Tides. Why
are the typical tides twice a day? Why are some tides once a day?
Making hands-on models and/or mathematical models of the
tide-producing potential.
The real laws of thermodynamics.
First law defined as conservation of energy. Second
law defined as paraconservation of entropy. Entropy defined in terms
of statistics.
Can You Feel Gravity?
What you feel is not explainable just by the gravity at your own
location; what you feel is due to the difference between gravity at
your location and gravity in distant parts of the world.
A Simple Home-Made
Accelerometer that can be made in about 20 minutes with ordinary
materials: a lead weight, two rubber bands, a dowel rod, and some
bailing wire.
An introduction to
rapidities and boosts,
and some insights on the structure of spacetime.
A introduction to vectors,
including the two meanings of
the word "vector": either (1) a purely numerical object, i.e. just
a list of numerical elements; or (2) a physical object, with geometric
properties unto itself, independent of the choice of reference frame,
and therefore not having -- nor needing -- any unique decomposition
into elements. (This is related to the
matrix elements of tensors, but if that doesn't mean anything to
you, don't worry about it.)
A discussion of linear
least-squares fitting, using a spreadsheet or otherwise, including
the case of multiple fitted parameters, and including the case where
the basis functions are nonlinear (even though the fitted function
remains a linear combination of the basis functions). Examples
include using the linest(...) spreadsheet function to fit a quadratic, or to fit a
Fourier series.
If you know about complex numbers, and a little bit about
vectors, you can use that to jump-start your understanding of Clifford
Algebra. So here is a side-by-side comparison of complex numbers and Clifford
A careful derivation (actually two derivations) of
Bernoulli's principle
Bernoulli's equation
Bernoulli's theorem. In particular,
we find that the equation directly describes the enthalpy (not energy)
of the fluid parcel. The equation applies just fine
to compressible fluids, which is good thing, because
there are no incompressible fluids.
A puzzle about the inertia of a
cube, illustrating qualitative reasoning, and illustrating the
geometrical and physical significance of a tensor, with applications
to the Wigner-Eckart theorem.
The famous Twelve Coins Puzzle
with a discussion involving Design-of-Experiment, Information Theory,
and Communication Theory.
An analysis of the famous Twenty Questions
game, including a method for winning 100% of the time.
The analysis is a good illustration of information theory.
Various ways to make
models and pictures of
atomic wavefunctions (aka atomic orbitals).
This includes an animation, i.e. a java applet that adds dots
one by one, gradually building up a picture of the probability
distribution, showing the position of an electron
within the wavefunction.
A discussion of why atomic physics says that electrons hate each
other and pair up only as a last resort (Hund's rule #1) whereas
high-school chemistry deals almost exclusively with molecules that
have all their valence electrons paired up. Why pairs -- Or not?
A discussion of thermal
wave packets including the observation that the thermal
de Broglie length does not really behave like a wavelength. It
has more to do with the envelope-size of the wave packet.
An HTML technique for adding
decorations to symbols ... decorations such as a dot
(perhaps to indicate a time derivative) or an overbar (perhaps to
indicate an average) or an arrow (to indicate a vector).
Physics Books.
Recommended as a "starter kit" for a college library.