELSE SIGN = '-' ENDIF ANGLE = DABS(DA - DA0) CALL TODMSS(ANGLE,IDEG,MIN,SEC,ISIGN) ISEC1 = IDINT(SEC) !Convert SEC to integer (v3.3.0) ISEC2 = IDNINT((SEC-DBLE(ISEC1))*100.D0) WRITE(CARD(132:142),251) SIGN,IDEG,MIN,ISEC1,ISEC2 251 FORMAT(A1,I3.3,I2.2,I2.2,'.',I2.2) ENDIF *** Long distance ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*53' .OR. 1 TYPE .EQ. '*54') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '3' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN C READ(CARD,260) ISN,DATE,JSN,OBS C 260 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T35,A6,T46,I5,T64,F10.3) READ(CARD,260,err=706,iostat=ios) ISN,JSN,OBS,DATE8 if (ios /= 0) goto 706 260 FORMAT(BZ, 9X,I5,T46,I5,T64,F10.3,T101,A8) CALL CHECK(ISN,JSN,SUBCRD,TEST) IF(TEST) THEN CALL TNFDAT(DATE8,MINO) CALL DSDA(LOC(ISN),LOC(JSN),MINO,MIN2,DS,DA) IOBS = IDNINT((OBS + DS)*1000.D0) WRITE(CARD(64:73),270) IOBS 270 FORMAT(I10) CORR = IDNINT(DS*10000.D0) WRITE(CARD(174:181),271) CORR 271 FORMAT(F8.4) ENDIF ENDIF *** position record ELSEIF(TYPE .EQ. '*80') THEN IF(OPT .eq. '2' .or. OPT .eq. '4') THEN READ(CARD,300,err=708,iostat=ios) ISN,LATD,LATM, & SLAT,JN,LOND,LONM,SLON,JW if (ios /= 0) goto 708 300 FORMAT(BZ,9X,I5,T45,2I2,F7.5,A1,I3,I2,F7.5,A1) YLAT = (DBLE((LATD*60+LATM)*60)+SLAT)/RHOSEC YLON = (DBLE((LOND*60+LONM)*60)+SLON)/RHOSEC IF(JN .EQ. 'S') YLAT = -YLAT IF(JW .EQ. 'E') YLON = -YLON C READ(I4, REC = LOC(ISN)) RLAT, RLON, IDG C CALL NWCORD(YLAT,YLON,HT(ISN), C 1 RLAT,RLON,IDG,MIN1,MIN2, C 1 YLATT,YLONT,EHTNEW,DN,DE,DU,IOPT) READ(I4, REC = LOC(ISN),err=709,iostat=ios) RLAT, RLON, & VN, VE, VU if (ios /= 0) goto 709 call NEWCOR( ylat, ylon, ht(isn), min1, min2, 1 ylatt, ylont, ehtnew, dn, de, du, vn, ve, vu) CALL TODMSS(YLATT,LATDN,LATMN,SLATN,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' CALL TODMSS(YLONT,LONDN,LONMN,SLONN,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' LATS = IDNINT(SLATN*100000.D0) LONS = IDNINT(SLONN*100000.D0) WRITE(CARD(45:56),310) LATDN,LATMN,LATS,LATDIR 310 FORMAT(I2,I2.2,I7.7,A1) WRITE(CARD(57:69),320) LONDN,LONMN,LONS,LONDIR 320 FORMAT(I3,I2.2,I7.7,A1) ENDIF *** Unrecognized Bluebook record ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,500) TYPE 500 FORMAT(' This software does not recognize an ',A3,/ 1 ' record. The record will be copied to the new'/ 2 ' file without change.') ENDIF WRITE(I2,175) CARD GO TO 170 600 CONTINUE RETURN 700 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read card in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 702 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *50,51,52* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 703 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *60,61* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 704 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *20* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 705 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *22* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 706 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *53,54* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 708 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read *80* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 709 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read I4 of *80* in UPBB4:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END *************************************************************** SUBROUTINE CHECK(ISN,JSN,CARD,TEST) *** Check if stations have *80* records IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (nbbdim = 10000) CHARACTER CARD*80 CHARACTER PIDs*6 LOGICAL TEST COMMON /ARRAYS/ HT(nbbdim),LOC(nbbdim),PIDs(nbbdim) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 TEST = .TRUE. IF(LOC(ISN) .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,100) ISN, CARD 100 FORMAT(' No *80* record for SSN = ',I4/A80/) TEST = .FALSE. ENDIF IF(LOC(JSN) .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,100) JSN, CARD TEST = .FALSE. ENDIF RETURN END C******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE UPGFI4(DATE2, MIN2, IOPT, KOPT, MONTH, IDAY, IYEAR) *** Update G-file of Bluebook IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CHARACTER CARD*120 CHARACTER TYPE*1 CHARACTER NRF*2 CHARACTER ZT*2 CHARACTER CHAR14*14 LOGICAL TEST LOGICAL Is_inp_NAD83, Is_out_NAD83, Is_out1_NAD83 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 ZT = 'ZT' C Initialize NAD 83 input/poutput logical variables as false: Is_inp_NAD83 = .FALSE. Is_out_NAD83 = .FALSE. Is_out1_NAD83 = .FALSE. *** Obtain Bluebook reference frame identifier *** corresponding to KOPT (output frame for vectors) IF (KOPT .NE. -1) THEN CALL RFCON1(KOPT, NBBREF) WRITE(NRF,10) NBBREF 10 FORMAT(I2.2) ENDIF 90 READ(I1,100,END=200,err=300,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 300 100 FORMAT(A120) TYPE = CARD(1:1) IF(TYPE .eq. 'A') THEN IF (CARD(79:80) .EQ. ZT) THEN WRITE(LUOUT, 103) 103 FORMAT( 1 ' *****************************************************'/ 1 ' * ERROR: The input GFILE contains the letters, ZT, *'/ 1 ' * in columns 79-80 of its A-record. This indicates *'/ 1 ' * that the GPS vectors in this file have already *'/ 1 ' * been updated to a common date. This software *'/ 1 ' * will not further modify the GPS vectors. *'/ 1 ' *****************************************************'/) RETURN ENDIF WRITE(CARD(79:80),101) ZT 101 FORMAT(A2) WRITE(CARD(4:11), 102) IYEAR, MONTH, IDAY 102 FORMAT(I4, I2.2, I2.2) WRITE(CARD(12:19), 102) IYEAR, MONTH, IDAY ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. 'B') THEN READ(CARD,110,err=301,iostat=ios)IYEAR1,MONTH1,IDAY1, 1 IYEAR2,MONTH2,IDAY2,IBBREF if (ios /= 0) goto 301 110 FORMAT(1X,I4,I2,I2,4X,I4,I2,I2,30X,I2) CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR1,MONTH1,IDAY1,MJD1) MINO1 = MJD1 * 24 * 60 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR1, 1, 1, MJD0) DECYR1 = DBLE(IYEAR1) + DBLE(MJD1 - MJD0)/365.D0 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR2,MONTH2,IDAY2, MJD2) MINO2 = MJD2 * 24 * 60 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR2, 1, 1, MJD0) DECYR2 = DBLE(IYEAR2) + DBLE(MJD2 - MJD0)/365.D0 MINO = (MINO1 + MINO2) / 2 DECYR = (DECYR1 + DECYR2) / 2.D0 CALL RFCON(IBBREF, JREF) !JREF is the current frame or frame of input IF (KOPT .NE. -1) THEN CARD(52:53) = NRF ENDIF Is_inp_NAD83 = (JREF == 1) Is_out_NAD83 = (IOPT == 1) !IOPT is the frame of the positions Is_out1_NAD83 = (KOPT == 1) !KOPT is the frame of the vectors (comment corrected v3.4.0) ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. 'C') THEN READ(CARD,120,err=302,iostat=ios)ISN,JSN,DX,DY,DZ if (ios /= 0) goto 302 120 FORMAT(BZ,1X,2I4,F11.4,5X,F11.4,5X,F11.4) CALL CHECK(ISN, JSN, CARD, TEST) IF (TEST) THEN CALL DDXYZ(ISN, JSN, 1 MINO, MIN2, DDX, DDY, DDZ) *** Convert vector from JREF to IOPT frame if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call TRAVEC (DX, DY, DZ, DECYR, JREF, IOPT) else call TRAVEC_IERS (DX, DY, DZ, DECYR, JREF, IOPT) endif DX = DX + DDX DY = DY + DDY DZ = DZ + DDZ *** Convert GPS vector from IOPT to KOPT reference frame IF (KOPT .NE. -1) THEN if (Is_out_NAD83 .or. Is_out1_NAD83) then CALL TRAVEC(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, KOPT) else CALL TRAVEC_IERS(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, KOPT) endif ELSE if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then CALL TRAVEC(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, JREF) else CALL TRAVEC_IERS(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, JREF) endif ENDIF *** Rewrite GPS observational record CALL TOCHAR(DX,CHAR14) CARD(10:20) = CHAR14(3:13) CALL TOCHAR(DY,CHAR14) CARD(26:36) = CHAR14(3:13) CALL TOCHAR(DZ,CHAR14) CARD(42:52) = CHAR14(3:13) ENDIF ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. 'F') THEN READ(CARD,140,err=303,iostat=ios)ISN,JSN,DX,DY,DZ if (ios /= 0) goto 303 140 FORMAT(BZ,1X,2I4,F13.4,5X,F13.4,5X,F13.4) CALL CHECK(ISN, JSN, CARD, TEST) IF (TEST) THEN CALL DDXYZ(ISN, JSN, 1 MINO, MIN2, DDX, DDY, DDZ) if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call TRAVEC( DX, DY, DZ, DECYR, JREF, IOPT) else call TRAVEC_IERS( DX, DY, DZ, DECYR, JREF, IOPT) endif DX = DX + DDX DY = DY + DDY DZ = DZ + DDZ *** Convert GPS vector to output reference frame IF (KOPT .NE. -1) THEN if (Is_out_NAD83 .or. Is_out1_NAD83) then CALL TRAVEC(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, KOPT) else CALL TRAVEC_IERS (DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, KOPT) endif ELSE if (Is_out_NAD83 .or. Is_out1_NAD83) then CALL TRAVEC(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, JREF) else CALL TRAVEC_IERS (DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, JREF) endif ENDIF *** Rewrite GPS observational record CALL TOCHAR(DX,CHAR14) CARD(10:22) = CHAR14(1:13) CALL TOCHAR(DY,CHAR14) CARD(28:40) = CHAR14(1:13) CALL TOCHAR(DZ,CHAR14) CARD(46:58) = CHAR14(1:13) ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(I2,100) CARD GO TO 90 200 CONTINUE RETURN 300 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read gfile in UPGFIG:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 301 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read B card in UPGFIG:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 302 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read C card in UPGFIG:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 303 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read F card in UPGFIG:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE UPGFI5(DATE2, MIN2, IOPT, KOPT, * MONTH, IDAY, IYEAR) *** Update G-file of 5-digit Bluebook IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CHARACTER CARD*180 CHARACTER SUBCRD*80 CHARACTER TYPE*1 CHARACTER NRF*2 CHARACTER ZT*2 CHARACTER CHAR14*14 LOGICAL TEST COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 ZT = 'ZT' *** Obtain Bluebook reference frame identifier *** corresponding to IOPT IF (KOPT .NE. -1) THEN CALL RFCON1(KOPT, NBBREF) WRITE(NRF, 10) NBBREF 10 FORMAT(I2.2) ENDIF 90 READ(I1,100,END=200,err=300,iostat=ios) CARD if (ios /= 0) goto 300 100 FORMAT(A180) TYPE = CARD(1:1) IF (TYPE .eq. 'A') THEN IF (CARD(79:80) .EQ. ZT) THEN WRITE(LUOUT, 103) 103 FORMAT( 1 ' *****************************************************'/ 1 ' * ERROR: The input GFILE contains the letters, ZT, *'/ 1 ' * in columns 79-80 of its A-record. This indicates *'/ 1 ' * that the GPS vectors in this file have already *'/ 1 ' * been updated to a common date. This software *'/ 1 ' * will not further modify the GPS vectors. *'/ 1 ' *****************************************************'/) RETURN ENDIF WRITE(CARD(79:80), 101) ZT 101 FORMAT(A2) WRITE(CARD(4:11), 102) IYEAR, MONTH, IDAY 102 FORMAT(I4, I2.2, I2.2) WRITE(CARD(12:19), 102) IYEAR, MONTH, IDAY ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. 'B') THEN READ(CARD,110,err=301,iostat=ios)IYEAR1,MONTH1,IDAY1, 1 IYEAR2,MONTH2,IDAY2,IBBREF if (ios /= 0) goto 301 110 FORMAT(1X,I4,I2,I2,4X,I4,I2,I2,30X,I2) C CALL TOTIME(IYEAR1,MONTH1,IDAY1,MINO1) C CALL TOTIME(IYEAR1, 1, 1, MIN00) C DECYR1 = DBLE(IYEAR1) + DBLE(MINO1 - MIN00)/525600.D0 C CALL TOTIME(IYEAR2,MONTH2,IDAY2,MINO2) C CALL TOTIME(IYEAR2, 1, 1, MIN00) CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR1,MONTH1,IDAY1,MJD1) MINO1 = MJD1 * 24 * 60 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR1, 1, 1, MJD0) DECYR1 = DBLE(IYEAR1) + DBLE(MJD1 - MJD0)/365.D0 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR2, MONTH2,IDAY2, MJD2) MINO2 = MJD2 * 24 * 60 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR2, 1, 1, MJD0) DECYR2 = DBLE(IYEAR2) + DBLE(MJD2 - MJD0)/365.D0 C DECYR2 = DBLE(IYEAR2) + DBLE(MINO2 - MIN00)/525600.D0 MINO = (MINO1 + MINO2) / 2 DECYR = (DECYR1 + DECYR2) / 2.D0 CALL RFCON(IBBREF, JREF) IF (KOPT .NE. -1) THEN CARD(52:53) = NRF ENDIF ELSEIF(TYPE .eq. 'F') THEN READ(CARD,140,err=303,iostat=ios)ISN,DX,DY,DZ,JSN if (ios /= 0) goto 303 140 FORMAT(BZ,1X,I5,3X,F13.4,5X,F13.4,5X,F13.4,T81,I5) SUBCRD = CARD(1:80) CALL CHECK(ISN, JSN, SUBCRD, TEST) IF (TEST) THEN CALL DDXYZ(ISN, JSN, 1 MINO,MIN2,DDX, DDY, DDZ) call TRAVEC( DX, DY, DZ, DECYR, JREF, IOPT) DX = DX + DDX DY = DY + DDY DZ = DZ + DDZ *** Convert GPS vector to outout reference frame IF (KOPT .NE. -1) THEN CALL TRAVEC(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, KOPT) ELSE CALL TRAVEC(DX, DY, DZ, DATE2, IOPT, JREF) ENDIF *** Rewrite GPS observational record CALL TOCHAR(DX,CHAR14) CARD(10:22) = CHAR14(1:13) CALL TOCHAR(DY,CHAR14) CARD(28:40) = CHAR14(1:13) CALL TOCHAR(DZ,CHAR14) CARD(46:58) = CHAR14(1:13) ISHIFT = IDNINT(DDX * 10000.D0) WRITE(CARD(115:121),150) ISHIFT 150 FORMAT(I7) ISHIFT = IDNINT(DDY * 10000.D0) WRITE(CARD(125:131),150) ISHIFT ISHIFT = IDNINT(DDZ * 10000.D0) WRITE(CARD(135:141),150) ISHIFT ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(I2,100) CARD GO TO 90 200 CONTINUE RETURN 300 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read gfile in UPGFIG:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 301 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read B card in UPGFIG:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 303 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read F card in UPGFIG:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE TODMSS(val,id,im,s,isign) *** convert position radians to deg,min,sec *** range is [-twopi to +twopi] implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) common/CONST/A,F,E2,EP2,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC 1 if( then val=val-twopi go to 1 endif 2 if( then val=val+twopi go to 2 endif if( then isign=-1 else isign=+1 endif s=dabs(val*RHOSEC/3600.D0) id=idint(s) s=(s-id)*60.d0 im=idint(s) s=(s-im)*60.d0 *** account for rounding error is=idnint(s*1.d5) if( then s=0.d0 im=im+1 endif if( then im=0 id=id+1 endif return end ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE SETRF *** Specify arrays that may be used to convert *** a reference frame identifier in the Bluebook *** to a reference frame identifier in HTDP and back IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter ( numref = 19 ) COMMON /REFCON/ IRFCON(40), JRFCON(numref) *** From Bluebook identifier to HTDP indentifier *** WGS72 Precise c IRFCON(1) = 10 IRFCON(1) = 1 C HTDP no longer supports WGS72. Hence, if a BlueBook C file contains WGS72 coordinates, HTDP treats these C coordinates as if they were NAD 83(2011) coordinates. *** WGS84 (orig) Precise IRFCON(2) = 10 !Changed in v3.4.0 (no longer equal to NAD 83) *** WGS72 Broadcast c IRFCON(3) = 10 IRFCON(3) = 1 C HTDP no longer supports WGS72. Hence, if a BlueBook C file contains WGS72 coordinates, HTDP treats these C coordinates as if they were NAD 83(2011)coordinates. *** WGS84 (orig) Broadcast IRFCON(4) = 10 !Changed in v3.4.0 (no longer equal to NAD 83) *** ITRF89 IRFCON(5) = 3 *** PNEOS 90 or NEOS 91.25 (set equal to ITRF90) IRFCON(6) = 4 *** NEOS 90 (set equal to ITRF90) IRFCON(7) = 4 *** ITRF91 IRFCON(8) = 5 *** SIO/MIT 92.57 (set equal to ITRF91) !This ooption no longer available as of v3.4.0 IRFCON(9) = 5 *** ITRF91 IRFCON(10) = 5 *** ITRF92 IRFCON(11) = 6 *** ITRF93 IRFCON(12) = 7 *** WGS84 (G730) Precise (set equal to ITRF91) IRFCON(13) = 5 *** WGS84 (G730) Broadcast (set equal to ITRF91) IRFCON(14) = 5 *** ITRF94 IRFCON(15) = 8 *** WGS84 (G873) Precise (set equal to ITRF94) IRFCON(16) = 8 *** WGS84 (G873) Broadcast (set equal to ITRF94) IRFCON(17) = 8 *** ITRF96 IRFCON(18) = 8 *** ITRF97 IRFCON(19) = 9 *** IGS97 IRFCON(20) = 9 *** ITRF2000 IRFCON(21) = 11 *** IGS00 IRFCON(22) = 11 *** WGS84 (G1150) IRFCON(23) = 18 *** IGb00 IRFCON(24) = 11 *** ITRF2005 IRFCON(25) = 14 *** IGS05 IRFCON(26) = 14 *** IGS08 IRFCON(27) = 15 *** IGb08 IRFCON(28) = 15 *** ITRF2008 IRFCON(29) = 15 *** WGS84 (G1674) IRFCON(30) = 19 *** WGS84 (G1762) IRFCON(31) = 15 *** ITRF2014 IRFCON(32) = 16 *** IGS14 IRFCON(33) = 16 *** NAD83 (2011/2007/CORS96/FBN/HARN) IRFCON(34) = 1 *** NAD83 (PA11) IRFCON(35) = 12 *** NAD83 (MA11) IRFCON(36) = 13 *** IGb14 IRFCON(37) = 16 *** WGS84 (G2139) IRFCON(38) = 16 *** ITRF2020 IRFCON(39) = 17 *** IGS20 IRFCON(40) = 17 *** From HTDP identifier to Bluebook identifier. *** NAD 83 (2011/2007/CORS96/...) referenced to North America plate. JRFCON(1) = 34 *** ITRF88 (set equal to ITRF89) JRFCON(2) = 5 *** ITRF89 JRFCON(3) = 5 *** ITRF90 (set equal to NEOS 90) JRFCON(4) = 7 *** ITRF91 JRFCON(5) = 8 *** ITRF92 JRFCON(6) = 11 *** ITRF93 JRFCON(7) = 12 *** ITRF96 (= ITRF94) JRFCON(8) = 18 *** ITRF97 JRFCON(9) = 19 *** WGS72 JRFCON(10) = 1 *** ITRF2000 JRFCON(11) = 21 *** NAD 83 (PACP00) or NAD 83 (PA11) JRFCON(12) = 35 *** NAD 83 (MARP00) or NAD 83 (MA11) JRFCON(13) = 36 *** ITRF2005 or IGS05 JRFCON(14) = 26 *** ITRF2008 or IGS08 JRFCON(15) = 27 *** IGb08 JRFCON(15) = 28 *** ITRF2014 or IGS14 JRFCON(16) = 33 *** IGb14 JRFCON(16) = 37 *** ITRF2020 or IGS20 JRFCON(17) = 40 RETURN END *************************************************** SUBROUTINE RFCON(IBBREF, JREF) *** Convert reference frame identifier from *** system used in the Bluebook to the *** system used in HTDP IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter ( numref = 19 ) COMMON /REFCON/ IRFCON(40), JRFCON(numref) IF (1 .LE. IBBREF .AND. IBBREF .LE. 40) THEN JREF = IRFCON(IBBREF) ELSE WRITE(6, 10) IBBREF 10 FORMAT(' Improper reference frame identifier (=', 1 I4, ')' / 1 ' appearing in B-record of the G-file') STOP ENDIF RETURN END ******************************************************* SUBROUTINE RFCON1(JREF, IBBREF) *** Convert reference frame identifier from *** system used in HTDP to the system *** used in the Bluebook IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter ( numref = 19 ) COMMON /REFCON/ IRFCON(40), JRFCON(numref) IF (JREF .EQ. 0) THEN I = 1 ELSE I = JREF ENDIF IF(1. LE. I .AND. I .LE. numref) THEN IBBREF = JRFCON(I) IF ( IBBREF .eq. 0) THEN write(6,5) JREF 5 format(' ERROR: The BlueBook does not recognize '/ * 'this reference frame, HTDP ID = ',I2) stop ENDIF ELSE WRITE(6, 10) JREF 10 FORMAT(' Improper reference frame identifier (=', * I4, ')' / 'appearing in routine RFCON1') STOP ENDIF RETURN END ***************************************************************** subroutine TRAVEC(dxi, dyi, dzi, date, jopt1, jopt2) *** Transform GPS or other vector from one reference frame to another *** for the given date **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 *** (dxi, dyi, dzi) --> (input) components of input vector in meters *** --> (output) components of transformed vector in meters *** date --> (input) time (decimal years) to which the input & output *** vectors correspond *** jopt1 --> (input) specifier of reference frame for input vector *** jopt2 --> (input) specifier of reference frame for output vector implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa/ tx(numref), ty(numref), tz(numref), & dtx(numref), dty(numref), dtz(numref), & rx(numref), ry(numref), rz(numref), & drx(numref), dry(numref), drz(numref), & scale(numref), dscale(numref), refepc(numref) *** Transform input vector to ITRF94 reference frame if (jopt1 .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt1 endif dtime = date - refepc(iopt) rotnx = -(rx(iopt) + drx(iopt)*dtime) rotny = -(ry(iopt) + dry(iopt)*dtime) rotnz = -(rz(iopt) + drz(iopt)*dtime) ds = 1.d0 - (scale(iopt) + dscale(iopt)*dtime) dxt = + ds*dxi + rotnz*dyi - rotny*dzi dyt = - rotnz*dxi + ds*dyi + rotnx*dzi dzt = + rotny*dxi - rotnx*dyi + ds*dzi *** Transform ITRF94 vector to new reference frame if (jopt2 .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt2 endif dtime = date - refepc(iopt) rotnx = rx(iopt) + drx(iopt)*dtime rotny = ry(iopt) + dry(iopt)*dtime rotnz = rz(iopt) + drz(iopt)*dtime ds = 1.d0 + scale(iopt) + dscale(iopt)*dtime dxi = + ds*dxt + rotnz*dyt - rotny*dzt dyi = - rotnz*dxt + ds*dyt + rotnx*dzt dzi = + rotny*dxt - rotnx*dyt + ds*dzt return end *********************************************************** subroutine TRAVEC_IERS(dxi, dyi, dzi, date, jopt1, jopt2) *** Transform GPS or other vector from one reference frame to another *** for the given date, using the IERS 96-97 transformation parameters **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 *** (dxi, dyi, dzi) --> (input) components of input vector in meters *** --> (output) components of transformed vector in meters *** date --> (input) time (decimal years) to which the input & output *** vectors correspond *** jopt1 --> (input) specifier of reference frame for input vector *** jopt2 --> (input) specifier of reference frame for output vector implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa1/ tx1(numref), ty1(numref), tz1(numref), & dtx1(numref), dty1(numref), dtz1(numref), & rx1(numref), ry1(numref), rz1(numref), & drx1(numref), dry1(numref), drz1(numref), & scale1(numref), dscale1(numref), refepc1(numref) *** Transform input vector to ITRF94 reference frame if (jopt1 .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt1 endif dtime = date - refepc1(iopt) rotnx = -(rx1(iopt) + drx1(iopt)*dtime) rotny = -(ry1(iopt) + dry1(iopt)*dtime) rotnz = -(rz1(iopt) + drz1(iopt)*dtime) ds = 1.d0 - (scale1(iopt) + dscale1(iopt)*dtime) dxt = + ds*dxi + rotnz*dyi - rotny*dzi dyt = - rotnz*dxi + ds*dyi + rotnx*dzi dzt = + rotny*dxi - rotnx*dyi + ds*dzi *** Transform ITRF94 vector to new reference frame if (jopt2 .eq. 0) then iopt = 1 else iopt = jopt2 endif dtime = date - refepc1(iopt) rotnx = rx1(iopt) + drx1(iopt)*dtime rotny = ry1(iopt) + dry1(iopt)*dtime rotnz = rz1(iopt) + drz1(iopt)*dtime ds = 1.d0 + scale1(iopt) + dscale1(iopt)*dtime dxi = + ds*dxt + rotnz*dyt - rotny*dzt dyi = - rotnz*dxt + ds*dyt + rotnx*dzt dzi = + rotny*dxt - rotnx*dyt + ds*dzt return end *********************************************************** SUBROUTINE GETPNT(LATD,LATM,SLAT,LATDIR,LOND,LONM,SLON, 1 LONDIR, NAME, X,Y,Z,XLAT,XLON,EHT) *** Interactively obtain name and coordinates for a point. *** Output longitude will be positive west. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CHARACTER NAME*24 CHARACTER COPT*1,LATDIR*1,LONDIR*1 LOGICAL FRMXYZ COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC WRITE(LUOUT,100) 100 FORMAT(' Enter name for point (maximum 24 characters).') READ(LUIN,105,err=200,iostat=ios) NAME if (ios /= 0) goto 200 105 FORMAT(A24) 110 WRITE(LUOUT,111) 111 FORMAT(' How do you wish to specify positional coordinates:'/ 1 ' 1...geodetic latitude, longitude, ellipsoid height'/ 2 ' 2...Cartesian (X,Y,Z) coordinates. ') READ(LUIN,'(A1)',err=201,iostat=ios) COPT if (ios /= 0) goto 201 IF(COPT .EQ. '1') THEN WRITE(LUOUT,115) 115 FORMAT( 1 ' Enter latitude degrees-minutes-seconds in free format'/, 2 ' with north positive, for example 35 17 28.3 or 35,17,28.3 '/ 2 ' (for the southern hemisphere, enter a minus sign before'/ 3 ' each value, for example -35 -17 -28.3 or -35,-17,-28.3)') READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) LATD, LATM, SLAT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 *** START insertion of new code and comments for v3.3.0 to handle *** incorrect input latitude and longitude. *** *** Test whether latitude magnitude is > 90 degrees. If it is, prompt *** for re-entry. TEST = DBLE(ABS(LATD)) + DBLE(ABS(LATM))/60.D0 & + DABS(SLAT)/3600.D0 DO WHILE (DABS(TEST) .GT. 90.D0) WRITE(*,*)' Latitude magnitude (degrees) =', TEST WRITE(*,*) & ' Magnitude cannot exceed 90. Please re-enter all values.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) LATD, LATM, SLAT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 TEST = DBLE(ABS(LATD)) + DBLE(ABS(LATM))/60.D0 & + DABS(SLAT)/3600.D0 END DO *** Non-zero latitude minutes and seconds must be the same sign, and *** if latitude degrees is non-zero, minutes and seconds must be the *** same sign as latitude degrees. Otherwise prompt for re-entry. IF (LATD .EQ. 0) THEN IF (DBLE(LATM)*SLAT .LT. 0.D0) THEN WRITE(*,*)' Minutes and seconds must be the same sign.', & ' Please re-enter minutes and seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) LATM, SLAT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 ENDIF ENDIF IF (LATD .GT. 0) THEN IF ((LATM .LT. 0).OR.(SLAT .LT. 0.D0)) & WRITE(*,*)' Latitude degrees are positive.' DO WHILE (LATM .LT. 0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Minutes must also be positive. Please re-enter minutes.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) LATM if (ios /= 0) goto 202 END DO DO WHILE (SLAT .LT. 0.D0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Seconds must also be positive. Please re-enter seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) SLAT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 END DO ENDIF IF (LATD .LT. 0) THEN IF ((LATM .GT. 0).OR.(SLAT .GT. 0.D0)) & WRITE(*,*)' Latitude degrees are negative.' DO WHILE (LATM .GT. 0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Minutes must also be negative. Please re-enter minutes.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) LATM if (ios /= 0) goto 202 END DO DO WHILE (SLAT .GT. 0.D0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Seconds must also be negative. Please re-enter seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) SLAT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 END DO ENDIF *** Test whether latitude minute or second magnitudes are >= 60. *** If either is, prompt for re-entry. DO WHILE (ABS(LATM) .GE. 60) WRITE(*,*)' Minutes magnitude must be < 60.', & ' Please re-enter latitude minutes.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) LATM if (ios /= 0) goto 202 END DO DO WHILE (DABS(SLAT) .GE. 60.D0) WRITE(*,*)' Seconds magnitude must be < 60.', & ' Please re-enter latitude seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=202,iostat=ios) SLAT if (ios /= 0) goto 202 END DO WRITE(LUOUT,120) 120 FORMAT( 1 ' Enter longitude degrees-minutes-seconds in free format'/, 2 ' with west being positive. To express a longitude measured'/ 3 ' eastward, enter a minus sign before each value.') READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) LOND, LONM, SLON if (ios /= 0) goto 203 *** Test whether longitude magnitude is > 360 degrees. If it is, prompt *** for re-entry. TEST = DBLE(ABS(LOND)) + DBLE(ABS(LONM))/60.D0 & + DABS(SLON)/3600.D0 DO WHILE (DABS(TEST) .GT. 360.D0) WRITE(*,*)' Longitude magnitude (degrees) =', TEST WRITE(*,*) & ' Magnitude cannot exceed 360. Please re-enter all values.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) LOND, LONM, SLON if (ios /= 0) goto 203 TEST = DBLE(ABS(LOND)) + DBLE(ABS(LONM))/60.D0 & + DABS(SLON)/3600.D0 END DO *** Non-zero longitude minutes and seconds must be the same sign, and *** if longitude degrees is non-zero, minutes and seconds must be the *** same sign as longitude degrees. Otherwise prompt for re-entry. IF (LOND .EQ. 0) THEN IF (DBLE(LONM)*SLON .LT. 0.D0) THEN WRITE(*,*)' Minutes and seconds must be the same sign.', & ' Please re-enter minutes and seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) LONM, SLON if (ios /= 0) goto 203 ENDIF ENDIF IF (LOND .GT. 0) THEN IF ((LONM .LT. 0).OR.(SLON .LT. 0.D0)) & WRITE(*,*)' Longitude degrees are negative.' DO WHILE (LONM .LT. 0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Minutes must also be positive. Please re-enter minutes.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) LONM if (ios /= 0) goto 203 END DO DO WHILE (SLON .LT. 0.D0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Seconds must also be positive. Please re-enter seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) SLON if (ios /= 0) goto 203 END DO ENDIF IF (LOND .LT. 0) THEN IF ((LONM .GT. 0).OR.(SLON .GT. 0.D0)) & WRITE(*,*)' Longitude degrees are negative.' DO WHILE (LONM .GT. 0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Minutes must also be negative. Please re-enter minutes.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) LONM if (ios /= 0) goto 203 END DO DO WHILE (SLON .GT. 0.D0) WRITE(*,*) & ' Seconds must also be negative. Please re-enter seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) SLON if (ios /= 0) goto 203 END DO ENDIF *** Test whether longitude minute or second magnitudes are >= 60. *** If either is, prompt for re-entry. DO WHILE (ABS(LONM) .GE. 60) WRITE(*,*)' Minutes magnitude must be < 60.', & ' Please re-enter longitude minutes.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) LONM if (ios /= 0) goto 203 END DO DO WHILE (DABS(SLON) .GE. 60.D0) WRITE(*,*)' Seconds magnitude must be < 60.', & ' Please re-enter longitude seconds.' READ(LUIN,*,err=203,iostat=ios) SLON if (ios /= 0) goto 203 END DO *** END insertion of new code and comments for v3.3.0 to handle *** incorrect input latitude and longitude. WRITE(LUOUT, 125) 125 FORMAT( 1 ' Enter ellipsoid height in meters. (Note that'/, 1 ' predicted motions are independent of this height.) ') READ(LUIN,*,err=204,iostat=ios) EHT if (ios /= 0) goto 204 XLAT = (DBLE((LATD*60 + LATM)*60) + SLAT)/RHOSEC LATDIR = 'N' IF (XLAT .lt. 0.0D0) then LATD = - LATD LATM = - LATM SLAT = - SLAT LATDIR = 'S' ENDIF XLON = (DBLE((LOND*60 + LONM)*60) + SLON)/RHOSEC ELON = -XLON CALL TOXYZ(XLAT,ELON,EHT,X,Y,Z) LONDIR = 'W' IF (XLON .lt. 0.0D0) then LOND = -LOND LONM = -LONM SLON = -SLON LONDIR = 'E' ENDIF ELSEIF(COPT .EQ. '2') THEN WRITE(LUOUT,130) 130 FORMAT(' Enter X coordinate in meters. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=205,iostat=ios) X if (ios /= 0) goto 205 WRITE(LUOUT,140) 140 FORMAT(' Enter Y coordinate in meters. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=206,iostat=ios) Y if (ios /= 0) goto 206 WRITE(LUOUT,150) 150 FORMAT(' Enter Z coordinate in meters. ') READ(LUIN,*,err=207,iostat=ios) Z if (ios /= 0) goto 207 IF(.NOT.FRMXYZ(X,Y,Z,XLAT,XLON,EHT)) STOP 666 XLON = -XLON IF(XLON .LT. 0.0D0) XLON = XLON + TWOPI CALL TODMSS(XLAT,LATD,LATM,SLAT,ISIGN) LATDIR = 'N' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LATDIR = 'S' CALL TODMSS(XLON,LOND,LONM,SLON,ISIGN) LONDIR = 'W' IF (ISIGN .eq. -1) LONDIR = 'E' ELSE WRITE(LUOUT,*) ' Improper response -- try again. ' GO TO 110 ENDIF RETURN 200 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read point name: ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 201 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read Coord. form option:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 202 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read latitude:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 203 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read longitude:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 204 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read ellipsoidal height:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 205 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read the X coordinate:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 206 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read the Y coordinate:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 207 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read the Z coordinate:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ***************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GETVLY(GLAT, GLON, VX, VY, VZ, 1 VNORTH, VEAST, VUP, VOPT, IFORM) *** Interactively obtain velocity for a point IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) CHARACTER VOPT*1 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 200 CONTINUE IF (IFORM .eq. 210) then WRITE(LUOUT, 210) 210 FORMAT(' What is the velocity of this site relative to '/ 1 ' the input reference frame:'/ 1 ' 0...use velocity predicted by this software.'/ 1 ' 1...user will specify the north-east-up'/ 1 ' components of site velocity.'/ 1 ' 2...user will specify the global X-Y-Z'/ 1 ' components of site velocity.' ) else write(luout, 211) 211 FORMAT(' How do you wish to specify the velocity: '/ 1 ' 1...north-east-up components.'/ 1 ' X-Y-Z components.' ) endif READ(LUIN, '(A1)',err=300,iostat=ios) VOPT if (ios /= 0) goto 300 IF (VOPT .EQ. '0') THEN CONTINUE ELSEIF (VOPT .EQ. '1') THEN WRITE(LUOUT, 220) 220 FORMAT( ' Enter north-south component of velocity in mm/yr'/ 1 ' with north being positive and south being negative') READ(LUIN, *,err=301,iostat=ios) VNORTH if (ios /= 0) goto 301 WRITE(LUOUT, 221) 221 FORMAT( ' Enter east-west component of velocity in mm/yr'/ 1 ' with east being positive and west being negative') READ(LUIN, *,err=302,iostat=ios) VEAST if (ios /= 0) goto 302 WRITE(LUOUT, 222) 222 FORMAT( ' Enter vertical component of velocity in mm/yr'/ 1 ' with up being positive and down being negative'/ 1 ' or enter 0.0 if unknown.') READ(LUIN, *,err=303,iostat=ios) VUP if (ios /= 0) goto 303 CALL TOVXYZ( GLAT, GLON, VNORTH, VEAST, VUP, VX, VY, VZ) ELSEIF (VOPT .EQ. '2') THEN WRITE(LUOUT, *) ' Enter x-component of velocity in mm/yr.' READ(LUIN, *,err=304,iostat=ios) VX if (ios /= 0) goto 304 WRITE(LUOUT, *) ' Enter y-component of velocity in mm/yr.' READ(LUIN, *,err=305,iostat=ios) VY if (ios /= 0) goto 305 WRITE(LUOUT, *) ' Enter z-component of velocity in mm/yr.' READ(LUIN, *,err=306,iostat=ios) VZ if (ios /= 0) goto 306 CALL TOVNEU(GLAT, GLON, VX, VY, VZ, VNORTH, VEAST, VUP) ELSE WRITE(LUOUT, *) 'Improper response -- try again. ' GO TO 200 ENDIF RETURN 300 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read form of velocity:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 301 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read North velocity:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 302 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read East velocity:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 303 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read Up velocity:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 304 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read X velocity:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 305 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read Y velocity:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 306 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read Z velocity:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE COMPSN(YLATT,YLONT,HTT,YLAT,YLON,HT, 1 MIN,VN, VE, VU) *** Compute the position of a point at specified time *** Input VN, VE, and VU are in mm/yr IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NDLOC = 2740) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /TIMREF/ ITREF COMMON /QPARM/ STRIKE(NDLOC), HL(NDLOC), EQLAT(NDLOC), 1 EQLON(NDLOC), SSLIP(NDLOC), DSLIP(NDLOC), 1 DIP(NDLOC), DEPTH(NDLOC), WIDTH(NDLOC), 1 EQLATR(50),EQLONR(50),EQRAD(50), 1 ITEQK(50),NLOC(50),NFP(50),NUMEQ COMMON /FILES/ LUIN,LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 ** Compute the contribution due to constant velocity DTIME = DBLE(MIN - ITREF) / 525960.D0 CALL RADR8T(YLAT,VN,VE,VNR,VER) YLATT = YLAT + VNR*DTIME YLONT = YLON - VER*DTIME HTT = HT + ((VU * DTIME) /1000.D0) ** Compute the contribution due to earthquakes. ** It is assumed that the components of displacement, ** (DNORTH, DWEST, DUP) do not vary from one reference ** frame to another given the accuracy of dislocation ** models. DO 10 I = 1, NUMEQ IF(ITEQK(I) .GT. ITREF) THEN NTIME = 1 ELSE NTIME = 0 ENDIF IF(MIN .LT. ITEQK(I)) NTIME = NTIME - 1 IF(NTIME .NE. 0) THEN CALL RADII(EQLATR(I),RADMER,RADPAR) DDLAT = (YLAT - EQLATR(I))*RADMER DDLON = (YLON - EQLONR(I))*RADPAR DIST = DSQRT(DDLAT*DDLAT + DDLON*DDLON) IF(DIST .LE. EQRAD(I)) THEN ISTART = NLOC(I) IEND = NLOC(I) + NFP(I) - 1 DO 5 JREC = ISTART,IEND CALL DISLOC(YLAT,YLON,STRIKE(JREC),HL(JREC), & EQLAT(JREC),EQLON(JREC),SSLIP(JREC), & DSLIP(JREC),DIP(JREC),DEPTH(JREC), & WIDTH(JREC),DNORTH,DWEST,DUP) YLATT = YLATT + NTIME*DNORTH YLONT = YLONT + NTIME*DWEST HTT = HTT + NTIME*DUP 5 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF 10 CONTINUE *** Compute contribution due to postseismic deformation CALL PSDISP(YLAT, YLON, MIN, DNORTH, DEAST, DUP) CALL RADII (YLAT, RMER, RPAR) YLATT = YLATT + DNORTH/RMER YLONT = YLONT - DEAST/RPAR HTT = HTT + DUP RETURN END *************************************************************** SUBROUTINE NEWCOR(YLAT,YLON,HTOLD,MIN1,MIN2, 1 YLAT3,YLON3,HTNEW,DN,DE,DU,VN, VE, VU) *** Predict coordinates at time MIN2 given coordinates at time MIN1. *** Predict displacements from time MIN1 to time MIN2. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC HT = HTOLD CALL COMPSN(YLAT1,YLON1,HT1,YLAT,YLON,HT, 1 MIN1,VN, VE, VU) CALL COMPSN(YLAT2,YLON2,HT2,YLAT,YLON,HT, 1 MIN2, VN, VE, VU) YLAT3 = YLAT + YLAT2 - YLAT1 YLON3 = YLON + YLON2 - YLON1 HTNEW = HT + HT2 - HT1 CALL RADII(YLAT,RADMER,RADPAR) DN = RADMER * (YLAT2 - YLAT1) DE = -RADPAR * (YLON2 - YLON1) DU = HT2 - HT1 RETURN END ****************************************************************** subroutine PREDV (ylat,ylon,eht,date,iopt,jregn,vn,ve,vu) ** Predict velocity in iopt reference frame ** ylat input - north latitude (radians) ** ylon input - west longitude (radians) ** eht input - ellipsoid height (meters) ** date input - date (decimal years) ** iopt input - reference frame ** jregn output - deformation region ** vn output - northward velocity in mm/yr ** ve output - eastward velocity in mm/yr ** vu output - upward velocity in mm/yr IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) logical Is_iopt_NAD83 COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC ** Get reference latitude (RLAT) and reference longitude (RLON) C The following 2 lines were added on 07/22/2015 after Rich found this bug elon = -ylon call TOXYZ(ylat, elon, eht, x, y, z) IF(IOPT .EQ. 15) THEN !Velocity grids are in ITRF2008 RLAT = YLAT *** Added conditional statement to get rid of out-of-region error when *** YLON is negative for reference frame (v3.3.0): IF(YLON .GE. 0.D0) THEN RLON = YLON ELSE RLON = YLON + TWOPI ENDIF ELSE CALL XTO08 (X,Y,Z,RLAT,RLON,EHTNAD,DATE,IOPT) !Positions are in ITRF2008 ENDIF ** Get deformation region CALL GETREG(RLAT,RLON,JREGN) IF (JREGN .EQ. 0) THEN VN = 0.D0 VE = 0.D0 VU = 0.D0 RETURN ENDIF CALL COMVEL( RLAT, RLON, JREGN, VN, VE, VU) !Those velocities are in ITRF2008 ** Convert velocity to reference of iopt, if frame not ITRF2008 Is_iopt_NAD83 = (iopt == 1) IF (IOPT .NE. 15) THEN CALL TOVXYZ( YLAT, ELON, VN, VE, VU, VX, VY, VZ) if (Is_iopt_NAD83) then CALL VTRANF( X, Y, Z, VX, VY, VZ, 15, IOPT) else CALL VTRANF_IERS( X, Y, Z, VX, VY, VZ, 15, IOPT) endif CALL TOVNEU( YLAT, ELON, VX, VY, VZ, VN, VE, VU) ENDIF RETURN END **************************************************************** subroutine TRFVEL *** Transform velocities from one reference frame to another implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (numref = 19) character nameif*80,name24*80 character NAMEF*80 character frame1*24, frame2*24 character option*1 character vopt*1, LATDIR*1,LONDIR*1 character record*120 LOGICAL Is_inp_NAD83, Is_out_NAD83 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /CONST/ A, F, E2, EPS, AF, PI, TWOPI, RHOSEC C Initialize NAD 83 input/poutput logical variables as false: Is_inp_NAD83 = .FALSE. Is_out_NAD83 = .FALSE. write( luout, 100) 100 format( 1 ' Please enter the name of the file to contain '/ 1 ' the transformed velocities. ') read( luin, '(A80)',err=600,iostat=ios) namef if (ios /= 0) goto 600 open( i2, file = namef, status = 'unknown') CALL HEADER 105 write( luout, 110) 110 format( /'*******************************'/ 1 ' Enter the reference frame of the input velocities.') call MENU1(iopt1, frame1) if (iopt1 .lt. 1 .or. iopt1 .gt. numref) then write( luout, *) ' Improper selection -- try again.' go to 105 endif IF(iopt1 .EQ. 1) Is_inp_NAD83 = .TRUE. c Is_inp_NAD83 = (iopt1 == 1) !Comment out v3.4.0 115 write( luout, 120) 120 format( /' Enter the reference frame for the output velocities.') call MENU1(iopt2, frame2) if (iopt2 .lt. 1 .or. iopt2 .gt. numref) then write( luout, *) 'Improper selection -- try again.' go to 115 endif IF(iopt2 .EQ. 1) Is_out_NAD83 = .TRUE. c Is_out_NAD83 = (iopt2 == 1) !Comment out v3.4.0 write( i2, 125) frame1, frame2 125 format( ' TRANSFORMING VELOCITIES FROM ', A24, ' TO ', a24// 1 16X, ' INPUT VELOCITIES OUTPUT VELOCITIES'/) 130 write( luout, 140) 140 format(' ************************************************'/ 1 ' Velocities will be transformed at each specified point.'/ 1 ' Please indicate how you wish to input points.'/ 1 ' 0...No more points. Return to main menu.'/ 1 ' 1...Individual points entered interactively.'/ 1 ' 2...Transform velocities contained in file of delimited'/ 1 ' records of the form LAT,LON,VN,VE,VU,TEXT:' / 1 ' LAT = latitude in degrees (positive north)'/ 1 ' LON = longitude in degrees (positive west)'/ 1 ' VN = northward velocity in mm/yr '/ 1 ' VE = eastwars velocity in mm/yr '/ 1 ' VU = upward velocity in mm/yr '/ 1 ' TEXT = descriptive text (maximum 24 characters) '/ 1 ' Example: '/ 1 ' 40.731671553,112.212671753,3.7,3.8,-2.4,SALT AIR '/) read( luin,'(a1)',err=601,iostat=ios) option if (ios /= 0) goto 601 if (option .eq. '0') then go to 500 elseif (option .eq. '1') then call GETPNT( latd, latm, slat, LATDIR, lond, lonm, slon, 1 LONDIR, name24, x, y, z, ylat, ylon, eht) elon = - ylon call GETVLY( ylat, elon, vx, vy, vz, vn, ve, vu, vopt, 211) vx1 = vx vy1 = vy vz1 = vz if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call VTRANF( x, y, z, vx1, vy1, vz1, iopt1, iopt2) else call VTRANF_IERS( x, y, z, vx1, vy1, vz1, iopt1, iopt2) endif call TOVNEU( ylat, elon, vx1, vy1, vz1, vn1, ve1, vu1) xlat = (ylat*rhosec)/3600.d0 xlon = (ylon*rhosec)/3600.d0 call PRNTVL(vn, ve, vu, vx, vy, vz, vn1, ve1, vu1, 1 vx1, vy1, vz1, name24, 1,xlat, xlon) go to 130 elseif (option .eq. '2') then eht = 0.d0 write (luout, 200) 200 format(/' Enter name of input file: ') read(luin, '(a)',err=602,iostat=ios) nameif if (ios /= 0) goto 602 open (i1, file = nameif, status = 'old') LINE = 0 !Inititalize line number of input file. 210 read(i1,'(a)',end = 220,err=603,iostat=ios) record call interprate_velocity_record (record,xlat,xlon,vn,ve,vu, & name24) if (ios /= 0) goto 603 LINE = LINE + 1 !Increment line number of input file. *** If latitude magnitudes > 90 degrees or longitude magnitude > 360 degrees, *** write error message and terminate program (added for v3.3.0). IF ((DABS(xlat) .GT. 90).OR.(DABS(xlon) .GT. 360)) THEN WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' WRITE(*,*)'Invalid latitude or longitude in input file' WRITE(*,2101)'on line', LINE, ':' WRITE(*,2102) xlat, xlon, vn, ve, vu, name24 WRITE(*,*)'Please check your input file and try again.' WRITE(*,*)'***********************************************' 2101 FORMAT (1X, A, I8, A/) 2102 FORMAT (1X, 2F17.10, 3F8.2, 2X, A) STOP ENDIF ylat = (xlat*3600.d0) / rhosec ylon = (xlon*3600.d0) / rhosec elon = -ylon call TOXYZ (ylat, elon, eht, x, y, z) call TOVXYZ (ylat, elon, vn,ve,vu,vx,vy,vz) vx1 = vx vy1 = vy vz1 = vz if (Is_inp_NAD83 .or. Is_out_NAD83) then call VTRANF ( x, y, z, vx1, vy1, vz1, iopt1, iopt2) else call VTRANF_IERS ( x, y, z, vx1, vy1, vz1, iopt1, iopt2) endif call TOVNEU (ylat, elon, vx1, vy1, vz1, vn1, ve1, vu1) call PRNTVL (vn, ve,vu,vx,vy,vz,vn1,ve1,vu1,vx1,vy1,vz1, 1 name24, 0, xlat, xlon) go to 210 220 close (i1, status = 'keep') endif 500 continue close (i2, status = 'keep') return 600 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read file name in TRFVEL:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 601 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read option in TRFVEL:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 602 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read input file name in TRFVEL:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 603 write (*,'(/)') write(*,*)"Failed to read input file format in TRFVEL:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop end ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE VTRANF(X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ, IOPT1, IOPT2) *** Convert velocity from reference frame of IOPT1 to *** reference frame of IOPT2. **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa/ tx(numref), ty(numref), tz(numref), & dtx(numref), dty(numref), dtz(numref), & rx(numref), ry(numref), rz(numref), & drx(numref), dry(numref), drz(numref), & scale(numref), dscale(numref), refepc(numref) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 IF(IOPT1 .le. numref .and. IOPT2. le. numref & .and. IOPT1 .gt. 0 .and. IOPT2 .gt. 0 ) THEN *** Convert from mm/yr to m/yr VX = VX / 1000.d0 VY = VY / 1000.d0 VZ = VZ / 1000.d0 *** From IOPT1 to ITRF94 *** (following equations use approximations assuming *** that rotations and scale change are small) WX = -drx(iopt1) WY = -dry(iopt1) WZ = -drz(iopt1) DS = -dscale(iopt1) VX = VX - dtx(iopt1) + DS*X + WZ*Y - WY*Z VY = VY - dty(iopt1) - WZ*X +DS*Y + WX*Z VZ = VZ - dtz(iopt1) + WY*X - WX*Y + DS*Z *** From ITRF94 to IOPT2 reference frame *** (following equations use approximations assuming *** that rotations and scale change are small) WX = drx(iopt2) WY = dry(iopt2) WZ = drz(iopt2) DS = dscale(iopt2) VX = VX + dtx(iopt2) + DS*X + WZ*Y - WY*Z VY = VY + dty(iopt2) - WZ*X + DS*Y + WX*Z VZ = VZ + dtz(iopt2) + WY*X - WX*Y + DS*Z *** FROM m/yr to mm/yr VX = VX * 1000.d0 VY = VY * 1000.d0 VZ = VZ * 1000.d0 ELSE write(luout,*) ' Improper reference frame in routine vtranf' stop ENDIF c write (*,*) "Inside VTRANF ",Vx,Vy,Vz RETURN END ****************************************************** SUBROUTINE VTRANF_IERS(X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ, IOPT1, IOPT2) *** Convert velocity from reference frame of IOPT1 to *** reference frame of IOPT2. **************** C Important note: C The parameters in common block tranpa are computed using the IGS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 C The parameters in common block tranpa1 are computed using the IERS values of ITRF96==>ITRF97 IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (numref = 19) common /tranpa1/ tx1(numref), ty1(numref), tz1(numref), & dtx1(numref), dty1(numref), dtz1(numref), & rx1(numref), ry1(numref), rz1(numref), & drx1(numref), dry1(numref), drz1(numref), & scale1(numref), dscale1(numref), refepc1(numref) COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 IF(IOPT1 .le. numref .and. IOPT2. le. numref & .and. IOPT1 .gt. 0 .and. IOPT2 .gt. 0 ) THEN *** Convert from mm/yr to m/yr VX = VX /1000.d0 VY = VY / 1000.d0 VZ = VZ / 1000.d0 *** From IOPT1 to ITRF94 *** (following equations use approximations assuming *** that rotations and scale change are small) WX = -drx1(iopt1) WY = -dry1(iopt1) WZ = -drz1(iopt1) DS = -dscale1(iopt1) VX = VX - dtx1(iopt1) + DS*X + WZ*Y - WY*Z VY = VY - dty1(iopt1) - WZ*X +DS*Y + WX*Z VZ = VZ - dtz1(iopt1) + WY*X - WX*Y + DS*Z *** From ITRF94 to IOPT2 reference frame *** (following equations use approximations assuming *** that rotations and scale change are small) WX = drx1(iopt2) WY = dry1(iopt2) WZ = drz1(iopt2) DS = dscale1(iopt2) VX = VX + dtx1(iopt2) + DS*X + WZ*Y - WY*Z VY = VY + dty1(iopt2) - WZ*X + DS*Y + WX*Z VZ = VZ + dtz1(iopt2) + WY*X - WX*Y + DS*Z *** FROM m/yr to mm/yr VX = VX * 1000.d0 VY = VY * 1000.d0 VZ = VZ * 1000.d0 ELSE write(luout,*) ' Improper reference frame in routine vtranf' stop ENDIF RETURN END ****************************************************** subroutine PRNTVL(VN, VE, VU, VX, VY, VZ, VN1, VE1, VU1, 1 VX1, VY1, VZ1, NAME24, IPRINT,XLAT,XLON) *** Print transformed velocities implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer*4 (i-n) character name24*80 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 if (iprint .eq. 1) then write( luout, 100) vn1, ve1, vu1, vx1, vy1, vz1 100 format(' ************************************************'/ 1 ' New northward velocity = ', f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 ' New eastward velocity = ', f8.2, ' mm/yr'/ 1 ' New upward velocity = ', f8.2, ' mm/yr'/ 1 ' New x velocity = ', f8.2, ' mm/yr'/ 1 ' New y velocity = ', f8.2, ' mm/yr'/ 1 ' New z velocity = ', f8.2, ' mm/yr') endif write( i2, 200) name24, xlat, xlon, 1 vn, vn1, ve, ve1, vu, vu1, 1 vx, vx1, vy, vy1, vz, vz1 200 format(1x, a24 / 1 1x, 'latitude = ',F14.9,2x,'longitude = ',F14.9 / 1 5x, 'northward velocity ', f8.2, 6x, f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 5x, 'eastward velocity ', f8.2, 6x, f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 5x, 'upward velocity ', f8.2, 6x, f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 5x, 'x velocity ', f8.2, 6x, f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 5x, 'y velocity ', f8.2, 6x, f8.2, ' mm/yr' / 1 5x, 'z velocity ', f8.2, 6x, f8.2, ' mm/yr' /) return end ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE HEADER IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) character HTDP_version*8 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 COMMON /VERSION/ HTDP_version WRITE(I2, 10) HTDP_version 10 FORMAT(' HTDP OUTPUT, VERSION ',a / ) RETURN END ********************************************* SUBROUTINE GETMDY(MONTH, IDAY, IYEAR, DATE, MINS, TEST) *** Read month-day-year and convert to decimal years *** and Julian time in minutes *** MONTH output - number from 1 to 12 *** IDAY output - number from 1 to 31 *** IYEAR output - must be after 1906 *** DATE output - corresponding time in decimal years *** MINS output - corresponding julian time in minutes *** TEST output - if (true) then there is an error IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION M(12) LOGICAL TEST CHARACTER TOPT*1 COMMON /FILES/ LUIN, LUOUT, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 M(1) = 31 M(2) = 28 M(3) = 31 M(4) = 30 M(5) = 31 M(6) = 30 M(7) = 31 M(8) = 31 M(9) = 30 M(10) = 31 M(11) = 30 M(12) = 31 3 WRITE (LUOUT,1) 1 FORMAT (' How do you wish to enter the time?'/ 1 ' 1. Month-day-year in free format.'/ 1 ' For example 5 12 1979 or 5,12,1979'/ 1 ' represents May 12, 1979'/ 1 ' 2. Decimal year.'/ 1 ' For example 2010.000 represents UTC midnight'/ 1 ' at the beginning of January 1, 2010.'/) READ (LUIN,5,err=100,iostat=ios) TOPT if (ios /= 0) goto 100 5 format (A1) IF (TOPT .EQ. '1') Then write (luout,*) ' Enter month-day-year ' READ(LUIN,*,err=101,iostat=ios) MONTH,IDAY,IYEAR if (ios /= 0) goto 101 IF(IYEAR .le. 1906) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,10) 10 FORMAT(' The model is not valid for dates prior ', 1 'to 1906.'/) TEST = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF IF(MONTH .le. 0 .or. MONTH .gt. 12) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,20) 20 FORMAT(' Improper month specified.'/) TEST = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF IF(IDAY .le. 0 .or. IDAY .gt. 31) THEN WRITE(LUOUT,30) 30 FORMAT(' Improper day specified.'/) TEST = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR, MONTH, IDAY, MJD) CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR, 1, 1, MJD0) IYEAR1 = IYEAR + 1 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR1, 1, 1, MJD1) DAY = DBLE(MJD - MJD0) DENOM = DBLE(MJD1 - MJD0) DATE = DBLE(IYEAR) + (DAY / DENOM) MINS = MJD * 24 * 60 TEST = .FALSE. RETURN ELSEIF (TOPT .EQ. '2') then write(luout,*) 'Enter decimal year ' READ (LUIN, *,err=102,iostat=ios) DATE if (ios /= 0) goto 102 IF (DATE .lt. 1906.0d0) then write (luout, 10) TEST = .TRUE. RETURN ENDIF IYEAR = IDINT(DATE) !Convert DATE to integer (v3.3.0) CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR, 1, 1, MJD0) IYEAR1 = IYEAR + 1 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR1, 1, 1, MJD1) LEAP = 0 IF ((MJD1 - MJD0) .eq. 366) LEAP = 1 REMDAY = (DATE - IYEAR)* (MJD1 - MJD0) IBEGIN = 0 ITOTAL = 31 IF (REMDAY .LT. ITOTAL) then MONTH = 1 IDAY = IDINT(REMDAY) - IBEGIN + 1 !Convert REMDAY to integer (v3.3.0) CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR,MONTH,IDAY,MJD) MINS = MJD * 24 * 60 TEST = .FALSE. RETURN ENDIF IBEGIN = ITOTAL ITOTAL = ITOTAL + LEAP DO I = 2, 12 ITOTAL = ITOTAL + M(I) IF (REMDAY .LT. ITOTAL) then MONTH = I IDAY = IDINT(REMDAY) - IBEGIN + 1 !Convert REMDAY to integer (v3.3.0) TEST = .FALSE. CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR,MONTH,IDAY,MJD) MINS = MJD * 24 * 60 RETURN ENDIF IBEGIN = ITOTAL ENDDO Write(LUOUT, 60) 60 Format (' Error could not convert Decimal years to ' 1 ,'month-day-year') TEST = .TRUE. RETURN ELSE write (luout, 70) 70 format (' Improper entry') Go TO 3 ENDIF 100 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Failed to read option in GETDMY:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 101 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong MDY input in GETDMY:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop 102 write (*,'(/)') write (*,*) "Wrong decimal year in GETDMY:ios=",ios write (*,*) "ABNORMAL TERMINATION" write (*,*) "PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE AND TRY AGAIN" stop END ************************************ SUBROUTINE IYMDMJ( IYR, IMON, IDAY, MJD ) C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C C NAME: IYMDMJ C VERSION: Sep. 17, 2010 C WRITTEN BY: R. SNAY (after M. SCHENEWERK) C PURPOSE: CONVERT DATE TO MODIFIED JULIAN DATE C C INPUT PARAMETERS FROM THE ARGUEMENT LIST: C ----------------------------------------- C IDAY DAY C IMON MONTH C IYR YEAR C C OUTPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUEMENT LIST: C -------------------------------------- C MJD MODIFIED JULIAN DATE C C C LOCAL VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS: C ------------------------------ C A TEMPORARY STORAGE C B TEMPORARY STORAGE C C TEMPORARY STORAGE C D TEMPORARY STORAGE C IMOP TEMPORARY STORAGE C IYRP TEMPORARY STORAGE C C GLOBAL VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS: C ------------------------------ C C C THIS MODULE CALLED BY: GENERAL USE C C THIS MODULE CALLS: DINT C C INCLUDE FILES USED: C C COMMON BLOCKS USED: C C REFERENCES: DUFFETT-SMITH, PETER 1982, 'PRACTICAL C ASTRONOMY WITH YOUR CALCULATOR', 2ND C EDITION, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, C NEW YORK, P.9 C C COMMENTS: REQUIRES 4-DIGIT YEAR (E.G. 1992 NOT 92). C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C::LAST MODIFICATION C::8909.06, MSS, DOC STANDARD IMPLIMENTED C::9004.17, MSS, CHANGE ORDER YY MM DD C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) C INTEGER*4 A, B, C, D IYRP = IYR C C........ 0.0 EXPLICIT INITIALIZATION C IF( IMON .LT. 3 ) THEN IYRP= IYRP - 1 IMOP= IMON + 12 ELSE IMOP= IMON END IF C C........ 1.0 CALCULATION C *** Following 4 lines edited in v3.3.0 to address compiler issue with *** real to integer conversion. C A= IYRP*0.01D0 C B= 2 - A + DINT( A*0.25D0 ) C C= 365.25D0*IYRP C D= 30.6001D0*(IMOP + 1) C MJD = (B + C + D + IDAY - 679006) C C WRITE(*,*)'Old values:' C WRITE(*,*)'A, B, C, D =', A, B, C, D C WRITE(*,*)'MJD =', MJD A = IDINT(DBLE(IYRP)*0.01D0) B = 2 - A + IDINT(DBLE(A)*0.25D0) C = IDINT(365.25D0*DBLE(IYRP)) D = IDINT(30.6001D0*(DBLE(IMOP + 1))) MJD = B + C + D + IDAY - 679006 C WRITE(*,*)'New values:' C WRITE(*,*)'A, B, C, D =', A, B, C, D C WRITE(*,*)'MJD =', MJD C WRITE(*,*) RETURN END ***************************************************** SUBROUTINE PSDISP(YLAT, YLON, MIN, DNORTH, DEAST, DUP) ******** * Compute total postseismic displacement for all earthquakes * * INPUT * YLAT latitude of point in radians, positive north * YLON longitude of point in radians, positive west * MIN modified julian date of reference epoch for new coordinates * in minutes * * DNORTH Total northward postseismic displacement at point during * period from ITREF to MIN in meters * DEAST TOTAL eastward postseismic displacement * DUP Total upward postseismic displacement ******* IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) LOGICAL INSIDE parameter (NUMPSG = 1) COMMON /CONST/ A, F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC COMMON /TIMREF/ ITREF COMMON /PSGRID/ PSGLX(NUMPSG), PSGUX(NUMPSG), 1 PSGLY(NUMPSG), PSGUY(NUMPSG), 1 ICNTPX(NUMPSG), ICNTPY(NUMPSG), NBASEP(NUMPSG) COMMON /PGRID/ PS(18000) DIMENSION ITEQ(NUMPSG) DIMENSION TAU(NUMPSG) DIMENSION WEI(2,2) DIMENSION AMP(2,2,3) *** Relaxation constant (in years) for 2002 Denali earthquake TAU(1) = 5.0D0 *** Modofied Julian Date (in minutes) for the 2002 Denali earthquake IYEAR = 2002 IMO = 11 IDAY = 3 CALL IYMDMJ(IYEAR,IMO,IDAY, MJD) ITEQ(1) = MJD*60*24 DNORTH = 0.0D0 DEAST = 0.0D0 DUP = 0.0D0 DO K = 1, NUMPSG *** Check if the point is inside the grid POSX = YLON*180.d0/PI POSX = 360.d0 - POSX IF (POSX .GT. 360.D0) POSX = POSX - 360.D0 POSY = YLAT*180.D0/PI CALL GRDCHK(POSX, POSY, PSGLX(K), PSGUX(K), 1 PSGLY(K), PSGUY(K), INSIDE) IF (INSIDE ) THEN *** Get the indices for the lower left-hand corner of the grid CALL PSGWEI(POSX,POSY,K,I,J,WEI) *** Get the displacement amplitude at the four corners CALL GRDAMP(K,I,J,AMP,PS) ANORTH = WEI(1,1)*AMP(1,1,1) + WEI(1,2)*AMP(1,2,1) 1 + WEI(2,1)*AMP(2,1,1) + WEI(2,2)*AMP(2,2,1) AEAST = WEI(1,1)*AMP(1,1,2) + WEI(1,2)*AMP(1,2,2) 1 + WEI(2,1)*AMP(2,1,2) + WEI(2,2)*AMP(2,2,2) AUP = WEI(1,1)*AMP(1,1,3) + WEI(1,2)*AMP(1,2,3) 1 + WEI(2,1)*AMP(2,1,3) + WEI(2,2)*AMP(2,2,3) c write (6, 30) anorth, aeast, aup c 30 format (1x, 3f15.5) *** Convert amplitudes from mm to meters ANORTH = ANORTH / 1000.D0 AEAST = AEAST / 1000.D0 AUP = AUP / 1000.D0 IF (MIN .GT. ITEQ(K)) THEN DTIME = DBLE(MIN - ITEQ(K))/(60.D0*24.D0*365.D0) FACTOR = 1.D0 - DEXP(-DTIME/TAU(K)) DNORTH = DNORTH + ANORTH*FACTOR DEAST = DEAST + AEAST*FACTOR DUP = DUP + AUP*FACTOR ENDIF IF (ITREF .GT. ITEQ(K)) THEN DTIME = DBLE(ITREF - ITEQ(K))/(60.D0*24.D0*365.D0) FACTOR = 1.D0 - DEXP(-DTIME/TAU(K)) DNORTH = DNORTH - ANORTH*FACTOR DEAST = DEAST - AEAST*FACTOR DUP = DUP - AUP*FACTOR ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END **************************************************** SUBROUTINE GRDCHK (POSX, POSY, GRDLX, GRDUX, 1 GRDLY, GRDUY, INSIDE) C C ROUTINE CHECKS IF THE POINT HAVING COORDINATES (POSX, POSY) C IS WITHIN THE REGION SPANNED BY THE GRID C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) LOGICAL INSIDE INSIDE = .TRUE. IF (POSX .LT. GRDLX .OR. POSX .GT. GRDUX) THEN INSIDE = .FALSE. ENDIF IF (POSY .LT. GRDLY .OR. POSY .GT. GRDUY) THEN INSIDE = .FALSE. ENDIF RETURN END ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PSGWEI (POSX, POSY, K, I, J, WEI) C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C C PURPOSE: RETURNS THE INDICES OF THE LOWER-LEFT C HAND CORNER OF THE GRID CELL CONTAINING THE POINT C AND COMPUTES NORMALIZED WEIGHTS FOR C BI-LINEAR INTERPOLATION OVER A PLANE C C INPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------ C POSX LONGITUDE OF POINT IN DEGREES, POSITIVE EAST C POSY LATITUDE OF POINT IN DEGREES, POSITIVE NORTH C K ID OF EARTHQUAKE GRID C C OUTPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------- C I, J THE COORDINATES OF LOWER LEFT CORNER OF THE GRID C CONTAINING THE ABOVE POSITION C WEI A TWO BY TWO ARRAY CONTAINING THE NORMALIZED WEIGHTS C FOR THE CORNER VECTORS C C GLOBAL VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS: C ------------------------------- C NONE C C THIS MODULE CALLED BY: PSDISP C C THIS MODULE CALLS: NONE C C INCLUDE FILES USED: NONE C C COMMON BLOCKS USED: /PSGRID/, /CONST/ C C REFERENCES: SEE RICHARD SNAY C C COMMENTS: C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C MOFICATION HISTORY: C::9302.11, CRP, ORIGINAL CREATION FOR DYNAP C::9511.09, RAS, MODIFIED FOR HTDP C::9712.05, RAS, MODIFIED TO ACCOUNT FOR MULTIPLE GRIDS C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C**** COMPUTES THE WEIGHTS FOR AN ELEMENT IN A GRID IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NUMPSG = 1) DIMENSION WEI(2,2) COMMON /PSGRID/ PSGLX(NUMPSG), PSGUX(NUMPSG), 1 PSGLY(NUMPSG), PSGUY(NUMPSG), 1 ICNTPX(NUMPSG), ICNTPY(NUMPSG), NBASEP(NUMPSG) COMMON /CONST/ A,F,E2,EPS,AF,PI,TWOPI,RHOSEC C*** Obtain indices for the lower-left corner of the cell C*** containing the point STEPX = (PSGUX(K) - PSGLX(K)) / ICNTPX(K) STEPY = (PSGUY(K) - PSGLY(K)) / ICNTPY(K) I = IDINT((POSX - PSGLX(K))/STEPX) + 1 J = IDINT((POSY - PSGLY(K))/STEPY) + 1 c write(6,1001) K, I, J c1001 format(1x, 'quake = ', I5 / c 1 1x, ' i = ', I5 / c 1 1x, ' j = ', I5) C*** Compute the limits of the grid cell GRLX = PSGLX(K) + (I - 1) * STEPX GRUX = GRLX + STEPX GRLY = PSGLY(K) + (J - 1) * STEPY GRUY = GRLY + STEPY C*** Compute the normalized weights for the point DENOM = (GRUX - GRLX) * (GRUY - GRLY) WEI(1,1) = (GRUX - POSX) * (GRUY - POSY) / DENOM WEI(2,1) = (POSX - GRLX) * (GRUY - POSY) / DENOM WEI(1,2) = (GRUX - POSX) * (POSY - GRLY) / DENOM WEI(2,2) = (POSX - GRLX) * (POSY - GRLY) / DENOM RETURN END C********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE GRDAMP (K, I, J, AMP, PS) C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C C PURPOSE: RETRIEVES THE AMPLITUDES OF THE FOUR C GRID NODES OFGRID K WHERE I,J ARE THE INDICES OF C THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER C C INPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------ C C K ID OF EARTHQUAKE CORRESPONDING TO GRID C I, J THE COORDINATES OF LOWER LEFT CORNER OF THE GRID C CONTAINING THE ABOVE POSITION C PS THE ARRAY CONTAINING ALL THE GRIDDED AMPLITUDES C C OUTPUT PARAMETERS FROM ARGUMENT LIST: C ------------------------------------- C AMP A TWO BY TWO ARRAY CONTAINING THE 3D AMPLITUDES C FOR THE CORNERS OF THE GRID C C GLOBAL VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS: C ------------------------------- C NONE C C THIS MODULE CALLED BY: PSDISP C C THIS MODULE CALLS: NONE C C INCLUDE FILES USED: NONE C C COMMON BLOCKS USED: NONE C C REFERENCES: SEE RICHARD SNAY C C COMMENTS: C C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** C MOFICATION HISTORY: C::2011.08.17, RAS, ORIGINAL CREATION FOR TRANS4D C********1*********2*********3*********4*********5*********6*********7** IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION AMP(2,2,3), PS(*) DO 30 II = 0,1 DO 20 IJ = 0,1 DO 10 IVEC = 1, 3 INDEX = IPSGRD(K, I + II, J + IJ, IVEC) AMP(II + 1, IJ + 1, IVEC) = PS(INDEX) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE RETURN END C*************************************************** INTEGER FUNCTION IPSGRD(IGRID, I, J, IVEC) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (NUMPSG = 1) COMMON /PSGRID/ PSGLX(NUMPSG), PSGUX(NUMPSG), 1 PSGLY(NUMPSG), PSGUY(NUMPSG), 1 ICNTPX(NUMPSG), ICNTPY(NUMPSG), NBASEP(NUMPSG) IPSGRD = NBASEP(IGRID) + 1 3 * ((J - 1) * (ICNTPX(IGRID) + 1) + (I - 1)) + IVEC RETURN END C--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine extract_name (name,i) C In f90, use trim(name) to truncate all spaces after the name. C But "trim" were not available in f77. implicit none integer*4 i character name*80,scratch*80 do i=80,1,-1 if (name(i:i) /= ' ') exit enddo scratch = name(1:i) name = scratch return end C----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine interprate_XYZ_record (record,x,y,z,name) implicit none integer*4 i,length real*8 x,y,z character name*80,record*120,record1*120,chars*120 character xxxx*80,yyyy*80,zzzz*80 record1 = trim(adjustl(record)) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == ' ') then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get x or phi xxxx = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then xxxx(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (xxxx,*) x if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get y or lamda yyyy = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then yyyy(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (yyyy,*) y if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get z or h zzzz = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then zzzz(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (zzzz,*) z if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get name name = trim(record1) C Done return end C----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine interprate_XYZVxVyVz_record (record,x,y,z,Vx,Vy,Vz, & name) implicit none integer*4 i,length real*8 x,y,z,Vx,Vy,Vz character name*80,record*120,record1*120,chars*120 character xxxx*80,yyyy*80,zzzz*80 record1 = trim(adjustl(record)) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == ' ') then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get x or phi xxxx = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then xxxx(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (xxxx,*) x if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get y or lamda yyyy = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then yyyy(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (yyyy,*) y if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get z or h zzzz = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then zzzz(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (zzzz,*) z if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get Vx xxxx = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then xxxx(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (xxxx,*) Vx if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get Vy yyyy = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then yyyy(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (yyyy,*) Vy if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get z or h zzzz = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then zzzz(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (zzzz,*) Vz if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get name name = trim(record1) C Done return end C----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine interprate_latlon_record (record,x,y,name) implicit none integer*4 i,length real*8 x,y character name*24,record*120,record1*120,chars*120 character xxxx*80,yyyy*80 record1 = trim(adjustl(record)) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == ' ') then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get x or phi xxxx = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then xxxx(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (xxxx,*) x if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get y or lamda yyyy = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then yyyy(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (yyyy,*) y if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get name name = trim(record1) C Done return end C----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine interprate_velocity_record (record,x,y,vn,ve, & vu,name) implicit none integer*4 i,length real*8 x,y,vn,ve,vu character name*80,record*120,record1*120,chars*120 character xxxx*80,yyyy*80,vnnn*80,veee*80,vuuu*80 record1 = trim(adjustl(record)) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == ' ') then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get x or phi xxxx = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then xxxx(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) !adjust left then trim all trailing spaces read (xxxx,*) x if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get y or lamda yyyy = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then yyyy(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (yyyy,*) y if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get vn vnnn = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then vnnn(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (vnnn,*) vn if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get ve veee = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then veee(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (veee,*) ve if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get vu vuuu = '0' do i=1,length if (chars(i:i) == '1') then vuuu(i:i) = record1(i:i) record1(i:i) = ' ' elseif (chars(i:i) == '0') then exit endif enddo record = trim(adjustl(record1)) read (vuuu,*) vu if (record(1:1) == ',') then record(1:1) = ' ' endif record1 = adjustl(record) length = len_trim(record1) chars = ' ' do i=1,length if (record1(i:i) == ' ' .or. record1(i:i) == ',' .or. & record1(i:i) == " ") then chars(i:i) = '0' else chars(i:i) = '1' endif enddo C Get name name = trim(record1) C Done return end C-----------------------------------------------------------------------