#bonespurs boy
#orangemandias          (reference and reference) ... (contrast)
#orangeJesus          (widely used by Rs on Capitol Hill)
#BeelzeBubba          (infernal lord of the rednecks)
short-fingered vulgarian
orange Norma Desmond
El Caudillo de Mar-a-Loco
El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lardo
El Caudillo de MAGA-Lardo
#orangeDotard or orange #dotard
#orangeTrash             (like white trash, only orange)
Дональд Фредович Трамп  (Donald #Fredovich Trump)
Дональд Сукич Трамп     (Donald #Sukich Trump)
Дональд Лгунович Трамп  (Donald #Lgunovich Trump)
#муда́к or #mudak
Sure #Liesalot

Secret Service codename:  Cool Arrow

Other persons:

Блядьи́мир Путаин     (Bljadimir Putain)
#Bljadimir #Pootang

Mohammed #Bone_Saw

Melania Antoinette
his spawn: Uday, Qusay, and Ivita
aka the #TraitorTots
aka Fredo, Fredo, and Fredonka
Jar-Jar (the son-in-law: baby-talk version of his name;
  also a despised, worthless Star Wars character)
Kimberley Gargoyle

Darth Cheney
  aka Dick "The Dick" Cheney
  aka 2nd worst president in history
Rudy #ShirtTucker Giuliani
  aka Rudy Ghouliani
  aka Rudy Colludy
  aka Roodles the Clown
  aka Rudesy Ghouliani
Sidney Kraken-up Powell
Michael Flynn-Flam
Amy Handmaid Barrett
Oily Taint
Mark Burnawitch         (Arizona attorney general)
#EasyMark Meadows
  aka Easy Mark Meadows
Patsy Baloney           (White House counsel)
Mike #Ponce
#Bubbles                 (his childhood nickname)
Mickey Pestilence or Pe̸s̸t̸i̸l̸ence abbreviated P'ence.
  aka Mike Dence
  aka the Stepford Veep
  aka the Albino Weasel
  aka the former Vice Poodle

Russian Swamp Turtle

#PartyPooper Cinema
  aka Kyrsten Cinema (I-AZ)
#Moscow_Mitch #McTurtle (R-KY)
  aka #Glitch McConnell
Skeletor Scott (R-FL)
#Shady Vance / #Shady Vonce
#JD_Vantz aka #JD_Vonce [Yiddish: וואַנץ = bedbug]
#Cracker_Graham (R-SC)
  aka #Crakkker_Graham
  aka #Lapdog_Lindsey Graham
#Booby_Hatch (ex R-UT)
#Hee_Hawley (R-MO)
  aka Gosh Hawley
RonAnon Johnson (R-WI)
Felito Cruz (R-Texass) [childhood nickname]
  Cancún Cruz
Qevin McQarthy
  aka Craven McQarthy
  aka Cave-In McQarthy
Paul Gosar the #Gosarian (Q, AZ 4th)
BoebertELee    (Q, CO 3rd)
  aka Lauren Boo-Boo
  aka Lauren Bobo
  aka Lauren Gropert
Sarah Huckabooboo Sanders
George Sick-Puppy Santos
Alan Derpowitz
Maggoty Traitor Greene  (Q, GA 14th)
  aka Meandacity Traitor Greene
  aka Perjury Traitor Queen
  aka Moscow Marjorie
Goober Gohmert (Q; ex Texass 1st)
  aka Screwy Louie, who hath gohmert quite a lot recently.
Devin #Cowpoke Nunes (ex CA 22nd)
Jeff "KKKeebler Elf" Sessions
Mike Pimpeo
Allen "The Weasel" Weisselberg
  aka Allen Weaselberg

Billy the Hutt

Sugar-Daddy Gaetz aka Congressman #Nymphetbangin #Mollygobbler aka Butt-Head Gaetz Gym Jordan aka Jacket-off Jordan aka Beavis Jordan Billy the Hutt Barr *ucker Carlson

Cruella DeVos

Cruella DeVos and her brother Erik Prince of Darkness Roger "Rattenficker" Stone Roger "Ratfucker" Stone aka Roger "wannabe Penguin" Stone Fascist Barbie (Ann Coulter) Caribou Barbie aka Sarah Barracuda and more

Il Douchey

Il Douchey (previous governor of Arizona) Ron DuhSantis (governor of Floriduh) aka Ron DeSastre aka Ron DeathSantis aka Ron DeSatan aka Rhonda Satan aka Rhonda ScammedUs aka Rhonda SpankUs aka Diet Trump Sideshow Bobby (RFKjr) Steve "Beetlejuice" Bannon Stephen "Rasputin" Miller Cruella Conway aka Nails aka Kellyanne Conartist Beavis Gaetz Zucky / Mark Zuckerborg #DeepStateThroat (author of an editorial and a book) Qnon the Barbarian / Qbacca (attacked the capitol) Lone Smuk / Lone Skum / Edolph / Phony Stark / Elongated Muskrat Xitter / Шitter / Шиттер / Твиттер Band names: Dunning-Kruger Overdrive The Mothers of Dissension The Pillage People #Toadstool and the Toadies #Nincompotus and his Nincompoops Fool & the Gang The Four Treasons #Spanky and His Gang Psycho Infant and the Sycophants The Boors Rage Against the Voting Machines Flat Earth, Wind, and Fire The Self-Righteous Brothers Electric Gaslight Orchestra Pretenders Outlaws The Sorrymen Other Groups: US Secret Circus The #Kochtopus The #KochFiends The #bananaRepublican party The #RapeWhoYouCan party The #Russiapublican party The #teapublican party The #teavangelical sect The #talibangelical sect The #Qpublican party The #Qvangelical sect The #Evilgelocos The #hypocristian aka #hypochristian sect Selfservatives / Scamservatives / Griftservatives Conjobservatives / Connedservatives Connardservatives / Connasservatives Fanatic Ultra-Connardservative Kakistocrats Qonservatives / Qservatives Qanoncompoops Low-iQAnon Y'all-Qaeda Vanilla ISIS Oaf Creepers Gravy Seals / Meal Team Six National Preyer Breakfast (halfway between "prayer" and "predator") MAGAratchiks Reich-Wing Nut-Jobs Reichstag Fyre Festival Kook Koup Klan Koup Klutz Klowns Koup Kucks Klown show Qoup Qucks Qlan Kook Koup Q Cucks Klan Q Qucks Qaucus aka Klanned Karenhood aka Ku Klux Karens aka Brownskirts aka Twatzis aka Minivan Taliban aka Mary KayKayKay aka Hoes for Hitler aka National Socialites aka Assholes with Casseroles Faux News Pox Nooz aka Pox Network (since not news) Commontraitors on the Pox Network. Common taters. Newsweak Magazine Faceborg or Facebork or Facebroke Home Despot United Partial Service GOP = Gross Old Perverts HopeAnon will help with your hopium addiction. Initialisms:
Book titles: Profiles in Poltroonery Dumpster Fire of the Vanities Unamerican Psycho How to Lose Friends and Antagonize People The Seven Pillars of Foolishness Let Us Now Appraise Infamous Men Plagues: Black Plague of Justinian Scarlet Fever Yellow Fever Orange Death ☚ you are here A better name than COVID-19. #OrangeDeath Eponymous and color-coded. How convenient. Places: Texass = Howdy Arabia = Baja Oklahoma Gomorrah on the Potomac ----------------------------- Link: https://av8n.com/politics/nicknames.html See also: http://fark.wikia.com/wiki/Nicknames_for_Donald_Trump